I wonder who or what Nomura fans will blame after KH3 development ends up being a disaster too
the engine is already out of the question since its UE4
but i'm sure they will find something
You guys, including Verendus, are constantly triggering people then act outraged when people bring up Versus. Check yo-self at the door.
And if people arent liking what they see of course correction, you cant really stop them from complaining.It's Final Fantasy XV, and they course corrected they way they feel is appropriate.
He's about to take four years to deliver part one of a game that's going to end up less ambitious
But yeah, if KH3 or FFVII:R for that matter have horrible issues getting released like Versus/XV then I'll put blame on Nomura. Absolutely.
I think KH3 will be fine.
VII:R seems to be in a weird place right now considering part 1 would likely release during the twilight of the this generation and the next 2 parts might release during the next generation.
To be honest I have confidence in both titles until they give me a reason not to. Hopefully by the end of Winter we'll have new trailers for both games and be able to see how they're progressing. VII:R is the toughest one since they need to make each "part" quickly. They can't do a "one every two years" thing with that in my opinion.
The story and overall focus of the game seemed to have taken a dive right around then if I'm remembering correctly.
And if people arent liking what they see of course correction, you cant really stop them from complaining.
I say this as someone genuinely hyped for xv.
Game took a dive once it started delving too deeply into clone stuff,Angeal,Genesis etc
Its an incomprehensible mess.
To be honest, its not like Versus fans made things any better in the past. In every discussion about XV someone would always bring up Versus (not just here in other places too) and would shit on Tabata and XV entirely based on what Versus could have been in their imagination. I am not saying people are not allowed to dislike anything about XV, I myself don't like certain things too, but the fact that they are basing their dislikes on something that pretty much never existed outside of mere concepts would probably get a few XV fans triggered.
Take Stella vs Luna discussion for example, there is a lot of back and forth in there, but in reality we don't know much about these two characters and their roles in game. Stella could have been a strong character but there is also a solid possibility that she could have ended up being a weak or even a mediocre character. Just because she can fight doesn't mean much honestly in light on the other FF female characters who can also fight but don't have impressive personalities (e.g Serah). So a discussion based on mere speculations with not much facts to support it other than the ones envisioned in their minds makes the whole thing just annoying to deal with, no one has enough evidence to prove anything (Versus and XV) as we haven't experienced the two games yet. At least when XV comes out we will know for sure if Luna is strong or weak, but until then the discussion is pretty much pointless.
Now take that example and apply it to every aspect that people didn't like about XV and compared it to Versus, its an endless loop of discussion that wouldn't satisfy or convince anyone honestly and it definitely ran its course for way too long. Versus is gone, and we have XV now, its just as simple as that.
well he's not actually on that alone
so yeah, not really a fair comparison is it
Bleh, Genesis. He'll appear in the Remake.
And make the theme song for all the episodes too.
I love everything about Crisis Core, the last battle whereis incredible.Zack dies while you have to fight the soldiers
Tabata better stay away from Final Fantasy VII remake if he knows what is good for him! I am still hurt about versus XIII....wish someday it would leak, but that will never happen.
I probably wouldn't mind Cissnei showing up with the Turks in VII:R. That's about it.
Genesis and Deepground need to stay gone.
Replace Elena with Cissnei, sine Elena was kind of worthless IMO.
The game...because I wonder how much there actually is of the PS3 build.
I probably wouldn't mind Cissnei showing up with the Turks in VII:R. That's about it.
Genesis and Deepground need to stay gone.
I understand your point,but at the same time, but there's a difference between comparing concepts of game premises/characters/designs and differences people may or may not like,and trashing the director and talking about his competency to make a game.
If someone wants to say "i liked a lot of the individual points that we saw of Versus versus what we're actually getting in 15" or "i like what we're getting in 15 over what we saw of Versus" that's a perfectly legitimate thing to say. And it will continue to be legitimate after 15 is out and we see the final product to even more dissect the journey of this game.
If someone says "stop talking about versus ,Nomura was a hack who could not complete games on time and had shitty work ethic so they fired him, plus all that other junk you liked or were attracted to in the game for the past 10 years was just nonsense anyway", that's irritating, triggers Versus fans, and leads to more back and forth.
