9 spots open, send a request if you want in.
Surprisingly, the vast majority of the SC is still very active. If everyone plays a good amount of FF during the beta, the helmet isn't that far off, TBH.
Hey, I mostly play Warzone and social playlists. That still counts!
9 spots open, send a request if you want in.
Surprisingly, the vast majority of the SC is still very active. If everyone plays a good amount of FF during the beta, the helmet isn't that far off, TBH.
It's amazing how well Deadlock plays with pistols starts. Nice to be able to move around the map without constantly getting pinged all the time and the vehicles are actually useful.
9 spots open, send a request if you want in.
Surprisingly, the vast majority of the SC is still very active. If everyone plays a good amount of FF during the beta, the helmet isn't that far off, TBH.
9 spots open, send a request if you want in.
Surprisingly, the vast majority of the SC is still very active. If everyone plays a good amount of FF during the beta, the helmet isn't that far off, TBH.
I want in and am happy to provide FF pro tips.
Sent an invite.9 spots open, send a request if you want in.
Surprisingly, the vast majority of the SC is still very active. If everyone plays a good amount of FF during the beta, the helmet isn't that far off, TBH.
I've had this happen when there were syncing issues. Played warzone with no reqs and couldn't see my rank.I think I should reinstall my game, tons of UI issues, currently in Arena playlists don't show my rank and maybe it will fix my disconnect issues?
Ooh nice. I was wondering about this before, I noticed some of our stuff has hit/is super close to 5/5. What are the big things we're lagging behind on?
I've placed this month #SafeForNow
We have a lot of unplaced folks this month. Get your names in so you don't miss out on the Achilles Helmet in 2020 folks!
9 spots open, send a request if you want in.
Surprisingly, the vast majority of the SC is still very active. If everyone plays a good amount of FF during the beta, the helmet isn't that far off, TBH.
Look, 343i; even the creator agrees.Posting for the new post.
I want in and am happy to provide FF pro tips.
Ugh, was Ram making some parties for Warzone? I missed it.![]()
Oh God 3 Wardens at the same time, and one of them is super buffed, thank god we have 8 people. Also is it limited to Arc? (I'd assume for the beta) Hopefully it's every map but not even the trailers for it have showed the other Warzone maps.
Aren't they just using the already existing Warzone maps?Don't be surprised if we are drip fed the maps for Firefight.
Don't be surprised if we are drip fed the maps for Firefight.
Aren't they just using the already existing Warzone maps?
Servers messing up for anyone else or just me? Barely able to join. Now stuck at a Darkstar warzone match load with 5 people and REQ/boosts unavailable.
guys... GUYS!
Do you remember that time in BTB when you hopped into the back of a Warthog with a buddy of yours...Went on that craaazy killstreak before your buddy accidentally drove off the map? lol
No. No you don't. Because this never happened. Becaused when you hopped into that warthog you just died in 4 shots from some BR across the map. It sucks doesn't it? Yep sure does.
Daily reminder that 343 should bring pistol starts to BTB
Is it bad that I like the Dynast helm more than the Achilles helm? Although as soon as Jorge's helm becomes available, and assuming it doesn't look completely different than from Reach, I will be rolling with that almost permanently. For now though, it's all Mark VI.I've placed this month #SafeForNow
We have a lot of unplaced folks this month. Get your names in so you don't miss out on the Achilles Helmet in 2020 folks!
Is it bad that I like the Dynast helm more than the Achilles helm? Although as soon as Jorge's helm becomes available, and assuming it doesn't look completely different than from Reach, I will be rolling with that almost permanently. For now though, it's all Mark VI.
Aren't they just using the already existing Warzone maps?
Got an hour to myself, halo is down, quantum break is broken. Fuck my life.
Why isn't everyone talking about this? Fucking watch this now. Jaw dropped the whole way through.Watch this!!! https://youtu.be/uMq_UmTorbU gameplay starts at 1:35
My horse won on the Grand National folks!
Everyone please be excitedDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD