Have a Schecter C-1 Plus from about ten years ago, absolutely love the guitar but it's had a pair of "Duncan Design" pups since I got it (cheap Asian-made equivalent of Duncans). I recently picked up guitar again after taking a break for a couple years so I decided to finally make the jump to the real Duncan hot rodded set.
I got guitar center to do it - looked into doing it myself but at the end of the day I didn't want to mess with soldering my own guitar, and surprisingly they were cheaper than any local store. Anyway I'd been reading recently that this guitar held up extremely well compared to other recent Korean made Schecters so I decided to try a few while I was in there. I paid $500 when I got it and boy it felt & looked so much better than the Schecters in the store that cost $1000, I gotta say I'm not surprised that they discontinued the C-1 Plus now after feeling the difference (if you know what I'm saying). I wanted to try that because I was debating if paying for the pups and the replacement was worth it but I definitely felt satisfied after playing the other more expensive options.
This is a pic with the duncan design pickups still on them, the real duncans are of course pure black which will suit the look of the guitar a bit better for me
Also got gifted a G&L Tribute JB-2 Bass and it seriously kicks ass. My buddy has a G&L USA Legacy and it's made me really consider picking up a used one down the road having now owned this G&L bass. Fret ends stick a LITTLE bit not enough to worry about it.