People who care about 15 can defend what we're getting in FF15 without resorting to that.
By that same token, tabata should not be blamed for anything that he changed from Versus in the name of shipping this title, but he can be criticized for elements of 15 people may not like.
Couldn't they just give Stella her owngamecharacter actionmade by Platinum Games?
Tabata's next game should be a team multiplayer FPS ala Overwatch, except with all the Turks on FFVII, and co-op missions set throughout FFVII lore. They can even call it.... Final Fantasy VII Re:Before Crisis!
That's right Nomura, do you want to disappoint us? Do it, do it for Cissnei.
THen we can finally find out who the hell she actually is, since her presence left more questions than answers
Man looking at the trailer the first time Versus got reannounced into XV
I wonder how many of these action scenes are gonna be in XV![]()
None of it. They turned this trailer into the movie, Kingsglaive. The Leviathan stuff will be the game just in a different location.
Tabata's next game should be a team multiplayer FPS ala Overwatch, except with all the Turks on FFVII, and co-op missions set throughout FFVII lore. They can even call it.... Final Fantasy VII Re:Before Crisis!
I don't think your looking at it the fair way. Listen, i'm sorry for sounding dramatic so hear me out.
I'm not bitter about Versus(much)
I'm just saying. He didn't have a development staff to work on Versus much at all. So he had to occupy his time with other projects. He had plenty of things done for Versus in 2011 based on the released trailer, but that was built up over years of off and on work when he actually got the time and the staff together to do things.
It is hardly a fair conclusion to make that he was bad at making the game so they didn't give him staff to make it. How does that make sense?
Crisis Core is the only good thing Tabata has done in his career.
The guidelines have been followed as best they can, and had Nomura planned things better, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. He hadn't developed a home console game in over a generation, and while that's largely the fault of Square Enix, it doesn't mean you plan for something that could take upwards of ten years to complete.
Big budget games are expensive, and the reality of modern development presents some very different challenges (that he's in the process of learning with FF7 right now). That he was allowed to run away with his "vision" reflects poorly on Square Enix since they never should've let him in the first place, but it also reflects poorly on him as a designer for not knowing his limits. You don't have an unlimited budget to do with as you please, and the company doesn't owe you one either.
Some fans just have a romanticized version of Versus when they barely saw anything of the greater game in the first place. There was enough there to give you an idea, but that's about it. That's why you end up with nebulous descriptors such as "the feel of things" and "the tone of things" where most of what they saw was pretty insignificant, and they've let their imaginations run wild with it all due to some good trailers and some brief explanations. Nomura is good at selling a concept, and that's largely what he did, but the reality of executing a concept means you can end up with quite a different result. Since it was his vision in the first place, the more passionate fans have a difficult time letting go of things, when if he was the one having to present changes, it likely wouldn't result in this kind of scrutiny.
Asking Tabata to follow guidelines or consult Nomura is also insulting since he's the one spending years of his life bringing the current game to life. Their team has been pretty straightforward about keeping as much as possible of the original plan in the new game, and it's pretty evident they've kept quite a fair amount, but this isn't Versus XIII. It's Final Fantasy XV, and they course corrected they way they feel is appropriate.
The martyring of Nomura is frankly stupid. He's about to take four years to deliver part one of a game that's going to end up less ambitious than another project that he was taken off which received a messier four years, in part thanks to him. There'll be plenty of opportunity to crucify Tabata if he delivers a less than stellar product, but at least those complaints will have merit.
The guidelines have been followed as best they can, and had Nomura planned things better, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. He hadn't developed a home console game in over a generation, and while that's largely the fault of Square Enix, it doesn't mean you plan for something that could take upwards of ten years to complete.
Big budget games are expensive, and the reality of modern development presents some very different challenges (that he's in the process of learning with FF7 right now). That he was allowed to run away with his "vision" reflects poorly on Square Enix since they never should've let him in the first place, but it also reflects poorly on him as a designer for not knowing his limits. You don't have an unlimited budget to do with as you please, and the company doesn't owe you one either.
