Anyone got the numbers for how close we are to 5/5 of the kill commedations?
No numbers needed.
Not close.
Check back in later.... like when Firefight launches lol
Anyone got the numbers for how close we are to 5/5 of the kill commedations?
I'm so good at this game.
We only completed 2 of the 31 needed Commendations. But if you want numbers, compare HaloGAF to The Sauna for example.
Only 29200 Prometheans to kill after we complete the current Level 4 one, which is at 5953/14400. The Warzone AI stuff will certainly speed up with Firefight, but it will still take a long time to complete the rest.
I was going to reply with a kappa...
fuck you
You can look at where we are at here:where are we at with this? What's already been finished?
Can anyone suggest me a site or video that gives the absolute Halo 5 arena multiplayer basics?
I've been playing FPS games for a long time and I'm a decent player overall, but I am terrible at Halo 5 MP. I have really high accuracy and I'm relatively hard to kill but I always finish with very low overall damage and with a 1.0 ratio or slightly worse.
I just feel like I'm approaching and playing the game completely wrong.
Yep, it's just like your own personal commendations; when the SC completely level 3 and 5 commendations, there are commendation REQ packs everyone gets in addition to the XP.You get REQ packs for being in a SC that does stuff?
Tomorrow night i will show my pinky spartan
A low kill/death isn't uncommon in the diamond/onyx ranks. If you're floating around 1.30 than that's pretty good.
Do you want to get this thread locked?
where are we at with this? What's already been finished?
Damage an enemy before they fall to their death.
Did anybody ever get a Sayonara Medal?
I have done that a coupple times, but haven't received that medal even once. Tested it in Custom Games and it doesn't work there either.
In that particular case I did go in expecting to die, but I had stolen the sword from an enemy so I wanted to pick up a triple for fun. Almost got there. :/ Other times the lag spikes have been more frustrating and contributed to the loss of bases.Yeah, this is the stutter bullshit I've been having too. So bad.
All this talk had me check my stats. I'm a 1.15 K/D in Platinum Arena, for comparison. Your K/D probably doesn't really correlate well to your rank outside of pure slayer though.
Can anyone suggest me a site or video that gives the absolute Halo 5 arena multiplayer basics?
I've been playing FPS games for a long time and I'm a decent player overall, but I am terrible at Halo 5 MP. I have really high accuracy and I'm relatively hard to kill but I always finish with very low overall damage and with a 1.0 ratio or slightly worse.
I just feel like I'm approaching and playing the game completely wrong.
I certainly did my part last night with Spartan charges. Speed booooost!!!Just like we played tons of Warzone games for the Achilles armor we should do the same with Firefight for the helmet.
My K/D checking HaloTracker has been... surprisingly consistant.
My aim is a lot more consistent now. I had my sen at 4 and 2 with a 5% on outer because my right stick is longer than my left. So I changed my outer to 0% and it’s a lot better. The turning kind of feels slower, but I’ll get use to it. My first game of multi-team with it was a JiP and I went on a Running Riot and went 16-1.
So you used to have it at 5% now changed it to 0%. I'll give that a try myself as it seems you are using the Tall stick for your right thumb stick right?
2 as in accel?
Something else you can do which would probably help is watch pros play. There's really good players streaming every night and it can give a good insight on how to move around the maps, what the power positions are, the best strategies etc.
Some good ones to watch are Ninja, Spartan and Naded.
This is what I'd suggest. Watching pros is the best bet to pick up good habits. Halo is also very mental you can really do a number on yourself of you're expecting to play badly.
This is what I'd suggest. Watching pros is the best bet to pick up good habits. Halo is also very mental you can really do a number on yourself of you're expecting to play badly.
Yeah i espcially dispise those people on the mic who constantly say negative things. Striaght from the beginning like how trash the map is, how trash the spawns are, how trash the map flow is and whatever else they can think of. So happy for mute cause as soon as i did that, i started to play a bit better and not listen to that jerk-off. we won. so i unmuted and the guy was yelling " get on our level, get on our level, get on our level ". lol
edit: srub suggestions -
Also remember that there are skill jumps still. Crouch jumping leads to way better flow on maps. Dont you dare think clamber replaced skill jumps.
This is what I'd suggest. Watching pros is the best bet to pick up good habits. Halo is also very mental you can really do a number on yourself of you're expecting to play badly.
I am pumped. Have barely been selling any REQs so I can just spam away in Firefight.Only 1 day more for the Warzone firefight beta!
Halo 5, The golf of MP shooters. Sometimes I can definitely be my own worst enemy.
Teleporting was really bad yesterday for me.So why did they remove region lock? Every other game i see someone teleport...really annoying.
Revert this change asap
(I am playing from EU)
:lol Golf is exactly what I liken it to.