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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO

Doesn't that like null down your hype or something

In a way. Though Halo 2 doesn't scale very well into HD. Much of that game was smoke and mirrors compared to Halo CE (I guess because it was on the same hardware?) and it stands out a lot more. This is the first time I've played through on PC, even though I've had it for a few years.

Just you? I think literally every comment I've ever seen on the matter agrees that Wincott Truth is best Truth.

Hah, I don't think I really meant it that way. Figure of speech. Probably should have said, in my opinion, rather. But yes, Wincott was excellent. "There are those that said this day would never come. What are they to say now?". Though Stamp's delivery from one of the first Halo 3 trailers (that monologue from Crow's Nest) is still one of my favourite Truth lines.
The way shots read in Reach is better than in Halo 4, and it doesn't have hit markers. That's not to say they're not beneficial, though, just that they're not the strongest indicator you can give a player.


Though Stamp's delivery from one of the first Halo 3 trailers (that monologue from Crow's Nest) is still one of my favourite Truth lines.
I've noticed that a lot of people like that, but for me it's one of the worst dialogue moments in the entire series. It feels extremely forced and doesn't flow very well at all. Way too much "grr I'm a Halo 3 angry villain rawr" going on, and not much else. I've disliked it since first I heard it, perhaps even moreso than Keyes' hilarious "to war" line that follows.

In a way. Though Halo 2 doesn't scale very well into HD. Much of that game was smoke and mirrors compared to Halo CE (I guess because it was on the same hardware?) and it stands out a lot more. This is the first time I've played through on PC, even though I've had it for a few years.
I haven't played H2V, though any "smoke and mirrors" aspects of it seem pretty blatantly obvious in the original Xbox version as well. I suppose the texture quality could let it down in HD, as some stuff (especially the stonerunner objects on DH/Regret) feel rather sad even with 480-line visuals.

But I'm still waiting for CE to get a really solid high-performance port. Halo PC is decent at being a PC game, but it's a sloppy port of CE, and CEA is a mediocre port of HPC. This is a big part of why I still keep an original Xbox hooked up. :/



For those who don't know: Scott Warner was Design Director on Halo 4 (He now works at Visceral games on a Star Wars project). Brad Welch is the Design Director behind Halo 5, Christopher Blohm is a designer at 343 and Blind Melee is a 3D artist at 343.
My schedule is all out of whack. I've been working nights and have to go back into work on Monday night at 8 pm central. Unfortunately, I'm wide awake at the moment and don't know whether to just stay awake for the MS press conference or sleep through and check the highlights out after i wake up. I'll probably just stay up and accept 6 hours of sleep.

For those who don't know: Scott Warner was Design Director on Halo 4 (He now work at Visceral games on a Star Wars project). Brad Welch is the Design Director behind Halo 5, Christopher Blohm is a designer at 343 and Blind Melee is a 3D artist at 343.

Brad is Aussie, yeah? I remember him from the 343i videos pre Halo 4.
I've noticed that a lot of people like that, but for me it's one of the worst dialogue moments in the entire series. It feels extremely forced and doesn't flow very well at all. Way too much "grr I'm a Halo 3 angry villain rawr" going on, and not much else. I've disliked it since first I heard it, perhaps even moreso than Keyes' hilarious "to war" line that follows.

I haven't played H2V, though any "smoke and mirrors" aspects of it seem pretty blatantly obvious in the original Xbox version as well. I suppose the texture quality could let it down in HD, as some stuff (especially the stonerunner objects on DH/Regret) feel rather sad even with 480-line visuals.

But I'm still waiting for CE to get a really solid high-performance port. Halo PC is decent at being a PC game, but it's a sloppy port of CE, and CEA is a mediocre port of HPC. This is a big part of why I still keep an original Xbox hooked up. :/

I admit that in-game it doesn't have nearly the effect it did in that trailer for me. Probably because compared to the trailer the first part is spoken at breakneck speed. And especially cringe-worthy with that line by Keyes, who's 12 year-old Halo 3 voice actor was terrible compared to the hotness that is Julie Benz (Rita from Dexter, and Darla from Buffy, for the Whedon fans).

