Tal Shiar Agent
I'm worried that these supply drops are going to kill this game.
Can anyone answer these questions:
- Compared to DayZ, is it aiming towards the same audience?
- Can you build persisten objects in the alpha or will it be later in live version?
- What is the general consensus?
Just had the most hilarious encounter in this game
This is hella fun
Is loot supposed to be as hard to find in the game as it seems to be right now? I search pretty much everything and I've only found a handful of things. I die more often from starvation than I do from another player killing me lol.
I'm worried that these supply drops are going to kill this game.
I'm worried that these supply drops are going to kill this game.
Im officially into h1z1. Fuck it.
How does pvp work though? Is its all of pve just with the ability to kill other players? Do the things you collect in pve transfer over to a pvp server? Or do you have to make a new character for each server you join?
How do I switch to 3rd person?
Lirik just went after someone's supply drop.
It was pretty damn hard to see in the rain. When lirik got there, the guy that called it was already there fucking with zombies. Lirik killed him and the only other guy that showed up with a bow and mowed down the zombies. The dude was salty as fuck. Lirik stayed there the whole green smoke duration as well sorting out loot.
Characters are per-server. It's essentially the same game I think except friendly fire is on globally. The game was designed around this server type, so I recommend starting there. You miss most of the social/psychological dynamic that makes these games interesting otherwise.
Press T.
It was just now. lol. He did say the ones him and shorty called went the same way.i believe this was last night i was laughing hard lol this game has potential.
Last night I saw a supply drop that was just full of zombies.
I'm worried that these supply drops are going to kill this game.
I'm worried that these supply drops are going to kill this game.
Alright, I think I'm done with this game for a while until they significantly bump the loot and decrease the hunger/thirst. It's just not fun anymore going into town after town, and searching vehicle after vehicle and finding absolutely nothing. And in between the nothing, having to eat berries non stop. There's a good game here, but there is significant balance issues that need to be sorted out.
After 2 hours this is the #1 reason why I won't be playing more of the game. Really boring going through an entire town and getting a handful of useless items.
After 2 hours this is the #1 reason why I won't be playing more of the game. Really boring going through an entire town and getting a handful of useless items.
Any way to change the controls in the settings menu? I click on them but they arent highlighted or anything. Trying to edit the change view key.
Yup, this is why I've switched to playing battle royale in the mean time. At least that's fun! So creepy seeing the poison fog bank roll in across the landscape. Lovin it.
Yup, this is why I've switched to playing battle royale in the mean time. At least that's fun! So creepy seeing the poison fog bank roll in across the landscape. Lovin it.
I completely forgot about that mode. All the Battle Royale servers are greyed out in the browser; I do have event tickets.
I just don't get how they can be this far along and have thought the current loot rate was even close to acceptable. Nor do I get why it's taking so long to fix the issue. Loot is the very core of these types of games, and there is almost none anywhere, most of the time.
I completely forgot about that mode. All the Battle Royale servers are greyed out in the browser; I do have event tickets.
Given that we're going to be in early access for quite a while what I think Sony should do right now. As in immediately is
1. Massively reduce the rate hydration and energy go down.
2. Push the loot spawn rate through the roof.
yeah, really need more loot. The base game's an open-world fisticuff simulator atm hehe
Any way to change the controls in the settings menu? I click on them but they arent highlighted or anything. Trying to edit the change view key.
And since combat is janky as hell it's not even a very satisfying one![]()
Honestly, the melee feels so much better than DayZ.
I don't have the game yet, have just been watching streams. My big worry about the game is that it's all pvp focused. I see lots of players killing eachother, there's airdrops to bring them together and get them to fight, there's even a mass deathmatch Battle Royal. I was hoping for a coop zombie game where you don't know who to trust, but this looks like a large scale deathmatch with a few zombies here and there.
This is why I've never played one of these survival games, they always look so focused on pvp that they forget to make a good zombie game.
There are pve servers too but what they need is more reason to co-operate and less reason to murder. The terrible lack of supplies isn't helping with that though
i havent had problem with finding loot when i looked for it. Its fairly easy to get set up with a bow fast even if you dont have an axe. punching crates is the way to go!
They need to let you eat the berries at least at least 5 at a time. that one by one eating 20, is to time consuming.
The food and water thing is out of control, that needs to be adjusted no doubt about it. There needs to be zombies in buildings especially office/store buildings. Im thinking they will add more zombies as they get stuff more and more stable.