Toriyama is too busy building a real Lightning (ala robot Scarjo) to worry about silly things like games!
And the truth will set you free.The execution was who's ?
I ruined the game for me. If Nomura thought it was ok the way it was implemented in the final game,then he fucked up.
Is this for real? They actually said that?For all the people clamoring for Stella Nox Fleuret in some form, I'm not sure you really want Tabata and his team to have a go at her character
I would like to straight up clarify a few things to those of you bashing Nomura for not being able to deliver FFvXIII because he was incompetent.
The truth is, no, he is not incompetent. Hes one of the most capable game developer/director in Japan aside Kojima. Japanese are not very creative enough to think outside of the box, Ill give you that. But Nomura actually had the lore of Eos/crystal/versus concepts completed by early 2008 and he has been working on the plot points since 2002/2003. He even carries around with him a small book where he writes all his ideas in (these infos were from a personal source of mine, take it with a grain of salt if you want). Im not sure if these were actually scripts but they are more like story treatments that were ready to be transcripted into a screenplay in film making. By then, he also had an idea on how the gameplay would look like (i.e KH style with character switching), the only problem was, he didnt have a team to complete the rest. The Fabula Nova Crystallis borrowed elements derived from Nomuras lore, because the other writers couldnt come up with better concepts?.
So, no, Stella was not the character that were only concepts. She already had a story to begin with, a complete one in fact but it was never fully realized into a game. Because of the changing direction of SE management (they changed the President), a lot of things from the original concept of FFvXIII had to change; some of the reasons were (not a complete list);
1) Wider/more global target market: Things like worshipping reapers/yakuza family /dark mythos had to be cut out to make the game more acceptable. It wouldnt pass China or Australias requisites for example. This global release was also the reason why FFXV gets a very slow/delayed release. Had they released for Japan only first, well probably be getting it 6 months earlier. Apparently, localization for other countries and their ridiculous legal issues are hampering speedy progress. You cant expect the world to work like Japan (his description). Same reason why they cant make more of the UCE. He (my source) originally predicted that the game will only be ready for 2017, but Tabata was being too ambitious and gave that 2016 release date.
2) Luminous engine: The engine could not handle the games design. It was too complicated? (Im not sure myself, because I didnt understand what he meant about game and engine)
3) Development time cut short: I dont understand the whole reason behind this, but apparently, they want the game cut short for financial reasons. The original concept was to have 3 games a least from FFvXIII but it was taking too long and costs too much, so they want to compress it by just one and save money.
So to those who bashed Nomura, I didnt think it was fair. He didnt get off easy on this by handing the reigns for Tabata to complete. I feel Nomuras pain more than any stress Tabata had to endure. Imagine having something youve been working on for 10 years taken away from you .. Plus, Nomura has stated that Noctis was his new boy. Now, he only has Sora
Versus XIII was a bunch of promises and cool trailers that came out before Obama was even elected. It's easy to put it on a pedestal, when we came no where close to even seeing a playable version. XV is burdened with the fact that it's an actual game, and Versus XIII is the idea of one.
The dark history of Versus XIII can't be solely assigned blame to Nomura, as we know at that time Square Enix had him do character design work for like a million other games, and not to mention there's a trainwreck of the original XIV, which in turn also results in two XIII sequels. The game just keep getting pushed down the priority ladder until it totally faded into background for quite a while, hidden from the public.
It's becoming apparent that Nomura really cares about Versus XIII and would have loved to create the game and see it to the release when he said he's harnessing his burning anger into KH3.
They've been hiring for something non-14 for a while now.
I'm not sure if Nomura's "burning anger" was the result of him getting fired from XV, but I fully believe that Nomura wanted to deliver this project. The way he talked about Versus XIII and the early XV always felt like it would be the game he always wanted to make.
I can't wait to hear what Tabata will say about XV's development once all is said and done. They can't really admit more than they already did that XV is creatively compromised and it's neither the game that Nomura nor Tabata would have made if they had free reign.
PSY・S;214940229 said:I want to play FF7 but I kinda want FF7R to be my first experience. Hopefully the first episode releases within a year or two.
I would probably suggest FF7 just to get some great perspective on the remake, and also because the remake is going to be going in a different direction for certain characters and storylines, so it'll give you a nice reference point.
