South of town on a big hill.
I assume you're really looking for the cave underneath?
Thanks for the help man!
South of town on a big hill.
I assume you're really looking for the cave underneath?
This seems to have aheavy focus on basebuilding, so is there any hope for a lone wolf type player?
I am still on the fence about buying this and prefer playing survival games alone if I can.
Friends and I found a loot letter tonight, got the chest, went and found a house right by it, oh, hey, someone built a shed behind it and put traps around. Tried shooting the door, nada. "well, try your axe before we bail"...BOOM. 30 seconds of axing this guy's metal shelter? door down, inside a storage crate with SHITLOADS of guns and ammo and backpacks and everything. We started laughing about our luck as we robbed some poor sap blind, and joking about how pissed he would be when he found out...
...then all of a sudden "HEY! WHAT DO YOU ASSHOLES THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" The guy totally walked in on us stealing all of his shit. Managed to chase him off his own property with his own shotgun as he cursed us and said "YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A WHOLE ARMY COMIN FOR YOU" over and over.
Feels good to be bad man.
This seems to have aheavy focus on basebuilding, so is there any hope for a lone wolf type player?
I am still on the fence about buying this and prefer playing survival games alone if I can.
Have you looked into The Forest yet? It's early access on steam and it's mainly single player with added Multiplayer. That might be more up your alley?
Edit: Unless you like to lone wolf in multiplayer games I guess. Then H1Z1 should work for you.
3 hours, game opens and closes immediately without any error report.
Seriously they at least test it on 30 computers prior to Early Access.
3 hours, game opens and closes immediately without any error report.
Seriously they at least test it on 30 computers prior to Early Access.
I would say to jump in and try it out, there are a lot of different servers that allow a lot of different play styles.
Base building is good but not perfect and the biggest problem right now is scrap metal loot.
Unfortunately, this experience is one that will die out as people begin to group up and use team speak. I would say to players now, to enjoy the randomness of current encounters and try to make friends where you can.
Can't you use a crowbar to get scrap metal off of cars?
If you can find a crowbar and if you can keep it repaired enough by finding rare weapon repair kits... sure.
A crowbar is probably good for around 10 scrap metal before it breaks.
That is about enough to build one good thing or barricade a house.
I've played 23 hours and have found a crowbar twice.
3 hours, game opens and closes immediately without any error report.
Seriously they at least test it on 30 computers prior to Early Access.
Early Access = Alpha. This is the testing phase...
I understand this, but my game hasn't booted up AT ALL. Wtf is is the point of early access when you can't access the game. Trust me I tried so many solutions, it has to be on their end.
What are your specs?
I understand this, but my game hasn't booted up AT ALL. Wtf is is the point of early access when you can't access the game. Trust me I tried so many solutions, it has to be on their end.
Think i had a hacker on the Solace server.
Was walking in nobodys land with no one around me and believe me i checked.
Al of a sudden a guy is standing behind me and beats me to death???
It was impossible because it was open land and he could not have hidden somewhere, was pretty pissed about it.
I dont trust people in this game.
Walked by a house and a guy walks out, asking me do you got any food.
I say im friendly, and i drop some food for him.
He says its to heavy, so i tell him just open inventory and eat it from proximity.
He say thanks and i walk of.
All of a sudden i see an arrow flying by me, i turn around an walk back.
I asked why are you shooting at me i helped you.
His creepy respons, it wasnt me it was some other guy in the house.
He said, come with me in the house and kill him together....
I was like nah, and ran like hell.
This was some cabin in the woods shit right there.
delete and reinstall, may just be local to your machine.
I and many others have been able to get into a game just fine.
I have to ask... am I the only one who can't actually go into 3rd person?
John Smedley said:loot will be further addressed this patch
There are some servers that are first-person only. Might jump back out to the server selection and check the ruleset icons where you're playing.
BTW Smedley just tweeted this:
Patch is coming sometime later today.
The No Hope server (PVE) is PVE only for the icon, not keeping people to third person. The button says Mouse Button 4 and doesn't work...
I feel we can be friends in lonewolfingAye I was tempted to try that too, I played mostly solo in DayZ and enjoyed it, I enjoy the struggle of being solo in a world of other players and zombies the main problem with added basebuilding and this game is that I end up on a server full of groups with bases vs me walking around as a target haha.
Sounds like it's worth trying though.
Oh, that camera change hotkey isn't for on-foot. I don't actually know what that's for, probably vehicles (maybe not working atm).
The key for swapping personal cam between first-person and third-person is T.
CPU: Amd 2 x4 940 black
PSU: 750w Rosewill
GPU: Evga GTX 560, 2GB
Mobo: Asus m478 pro
Ram: OCZ 8gb ram
Think i had a hacker on the Solace server.
Was walking in nobodys land with no one around me and believe me i checked.
Al of a sudden a guy is standing behind me and beats me to death???
It was impossible because it was open land and he could not have hidden somewhere, was pretty pissed about it.
Think i had a hacker on the Solace server.
Was walking in nobodys land with no one around me and believe me i checked.
Al of a sudden a guy is standing behind me and beats me to death???
It was impossible because it was open land and he could not have hidden somewhere, was pretty pissed about it.
It's a hacker. He killed me too. I'm going to take a break from playing until they fix loot a bit. It's upsetting losing 3-4 hours of progress when loot is so scarce.
First character lost to a bug in Pleasant Valley.
Second character lost to a hacker.
It's a hacker. He killed me too. I'm going to take a break from playing until they fix loot a bit. It's upsetting losing 3-4 hours of progress when loot is so scarce.
First character lost to a bug in Pleasant Valley.
Second character lost to a hacker.
Strange that the game won't even boot up at all.
I have to ask, are you using 64 bit windows?
Definitely a cheater. SOE is on top of it though, they monitor the situation, and then do a mass banning. Which is what they did in PS2.
Every server has it's own character. They are not shared, it's like MMO characters. They can't even have the same name. So unless you deleted your character, you didn't lose anything.
I long for the day there is an 'eat all' option for berries.
Video of one of the devs playing. Encounters a pretty creepy dude lol:
If they did that there would be no incentive to move up the chain and start cooking and purifying.
64bit others too have the same problem. It's crazy a game can't boot up.
Adam Clegg one of the designers just tweeted this
Overheard in the office "Well that would explain why loot wasn't spawning in containers" - @Kalyper Sounds like we found the fix.
I really need help with this scrap metal problem, I can't do anything right now and I can't find scrap metal, not for hours on end now.