A ninja emote for an emblem would be amazing.
Hell, just make org emblems. Instant cash made.
343/Halo could make waves by being the first game to offer in game versions of streamers emotes, either as emblems or stickers for guns.
But yeah, a lot of money to be made if they implement team skins and more well.
I hope they don't do a "HCS Teams Skin Pack" which is a lucky dip.
I'd hope they do one for each team separate? If I'm supporting EG, I don't want a Renegades skin and vice versa.
Less than four silver packs to go, or so i thought, and all of a sudden I start unlocking more rare emblems. Great... guess I still have a bunch more packs to unlock before im done with silvers and there is no way to know how many. This game trolls hard. Its 1:12 pm cdt and warzone assault still sucks ass.
On a side note, I like when you've had the halo 5 start menu screen on long enough that the grunt floats by. Would have been awesome if they had put him saying random goofy lines each time. Missed opportunity right there.
They might do the path where there is one Pack containing all of the team skins. And they are only for the AR.....
The more i think about it, the more i think it will be this way(
It would be super easy for them to just launch one pack at one price with all of the skins. $19.99.
They're a business and selling bundles of stuff makes more money so I expect something along those lines, I'd just prefer if it didn't. Makes sense in a way to do a bundle so it's supporting all the teams and you can pick and choose who you rep though, and I suppose it saves having 16+ different REQ packs for sale.
So how many hours are left for the Firefight stream?
Less than four silver packs to go, or so i thought, and all of a sudden I start unlocking more rare emblems. Great... guess I still have a bunch more packs to unlock before im done with silvers and there is no way to know how many. This game trolls hard. Its 1:12 pm cdt and warzone assault still sucks ass.
On a side note, I like when you've had the halo 5 start menu screen on long enough that the grunt floats by. Would have been awesome if they had put him saying random goofy lines each time. Missed opportunity right there.
3.5 I think
So a few days ago I found the footprint of a Elite in one park!
The park name is "Parque de los Ciervos" or "Park of the Deers" I was just there exploring when I saw this and I immediately thought this must be the footprint of a Elite hahaha what do you think guys? let me tell you it was huge
Only 8 NA teams.... geeeezus. Tbh I think 12 is the right number.
Nevertheless it seems we get 3 lans total from this? Not bad... Plus the online tournaments will still be nice. And we could easily get another season with a similar structure to close out 2016. If not that is a huuuuge gap between the end of July and 2017 Worlds...
Overall good stuff 343![]()
I'm cool with 8, the looming threat of elimination for the bottom 2 from the open circuit should mean constant drama. I think I love the way this is set up.
Lies!He does say something - on his 3rd flyby.
Im spreadsheet illiterate lol. Can you link to the download? I'm on my phone at the moment but can try it later when I get home.Are you using the spreadsheet to figure out what you have versus what you have left?
Im spreadsheet illiterate lol. Can you link to the download? I'm on my phone at the moment but can try it later when I get home.
Just spent some monies on REQ packs in appreciation of the Pro League news, and it makes me think when crowdfunding comes back it should be announced as an incentive since there's a bunch of people out there like me who'd buy things again. Maybe it could coincide with the team skin packs dropping.
Pro league sounds so nice...
Who would have thought that an RNG based, moderatelt unbalanced, casual minded game mode would be the best thing to ever happen to competitive Halo.
Thank you based whales
Thank you based gambling addicts
Thank you based elusive DMR req
halo has always had elements of this.
custom games, infection, all the other silly gametypes that are so important (IMO) to halo.
To me, halo is having the super competitive white knuckle stuff just as available as the fun dumb stuff.
WTH? i just got a msg on xbox :
"You have been granted 14 Premium REQ Packs for Halo 5: Guardians as a result of redeeming a code for the Warzone REQ Bundle after already purchasing the content. For details, visit aka.ms/h5-wz-req"
Warzone REQ Bundle was the first bundle when the game released right?
thx 343
That absolutely is a scam.
That absolutely is a scam.
I bet its elzar trying to scam you
Yall ready for the halo 5 update for when the new xbox one is released? That will enable it at a locked 1080p 60fps?!??
Coming holiday 2016.
Nooooo I'm not home right nowpre-stream is live.
Inb4 audio issues.
Nooooo I'm not home right now
I used up seven of these for Ghosts of Meridian, and only got one unlock with each pack—Gold packs too! Made me mad... >:xStarting to save these up, not sure there'll ever be a better use for these then a patch dropping in Reach armour
Surely it was a /s post.
I wonder how long this stream will be.
Theyre actually doing weapon skins for teams. You can just imagine how much money they'll make with OpTic and EG and other team skins. Think about all the Naded and #GreenWall fans that would buy to support during the Pro League.
Can't wait. Heres hoping radar is removed though. And hopefully they get Overgrowth, Riptide, Torque at least into rotation to break up the monotony of Rig, Plaza, Fathom that we've seen nonstop in scrims and qualifiers and tournaments.