Now, Luna pretty much has the same facial structure as New Stella:
So you could say Nomura's waifu ran away with Tabata, changed her hair and took on a new name. Maybe that's the reason for Nomura's departure and why there's zero communication between the FFXV team and Nomura anymore![]()
Besides, we got Versus (this is just one of the apparently many nods to the old trailers):
And we know that it's not the XII remaster?
Save us FFversusVIIRemake!
Based on what they were hiring for, probably not.
You joke, but that's really what FF7R seems like to me. A reinvention of a lot of Versus 13 concepts Nomura always wanted to do, repurposed for this remake, like the individual character control ect
I hope Nomura does a BloodBorne from VersusXIII once he's done with FF7r. A new IP that's practically versus without the characters. Unless FF7r turns out to be a huge success a SE just says "fuck it remake Versus"
Everything we sort of knew about Versus XIII
- Main character: Noctis Lucis Caelum (Still in XV)
- Main female character: Stella Nox Fleuret (Sort of not in XV, sort of)
- 3 party members that were best friends with the main (Still in XV)
- King Regis (Still in XV, but now he doesn't wear a suit and has a derpy face)
- Game starts in Insomnia with a full blown invasion. Similar to the opening of FFVII. (Not in XV, but this was reworked into Kingsglaive)
- A fantasy based on Reality (Still in XV)
- Noctis's royal family was based off the Yakuza (not in XV)
- Insomnia worship death (not in XV)
- A Venice style city (Still in XV)
- Niflhiem are the main baddies (Still in XV)
- KH combat (not in XV, but still not turn based)
- Controllable party members (not In XV)
- Noctis can see someone's death or their soul expire or some shit like that (Still in XV)
- Noctis eyes turn red (Still in XV)
- Noctis and crew wearing Roen clothing (Still in XV)
- Engine blade (Still in XV)
- Warping (Still in XV)
- Dark tone (Not in XV as far as we know)
- Road trip theme (Still in XV)
- Awesome trailers (Not in XV)
Multiplayer or singleplayer or both?
You joke, but that's really what FF7R seems like to me. A reinvention of a lot of Versus 13 concepts Nomura always wanted to do, repurposed for this remake, like the individual character control ect
-Cor (Still in XV)
-Ravus (Still in XV)
-Ideolas (Still in XV)
-Aranea (Still in XV)
-Etro (Still in XV)
-All 5 main cities (Still in XV)
-Niflheim ship designs (Still in XV)
-Niflheim solider designs (Still in XV)
-Weapon summoning ability (Still in XV)
-Empty world map and desserts from old gameplay trailers (Still in XV)
-Gas stations (Still in XV)
-Noctis sleeping (Still in XV)
-Everyone wearing black (Still in XV)
-The Ring (Still in XV)
(From E3 2013 Re-branding trailer)
-Black haired waifu- Gentiana (Still in)
-Ardyn (Still in)
-Iron Giant/Behemoth/other monsters (Still in)
-Leviathan (Still in)
-Child Stella's spirit (Still in, child Luna wears the same dress)
Scientifically from an artist's perspective why FFXV's dark tone seems 'gone': FFXV has 90% the same assets, themes, characters and world of what we knew of VERSUS. 98% of Versus trailers were insomnia shown at nighttime/dusk (Lots of dark blues and blacks). It 'seems' gone, because these exact same themes, characters, cities (insomnia), and assets are also now presented during the daytime in all the current trailers (and Omnis Lacrima is not playing all the time)
If FFXV follows it's plot of the night getting longer and the world becomes completely enveloped in darkness. The dark tone will be full force in combination with the already dark themed plot points that have been presented and held intact. It's color theory doing it's intended work on the psyche. That's all it is.
So you want Final Fantasy XV with another name...?
I need to see this. Link?Nomura doesn't write, he's sort of this spiritual guru who has everything in his head and then Nojima writes it all down on paper. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
The way the guy in charge of the Osaka team (I forgot his name lol) explains it he just sort of appears to them once a week via skype or something, says his piece (everything cryptic and weird of course), and it's up to the team to figure out what the fuck was all that lololol
Assuming he's not just trolling most of what he said is false and/or conflating various things. IIRC Yasue's never talked about him "appearing to them once a week via Skype". Nomura regularly visits the Osaka team and has huge input into the gameplay of the KH games and the only thing he sometimes doesn't tell the KH dev team is certain tidbits about the KH story because he has heaps of ideas in his head for the series.I need to see this. Link?
