I'm HiddenvillageGaf.I figured he was mad because he didn't get any of the loot even though plenty of us didn't get anything out of there so he tried to get some people killed. First, he pulled me aside (not far enough away to where you couldn't hear him) and said that the random dude we encountered killed him earlier and wanted me to kill the guy for him which I said I follow the group and don't plan on starting anything. So while you guys were chasing him away, he then said that Hidden just killed a guy so we needed to kill him right away so he shot him.
I called him out and said we were all from GAF and then he got a swift arrow to the face as he asked for food...lol.
It really made no sense considering he happened to stumble across a good group, but I guess he wanted the loot for himself. If I had more than 2 rounds for my 1911, I would have executed him with style.![]()
Damn Gaf you guys need to start twitching your adventures
Damn, ok thanks. Really wanted to check this out.
I've slapped FXAA and SMAA with overriden app AA which I've set at 8x on the game via RadeonPro.
It did get rid of the jaggies with all the downgrades FXAA brings. Looks pretty nice.
Damn, ok thanks. Really wanted to check this out.
I need therapy. Was just chased down and killed by 2 guys with assault rifles because i wouldn't twerk for them
I need therapy. Was just chased down and killed by 2 guys with assault rifles because i wouldn't twerk for them
who was the wise guy who animal trap'd the police station to death in No Hope?
I twerk for no one
Are there binoculars in the game?
I'm trying to do this with nvidia and i'm not seeing h1z1 on the list. Just a bunch of sony launchers for ps2 and dcu. care to guide me?
What Smedley (SOE President) said recently about the cheating "This is a situation we are extremely on top of. When we first launch we get a good survey of what people want to do.. we watch them do it, then we ban them into the nether world of scumbaggery they belong in. You'll be seeing us ban and shut down the few things we see on a regular and very rapid response basis.
What we have is extremely robust in terms of detection and prevention. Now that we started with detection, you'll be seeing the prevention go nuclear."
Nope. They don't want portable maps in the game, currently.
I don't know why some people even bother roleplaying the victim in these sorts of scenarios. Beg some neckbeard not to shoot me? Fuck that noise
You either shoot me and I respawn or I walk away. I choose not to play your game.
If you find a compass you know at least in which direction you are running.
ate them #justice
It took me a minute to realize what you was referring to lol
The good news is they were all full of meat. The bad news is the basement is spiked as well. Luckily it's PVE so the other people stuck are harmless.
No idea but it was reported to the devs and they said they are fixing it by making traps etc destroyable. Hopefully todays patch will have it.
Its likely the group that is building the skybridge out of traps too from the gas station to water tower hundreds of feet in the air.
I take it animal traps are OP
Or a metal shard and purified water makes a north pointing compass. I haven't found metal to try this yet.
Or: You go stealth and build up a great inventory incl guns. As soon as those basterds come in groups to attack you with their bow or melee weapons, shoot them in the face. I killed several ppl like this. I told them if they attack me I'm going to kill them all. That was their end. 40 shots with the AR15 are more than enough for bigger groups. I looted all their things, ate them, shred them, so they don't get them back. #justice
Anyway to change keybinds in game?
Could have been worse
Holy shit thanks for that, I cried because I was laughing so hard! awesome
I'm still confused at how the servers hold 1,000 people yet I only stumble across 5 people after 3 hours of play. How big is this landscape ...
I'm still confused at how the servers hold 1,000 people yet I only stumble across 5 people after 3 hours of play. How big is this landscape ...
I'm still confused at how the servers hold 1,000 people yet I only stumble across 5 people after 3 hours of play. How big is this landscape ...
I'm still confused at how the servers hold 1,000 people yet I only stumble across 5 people after 3 hours of play. How big is this landscape ...
Servers can hold 1,000+ people. They only allow 200 right now, while the map is still smallish.
Let them be on their way in my opinion.GAF TaskForce assemble! Should we continue to kill random dudes for the fuck of it after befriending them or should we barter with them and let them be on their way?
GAF TaskForce assemble! Should we continue to kill random dudes for the fuck of it after befriending them or should we barter with them and let them be on their way?