It works, i had mine on but the menus and fonts were way too small, even the steam in-game browser was too small I had to change it.
You have to go into panel settings ( keep in mind if you have Nvidia surround enabled the DSR option doesnt show up) I had to tinker around and disable mine to figure that out...
In that same post they say:I hope you at least read the latest changes and have actually played the game before offering such an irrefutable opinion. All of us who have played and the vast majority complaining online has ceased since they updated it. Also people really dramatize the advantages of these gun drops in game. My crew of four went on one run into town we got 3 hunting rifles, an ar 15, 5 pistols, ammo for all of it and found parts for a working police car. Case drops are 5 dollars a piece. Crews will be geared regardless.
Watch this drop after the update. It's a 5 minute segment I believe.The last thing we want is it to be a boring item that someone can sneak around and quietly get to find gear without it being contested. In our opinion that is basically cheating and nobody should be able to do that.
I got a letter off a zombie that I guess is a key to a loot cache? I found the spot mentioned in the letter but I can't figure out what to do. The letter says to leave it in the cache, which I did, but nothing happened.
What am I missing?
I got a letter off a zombie that I guess is a key to a loot cache? I found the spot mentioned in the letter but I can't figure out what to do. The letter says to leave it in the cache, which I did, but nothing happened.
What am I missing?
I've read there is some kind of key needed to open it? no idea though just saw it on reddit
I've yet to get an item off a zombie. Do you just click E on them like anything else?
This scenario is pay2win. Say a group meet up, 4 or 5 players, craft some bows maybe for protection. Then they call in air drops one by one while the rest stand guard and protect the drop site. After afew minutes you could easily have a full squad kitted up with the best gear. I've played close to 5 hours and havent seen a firearm anywhere, but if i want i can open the menu up and call some in at any moment.
A loot bag will appear at the zombies feet as if you killed a human player.
My queue is going super slow. I just hope this isn't still a berry eating simulator when I get in. lol
DefSo is gaf gonna build a fortress on solace or what??
Spreadsheet stuff here in email tags, quote to reveal!
Spreadsheet stuff here in email tags, quote to reveal!
Bro, why?
So is gaf gonna build a fortress on solace or what??
Please do. We can have GAF town around it or something.
Is there a way to find out what server you're currently on? I've been hopping around and of course didn't pay attention, and now I have one of the best hauls I've gotten so far. Halp!
Man I am so lost right now. There are nothing but woods in all direction and I have no clue which way to go. lol
Just pick a direction and head out. You'll either run into something to do or hit the edge of the map![]()
I've done that. There is so much "nothing" in the map, it's hard to tell what direction you're even still going. I went from mountain range to mountain range and found nothing. haha
Type /loc to get your coordinates and then use the map a couple pages back to see where you are.
Type /loc to get your coordinates and then use the map a couple pages back to see where you are.
This feels so old school in a good way. I might just print out the map.
So the loot is still non-existent?
I didn't know there was a /loc command and logged out. Now I'm back in queue again.![]()
Yup I'm 6 hours into this game, either they didn't balance loot per player properly or they artificially making it scarce to force you in to air drops.
I'm yet to find a fire arm, at all... and I have search plenty.
does this support controllers yet?
Me either. Is there an online manual somewhere?
Also is text chat bugged?
Spreadsheet stuff here in email tags, quote to reveal!
it's been out for 2 days :/
either way to answer your question, No it does not support controllers
Oh man, the Police Station probably isn't worth messing with unless you have friends. A few guys were camping in the basement with shotguns...didn't end well for me.
Is there a teamspeak/mumble whatever we are actively using? About to hop on solace
lol yeah I have one up
Cmon more people got on this so we can all meet up and build some stuff![]()