I need to see this. Link?
Yeah FF7R seems to have inherited the "soul" of Versus in a lot of ways.
I'm extremely alright with that as it absolutely does not include actually having to aim your guns, lol. Easily the worst idea from the original Versus concept.
So you want Final Fantasy XV with another name...?
Yeah FF7R seems to have inherited the "soul" of Versus in a lot of ways.
And the truth will set you free.
Yeah FF7R seems to have inherited the "soul" of Versus in a lot of ways.
Being an ambitious multi-parter and never getting done? Oh gee I hope not.
Scientifically from an artist's perspective why FFXV's dark tone seems 'gone': FFXV has 90% the same assets, themes, characters and world of what we knew of VERSUS. 98% of Versus trailers were insomnia shown at nighttime/dusk (Lots of dark blues and blacks). It 'seems' gone, because these exact same themes, characters, cities (insomnia), and assets are also now presented during the daytime in all the current trailers (and Omnis Lacrima is not playing all the time)
If FFXV follows it's plot of the night getting longer and the world becomes completely enveloped in darkness. The dark tone will be full force in combination with the already dark themed plot points that have been presented and held intact. It's color theory doing it's intended work on the psyche. That's all it is.
Cor's role was apparently decreased. He doesn't even appear in the game's promotional art anymore even though he was presented as a part of the main cast durin the E3 2013 re-reveal. The designs for Ravus and Aranea are still in, but at the very least we know that Arenea was originally a normal enemy without a bigger role as confirmed by Nomura in 2011. Iedolas had a name change since E3 2013 and was originally called Idola according to the banners in Insomnia. Etro was cut as XV is no longer a part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis and the painting that depicted Etro was moved into a fish tank. We have no idea if all five main cities are in. Solheim for example wasn't even mentioned anymore since its reveal in 2013. Insomnia's art direction was also heavily modified to look less like Tokyo.
Also, it's not just color psychology. We did see some footage of Versus XIII during daytime and even then it had a decidedly different tone. Just watch the scene with Noctis and Prompto as they look at the ruined street. There's also the scene of Noctis driving to the party during sunset. Versus XIII was dark, but it was also melancholic and this melancholy is completely gone from what we've seen of XV. The change from Versus XIII to XV is massive and most of the stuff they kept is of cosmetic nature.
Have felt this for years.
Whilst there has been a slight change in the way post 2013 XV is presented, I still feel the 'darkness' most people claimed versus had was purely due to not enough footage from the game. It was all just a dream...
And I never ever bought the whole 'this will be the darkest FF' crap Nomura kept spewing. KH shows me he is anything but subtle at storytelling or capable of producing a 'dark mature tale'.
If it was Matsuno saying this I'd be really excited. But Nomura? lol I mean I'd wish him the best but would just not be expecting any delivery on it.
Hey I liked the way Versus looked too, but this is the weirdest thing to get hung up on.
If FFXV follows it's plot of the night getting longer and the world becomes completely enveloped in darkness. The dark tone will be full force in combination with the already dark themed plot points that have been presented and held intact. It's color theory doing it's intended work on the psyche. That's all it is.
You say that, but what if everyone's names were anagrams? Pretty cerebral.*CLAPS*
Have felt this for years.
Whilst there has been a slight change in the way post 2013 XV is presented, I still feel the 'darkness' most people claimed versus had was purely due to not enough footage from the game. It was all just a dream...
And I never ever bought the whole 'this will be the darkest FF' crap Nomura kept spewing. KH shows me he is anything but subtle at storytelling or capable of producing a 'dark mature tale'.
If it was Matsuno saying this I'd be really excited. But Nomura? lol I mean I'd wish him the best but would just not be expecting any delivery on it.
The colors are slightly different, but like, main themes cosmetically and story wise are like still some what intact.
why are people still so obsessed with Lightning she's never coming baSTELLA, GODDESS MY LOVE
why are people still so obsessed with Lightning she's never coming baSTELLA, GODDESS MY LOVE
The most unique thing about Stella was her seeming opposition and independence from Noctis(while sharing a past together)
It seemed like a totally new idea for FF and the way it was shown to us was ridiculously cool,charismatic and flat out badass.
Except when she opened her mouth she was completely submissive to Noctis.