Wincott was just such a pro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mGYPj7nh6Y#t=245

I felt the delivery was really well done by Stamp, though, every little intonation, grumble, and pause, the way he says "Vermin" and "Glass"... I dunno. I just liked it. And the part where he says, "Your destruction is the will of the Gods! And I? I AM their instrument!" is such fan service, I'm pretty sure in the lore that was the first very thing that the Covenant said to Humans when they made first contact just after the glassing of Harvest, if I'm remembering correctly (could have changed in media since then, not sure) - though it sounds much more fearsome when it is said "We are their instrument". During that scene, I was remembering that line from the Fall of Reach with "We" instead of "I" and the change made me realize just how self-absorbed and disillusioned Truth really was.

Bungie really liked that line I think, it was also used in the crazy first trailer from E3 2000: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpXVArrf-W0#t=502 edit: I bet it was a Staten line, sure sounds like it

I actually can't find an HD version of that Halo 3 trailer on YouTube, it should be the one released during E3 2007, best I could find in 360p potatovision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4dh_V_G-YM but there is an HD DL on this page: http://halo.bungie.net/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=ethreeblowout
compared to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN2u-PFgnc4#t=453 (dat Fillion line out of nowhere!)
The pacing of the monologue is much better in the trailer. And the setup of the scene in the game was very "Mars Attacks" haha.

I still remember the shivers I got when that phantom flew overhead the forest. Looked so beautiful. Was it the first gameplay shown? I don't remember... Can't believe it's been 7 years since then, on the eve of this new E3.

Still not as good as the first reveal trailer from '06 though. Thinking back, the best part of the Truth character was his "propaganda speeches" that were broadcast echoing throughout High Charity in Halo 2 and on the Ark and around the Portal in Halo 3. The best line I think is probably still that one that was used at then end of that Halo 2 TV commercial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7dZsa4oPwQ


I'm still only on Earth for Halo 2 PC, but the first thing that stuck out to me was the very first cutscene where you see the broken Alpha Halo. It is just full of scribbles! Doesn't look destroyed at all! You can kind of see it here (in 1440p!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3qvrb77y3A

It's kinda fun to see that stuff, because I never really noticed it on the Xbox. Just makes me want a proper remake version. I really don't think it would be possible to just go over the original game with a "sexy layer" like they did with Halo CEA, but I'm no expert.

And yes, the graphical anomalies in Halo CE PC and Anni are annoying for purists like yourself, among other things. Hopefully one day they get that right, but I'm not holding my breath ;) That original Xbox will probably forever stay connected!

Wow... this post turned out much longer and with many more videos than I had planned. Can you tell I'm in hype mode? Oh well!

willow ve

Lunch time can't come soon enough (eastern standard time master race).

If they have Halo news who thinks they'll use it as a wild card for the very end of the presentation? I mean it's really their one killer IP.


Lunch time can't come soon enough (eastern standard time master race).

If they have Halo news who thinks they'll use it as a wild card for the very end of the presentation? I mean it's really their one killer IP.

Well, the end should be something surprising. Anything Halo wouldn't really be surprising, whatever this is.
Playable ODSTs

Health System

-Three Health Blocks
-Health Blocks gradually drain, from left to right, with damage
-A partially filled block will fully refill after a short period of the player not taking damage
-1 Sniper Rifle bodyshot drains 1.5 blocks
-1 Magnum bodyshot drains 0.5 blocks
-1 Battle Rifle burst to the body drains 0.75 blocks
-1 precision weapon headshot kills

Movement System

-limited duration Sprint that recharges
-no delay between stopping sprinting and firing but the user must press the sprint button to stop sprinting
-pressing the fire button will not stop sprinting
-if the sprint meter is fully drained, it has a long recharge delay but an instantaneous full recharge after
-if the sprint meter is not fully drained, it has no recharge delay but a slow recharge rate
-the recharge delay that occurs after sprint is fully drained is equal to the time it would take for the meter to fully refill at the slow recharge rate that occurs when sprint is not fully drained
-limited duration, non recharging Jetpack that has no fuel off spawn
-movement like running, jumping, and sprinting are audible to proximate players
-crouch walking is silent

