Member the Prophets' Bane certification with the new Prophets Bane Mythic REQ Pack, part of our Month of Mythic! the Prophets' Bane certification with the new Prophets Bane Mythic REQ Pack, part of our Month of Mythic!
It's not exclusive to Halo 5. In MCC a couple weeks ago I faced off against a team of people who were ranked 30 and atleast one 50 when I'm Level 1 in that playlist.
New forge map is in slayer. It's pretty, it seems to play ok, I need to play it more
Just bought one and didn't receive a pack. :/
Neighbor said "Someone tell this FUCKING brad to stop dying" FeelsBadMan
It's called Month of Mythic. So I'm guessing they'll sell a new mythic each week.
Coliseum assault is actually really good.
Just wrote a 5 paragraph essay on why Overgrowth, Riptide, Tyrant, and assault are awful and need to be removed from the team arena playlist in that box at the end of the survey. I've done what I can to help make Halo great again
Post it here too if you can.Just wrote a 5 paragraph essay on why Overgrowth, Riptide, Tyrant, and assault are awful and need to be removed from the team arena playlist in that box at the end of the survey. I've done what I can to help make Halo great again
Is there any way to make sure it is domino?Monsters.
Each REQ pack you don't buy is a ramen noodle out of some poor tester's mouth.
Reqs are down? Playing FF and can't buy any weapons
What's wrong with overgrowth?
I always enjoy this map when it comes up, especially strongholds... The RL needs to go though.
Don't really get the Riptide hate either.
I'm not a fan of tyrant though, not enough angles and attacking options.
Low scoring isnt necessarily a bad thing.But it's not... It's definitely better since they moved the scoring area, but it's still generally 10 minutes of slayer until a team finally gets a cap and by that time it's to late to push and try to tie it up. Games don't end 0-0 anymore, so if that what it takes for you to think it's good then sure it's good.
Restart the game?
This happens to me pretty much every day, restarting the game does the trick for me.
What's wrong with overgrowth?
I always enjoy this map when it comes up, especially strongholds... The RL needs to go though.
Don't really get the Riptide hate either.
I'm not a fan of tyrant though, not enough angles and attacking options.
Post it here too if you can.
Tyrant- You touched on it already with the lack of angles and attacking options because it's literally 3 long, tight hallways. Plus it's so stupid for assault because the defending team can throw the bomb off the map from inside the scoring area.
It's called Month of Mythic. So I'm guessing they'll sell a new mythic each week.
Would've made more sense if they made a REQ pack that was exclusively mythic weapons and armor, or at least worth the money.
Overgrowth- Nothing but tight corridors and hallways. Makes it nearly impossible to avoid nades and rockets. Also camping crouched with an ar at a doorway waiting for somebody to come through is abundant.
Riptide- This map has absolutely no flow to it. Blue room is still a dominant area. 343 put a plasma caster to try and help push people out of this area, but it can make holding blue room even more dominant if the team controlling this spot gets a hold of it because then nobody is going to be able to push through wind tunnel. I do really like the addition of camo to this map though.
Tyrant- You touched on it already with the lack of angles and attacking options because it's literally 3 long, tight hallways. Plus it's so stupid for assault because the defending team can throw the bomb off the map from inside the scoring area.
I can't just copy and paste what I wrote because it contains questions from the survey and why I gave those questions low grades. But the gist of my arguments to why Overgrowth, Riptide, Tyrant, and Assault are awful are in my reply to Jem and Jizz.
Community Action Sack really is the GOAT
It's pretty good, yes. Is this permanent with new games in rotation every week?
Low scoring isnt necessarily a bad thing.
I just had a game where my team spent the first half only just managing to fend off the other team scoring. Then we managed to counterattack and pull off an arm. It then went back to us scrambling to stop them scoring for another few minutes until they tied up. We scored just as the game went into overtime leaving 3 minutes left where they went all out attack and we just managed to stop them.
The game ended 2-1 in overtime but it was never just a slayer match. We had maybe 4 or 5 massively clutch defenses. Just because a point isnt being scored doesnt mean the game wasnt interesting.
Updated system specs.