I might actually play halo 4 if it ran 1080p n 60fps
Would you pay $560 (+tax) for the privilege to do so?
I might actually play halo 4 if it ran 1080p n 60fps
Would you pay $560 (+tax) for the privilege to do so?
If it was also patched with reachs ui n a classic map pack was added.
lmao and what do you think the chances of either of these happening is?
lmao and what do you think the chances of either of these happening is?
More likeFeels like.zero
That's too high a chance.Bout banana/45.5
No offence warher but your weapons are sillier than a fifth grade naruto fan fiction.
Gravity batteries?
I'd rather have a apple or banana than a cherry cherry should be 1.
^ why'd u slap teleporter nodes on it person wearing the glove won't teleport just the glove or the glove n his hand. Blood everywhere
That's because I'm not making these weapons for Halo anymore. My project hearkens back to the days of crazy stupid weapons that didn't need to be realistic. They pretty much all have Metroid-grade power levels behind them; let's just say there's something in the water (and everything else) on a subatomic level that's exponentially ramping up the power levels of everything in the world from people to technology to the wildlife.
Ah, that makes sense. I was gonna say, your weapons are a bit far fetched even with 343's weird human-AI space magic love![]()
That's because I'm not making these weapons for Halo anymore. My project hearkens back to the days of crazy stupid weapons that didn't need to be realistic. They pretty much all have Metroid-grade power levels behind them; let's just say there's something in the water (and everything else) on a subatomic level that's exponentially ramping up the power levels of everything in the world from people to technology to the wildlife.
Would you $560 (+tax) for the privilege to do so?
yes.in a heartbeat.
what a silly comment, its not like halo is the only thing you would be getting in the X1 value proposition.
but yes, i would buy THE SHIT out of X1 to get a 1080 / 60 version of halo 4.
please,please port it 343![]()
yes.in a heartbeat.
what a silly comment, its not like halo is the only thing you would be getting in the X1 value proposition.
but yes, i would buy THE SHIT out of X1 to get a 1080 / 60 version of halo 4.
please,please port it 343![]()
He posted patches for his program on the original links. I think he had to update it.
It's download errors, not runtime errors. I'm trying it at my parents' house when I get there later tonight.
yes.in a heartbeat.
what a silly comment, its not like halo is the only thing you would be getting in the X1 value proposition.
but yes, i would buy THE SHIT out of X1 to get a 1080 / 60 version of halo 4.
please,please port it 343![]()
AKA midichlorians.
Wahrer is Lucas confirmed. It all makes sense now.
So that new Doritos Xbox One thing has 2XP codes for Halo 4???
Bottom right of the card.
Would you pay $560 (+tax) for the privilege to do so?
I want my money back for this game and I know that will never happen
Does damage boost work on every single weapon or just those guns you spawn with? such as the 3rd person weapons, vehicles and stuff.
I had it with the saw earlier and it felt no different.
Does damage boost work on every single weapon or just those guns you spawn with? such as the 3rd person weapons, vehicles and stuff.
I had it with the saw earlier and it felt no different.
I dont think crossplay will be an issue with Halo whatsoever for us soon to be dual-xboxers, You will be able to plug the 360 into the HDMI-IN of the Xbox One and play it through the X1 overlay
That's because the SAW is already incredibly broken. Damage Boost works for every weapon.
Honestly, What's the point? I mean, you have to juggle 2 controllers.
I assumed you could do that because of the HDMI in. What happened?They should make the Xbox One controllers compatible with the Xbox 360.
That would make the HDMI input useful for plugging in an Xbox 360.
They haven't confirmed it, but Major Nelson seemed to imply it in that Reddit interview.I assumed you could do that because of the HDMI in. What happened?
They haven't confirmed it, but Major Nelson seemed to imply it in that Reddit interview.
So hopefully?
I assumed you could do that because of the HDMI in. What happened?
I don't want to plug in my 360 to my XBO lol. I just wanna play the old games (aka Halo 4).
bsangel confirmed that descoping is not coming to Halo 4. =\When's the next patch coming out that adds descoping and removes perks and sprint and AA's?
When are they going to release a map pack with good arena maps?
When's the next patch coming out that adds descoping and removes perks and sprint and AA's?
When are they going to release a map pack with good arena maps?
I'm surprised Microsoft only included one HDMI in port, as it wants to be the only input you need but I know my family room TV uses at least 3 HDMI inputs.
The same way I don't wanna juggle controllers, I don't wanna juggle HDMI cords.
Should have had BC =\
Oh well.
Cable Box, Media Streamer, _______ ?