what time are you shooting for?Nutter said:Well, this is being done in order to avoid what you just described.
Also look out for an update tomorrow with all the people interested and a test run game time.
Honestly i dont know yet.GhaleonEB said:what time are you shooting for?
Oh dont worry, you will get to choose your team preferences; but when all said and done the teams will be a bit balanced.I'm in. GT -> rastex
and dibs on being on Sai's team.
Hey man that is what this basically is. But i just started with just halo 2.Rorschach said:I had an idea for a GAF XBL weekend. You know, playing a whole bunch of games together for a day or two. Move on from Halo 2, to GRAW, to RR, PGR, etc... I was mowing it over, but I dunno yet...I might organize it with help from the admins.
I'm down for this, though. GT r0rschach
That is a great idea, but i dont know if anyone would be kind enough to record the matches. (and i dont have the material)I don't have a gamertag, but if you guys do this and can make videos, that would be neat to watch some matchups.
For me, the later the better. I'm on the west coast, and have kids to put to bed. after 8pm PST is best for me, though I know we've got people from all over here. Let us know the time and I'll try to join.Nutter said:Honestly i dont know yet.
What time would be best for you? If i have to pick then Friday or Sat sometime. (most likely towards evening hours)
I am on the West Coast too.GhaleonEB said:For me, the later the better. I'm on the west coast, and have kids to put to bed. after 8pm PST is best for me, though I know we've got people from all over here. Let us know the time and I'll try to join.
I'm in St. Helens. Small world.Nutter said:I am on the West Coast too.(portland to be exact)
But really though it cant be too late cause East coast is looking at 11pm if we start at 8.
GhaleonEB said:I'm in St. Helens. Small world.![]()
Sucks to be us...perplexcity said:I only have a couple real life gaming buddies, and I like playing team games.
NeoGAF Names Live Gamertags
Nutter NutterIsAFK
Ironclad Ironclad Ninja
Rameriz DaAnswer3
Cerrius Cerrius
Hgplayer1 hgplayer1
Dopeyfish Dopeyfish
Op_ivy LoopOfHenle
Sai SaiST
Drakken Drakken688
TJ Bennett TJ Bennett
TJ Scoot TJ Scoot
CoCheese Sembe
Lyte Edge Lyte Edge
Bearillusion Bearillusion
Mike G.E.D. Doctor Hacks
Ratcage Ratcage
Spaclock Twin Sin City
Negitoro7 negitoro7
Agent Icebeezy Agent Ice
Silentjay420 RunWhiteboyRun
Sableholic sableholic
Spaceman Spiff SpacemanSpiff85
SanjuroTsubaki Sanjuro Tsubaki
GhaleonEB GhaleonEB
FrenchMovieTheme French Mov?
Professor_t prisoner416
CajoleJuice fAllen
Sooperkool M0stExc3llent
sublime085 FuzzyDunlop85
rs7k redsniper7000
the chew das chew
Safe Bet Safe Bet
AdmiralViscen Viscen
Chris Remo The Idle Thumb
JoatesDogg187 JoatesDogg187
Sean Shadow540
AZ Greg AZ Greg
g23 gino23
mr jones Mistah Jones
Smokey Bones Htx Darren Htx
Hyjinx MasterHyjinx
bearcatjosh Bearcatjosh
rastex rastex
Rorschach r0rschach
darkbanjo Darkbanjo
Slats Have At You
Sumidor TangoTango
Shogun SonShogun
Do The Mario Do The Mario GA
Lo-Volt Loelectric
Nikashi Nikashi
Shig Bacon McShig
Captain N TagThatTsT
perplexcity ForenSick
Hairyiguana Mike Optical
radjago Radjago
Manick Joe FloBoJo
burnfout burnfout
DaCocoBrova DAC0C0B (0=Zero)
c2morg c2morg
joshlee JOSHLEE
Allen fksche
Nutter said:WOW lots of interest. (but that doesnt fool me, Halo 2 Clan thread had hundreds of people interested too :lol )
But lets see if we can break the trend.
A list of all people interested/ And First test match time/s (first post updated with it as well; As well as preliminary match time's)
Prelim Time Set:
Thursday Oct 19 7PM PST (around 7PM)
Friday Oct 20 8PM PST (around 8PM)
Cerrius said:I and many other east coasters won't be able to make those times. I can't stay up till 3am anymore nutter!!!
If you can, please set those times an hour or two earlier.
darkbanjo said:So is that still something like 3AM GMT?
UK am cry.
Nutter said:**** A little fixing to the time has been done****
Prelim Time Set:
Thursday Oct 19 7PM PST (start time at 6)
Friday Oct 20 8PM PST (start time at 6:30)
Corrected.You have my gamertag listed incorrectly on the table. It's Bacon McShig, not McShig.
Chai drinking tucklay.yes, this is the reality of Halo2 on GAF.
Wasted too many hours with Nutter and his boi's. Too many
WAs fun though
Somosa muching motta
The start times are just like they say start times.. (just try to get there not too long afterwards) and its still game.I can play Friday, but starting this at the end of the NLCS will cause me to miss at least today's slot.