On Map Pick Ups: ODST Equipment

Biofoam Injector – instantly refills all of the user’s Health Blocks upon pick up

Fuel Tank – instantly fills the Jetpack’s non-recharging fuel meter upon pick up

Shield Collar – once picked up, the user is protected from one headshot but the small energy bubble does not recharge once depleted

Road Flare – once picked up, the user can throw the lit flare like a grenade in order to illuminate dark areas or ignite flammable substances/items on contact

ODST Gametypes

Team Snipers

-Sniper Rifle primary weapon
-no secondary weapon
-no grenades
-no radar
-ODST Equipment on map if applicable


-SWAT BRs and SWAT Magnums gametypes
-SWAT CTF uses Flagnum
-no secondary weapon
-no grenades
-no radar
-ODST Equipment on map if applicable


-ODSTs vs Elites
-ODSTs spawn with the Magnum
-Elites spawn with the Energy Sword
-Human ODSTs die to one sword strike
-Zombie Elites die to one headshot
-Zombies have a ten second respawn timer but can press X at any time to be instantly respawned at a random respawn point
-while on their respawn timer Zombies can choose the next area they will instantly respawn into by cycling through the available respawn areas with the D-Pad and choosing the area they want by pressing A
-maps have interactive elements that players can activate
-maps have dark areas
-Assault Rifles and Shotguns spawn on map with attached Flashlights
-Heavy Machine Guns on map if applicable
-ODST Equipment on map if applicable


so what kind of graphical improvements does everyone expect for halo 2 anniversary ?

Similar overhaul as Halo CE got. New models and stuff for most things, better lighting, stuff like that. Will look good but not super good. Probably won't have quite the same aesthetics as Halo 2 had (Halo CEA changed those a bit). Either high frame rate or high resolution (1080p), probably not both.


Neo Member
I have to go to school :( I won't be able to see what's in store until around 3-4 p.m. EST. I could just look at the news on my phone at school but I rather just come back and watch the entire briefing.

It's going to be a long day..

blah ;/


Wall of text

Truth was an awesome character, sadly he died without a real boss fight like regret. (though regret fight wasn't that hard or fun). Th line that gives me most shiver is the one where he says "There are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?", damn shivers and nostalgia. I remember watching this trailer on the TV commercial break when I was 13, soooooo hyped.


(though regret fight wasn't that hard

Did you ever play the game on Legendary? The Regret fight was HORRIBLE. So much RNG to it, and the honour guards were brutal.

Do we have some sort of hype timer going for E3?

EDIT: Also, Halo 2 Truth and Miranda were both far superior. The changing of Truth's voice was an absolute travesty, and helped push Halo 3 into the category of worst campaign of the series. Easily the worst.


Is everybody watching on Twitch? If so, I created a custom chat room for us, so we don't need to read the whole E3 chat. If you have interest, just reply with your Twitch user name and I will invite you.

I also enabled "Allow anyone to invite other Twitch users", so you can invite everyone you want.

For those curious, how this looks:


Edit: You can find your invitation, if you click on the + symbol above the chat and then on "Pending Invitations".


Is everybody watching on Twitch? If so, I created a custom chat room for us, so we don't need to read the whole E3 chat. If you have interest, just reply with your Twitch user name and I will invite you.

I also enabled "Allow anyone to invite other Twitch users", so you can invite everyone you want.

For those curious, how this looks:


Twitch username is Nirvana985. Will I just get a message on twitch for the invite or...?
I feel like we're all having a sleepover.

I work all day today, but luckily my company's super chill and the guy I share an office with is on vacation. So I shall work on graphic designs in one monitor and have the twitch stream going in my bonus monitor.


Honestly E3 does feel like Christmas, can't sleep!

Can't watch the cobference until I get home from work so I'm trying to go spoiler free all day. Going to be tough but worth it I hope!
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