Some fans just have a romanticized version of Versus when they barely saw anything of the greater game in the first place. There was enough there to give you an idea, but that's about it. That's why you end up with nebulous descriptors such as "the feel of things" and "the tone of things" where most of what they saw was pretty insignificant, and they've let their imaginations run wild with it all due to some good trailers and some brief explanations. Nomura is good at selling a concept, and that's largely what he did, but the reality of executing a concept means you can end up with quite a different result. Since it was his vision in the first place, the more passionate fans have a difficult time letting go of things, when if he was the one having to present changes, it likely wouldn't result in this kind of scrutiny.
Asking Tabata to follow guidelines or consult Nomura is also insulting since he's the one spending years of his life bringing the current game to life. Their team has been pretty straightforward about keeping as much as possible of the original plan in the new game, and it's pretty evident they've kept quite a fair amount, but this isn't Versus XIII. It's Final Fantasy XV, and they course corrected they way they feel is appropriate.
The martyring of Nomura is frankly stupid. He's about to take four years to deliver part one of a game that's going to end up less ambitious than another project that he was taken off which received a messier four years, in part thanks to him. There'll be plenty of opportunity to crucify Tabata if he delivers a less than stellar product, but at least those complaints will have merit.
Really? Not a fan of Monster Rancher?
How much was spent on Versus, though? I thought it wasn't actually that costly at all to Square because people were so regularly pulled off the project to work on other games that had issues and took a while (XIII, XIV, and Type-0 still wasn't released until 5 years after announcement I think) and since it already had a relatively small team before that? I could have sworn I read that (it didn't cost them buckets) here from Kagari or someone else in the know but now I'm doubting myself.The guidelines have been followed as best they can, and had Nomura planned things better, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. He hadn't developed a home console game in over a generation, and while that's largely the fault of Square Enix, it doesn't mean you plan for something that could take upwards of ten years to complete.
Big budget games are expensive, and the reality of modern development presents some very different challenges (that he's in the process of learning with FF7 right now). That he was allowed to run away with his "vision" reflects poorly on Square Enix since they never should've let him in the first place, but it also reflects poorly on him as a designer for not knowing his limits. You don't have an unlimited budget to do with as you please, and the company doesn't owe you one either.
How much was spent on Versus, though? I thought it wasn't actually that costly at all to Square because people were so regularly pulled off the project to work on other games that had issues and took a while (XIII, XIV, and Type-0 still wasn't released until 5 years after announcement I think) and since it already had a relatively small team before that? I could have sworn I read that (it didn't cost them buckets) here from Kagari or someone else in the know but now I'm doubting myself.
P.S. Screw you I liked Type-0, at least the PSP version. I'll find you too, all of you!
So no, i don't really understand what would exactly be super costly about the project considering it was not being actively developed for anywhere near the time since its announcement to renaming as 15.
The CG they made for visualization, pre-production, and trailer purposes certainly wasn't cheap. What we already see in the trailers clearly already cost quite a bit, but there's likely more than we never saw, since Square is notorious for having a weirdass production pipeline where they approve the production of tons of Visualworks stuff before the game development catches up. I've heard horror stories about how all the FMVs for FFIX was completely like a year before the game was content locked, resulting in the game design having to make sure it fits around the completed FMV so they don't waste that money.
Considering all the CG for Versus has been canned, well, that's money down the drain. To be fair, ultimately we're still talking about probably just ten million or so. But that's a lot of money for a Japanese game!
The CG they made for visualization, pre-production, and trailer purposes certainly wasn't cheap. What we already see in the trailers clearly already cost quite a bit, but there's likely more than we never saw, since Square is notorious for having a weirdass production pipeline where they approve the production of tons of Visualworks stuff before the game development catches up. I've heard horror stories about how all the FMVs for FFIX was completely like a year before the game was content locked, resulting in the game design having to make sure it fits around the completed FMV so they don't waste that money.
Considering all the CG for Versus has been canned, well, that's money down the drain. To be fair, ultimately we're still talking about probably just ten million or so. But that's a lot of money for a Japanese game!
It's a miracle the game turned out awesome. And that partially explains why CD1 and 2 have such a clear focus and then CD3 sort of... happens.
It's a miracle the game turned out awesome. And that partially explains why CD1 and 2 have such a clear focus and then CD3 sort of... happens.
My issue with FFIX is thata lot of areas have been closed off in Disc 3, no idea why. :/