343 pliss, give Mk. V fans their pouch back ;'[

You can put pouches and grenades on other armor, but not the original, first Halo armor ever? What. The. Shit.
343 pliss, give Mk. V fans their pouch back ;'[
I agree, it will certainly be noticed lol, but that's not really the argument :b
I hear ya on that, but that's why I think a fair compromise would be sprint/shooting based radar. There's no reason to pop up on the radar just for walking; it gimps movement and slows gameplay to a crawl many times.
You would think this is the case, but how often do we see Silvers, Golds and Platinum players matching against several tiers higher than them? People complain about that very thing daily in this thread. And who wants to play all ranked, all the time? So that's part of the issue too, there's no true "social" experience, even with the supposed looser skill matching. It's not a perfect system, and not all players in a tier are created equal. Just because someone is an Onyx does not mean they know how to use radar to its fullest potential or are trying to play defensive-heavy Halo every game, which is what radar lends itself to.
Defense in Halo 5 is farrrrr too strong, and radar should be first on the chopping block as opposed to adjusting other things like sprint, thrust or kill times. Surviving and running from encounters is way too easy and leads to much frustration. Shoot a player 4 times, they thrust away, and you have to condition yourself to let it go, or you can chase them into a potentially easy trap/counter. It's grating after a while, but our love for Halo is what keeps us coming back.
Wait Braxy Gosu are you playing Quantum Break too? Cool I'm on act 4
Braxxy, G0su, and myself all play QB, and it is magnificent.
OMG I just realized I have 180 silvers to go. The road is long.
teams across the studio are hard at work on a variety of updates, including many that come straight from feedback youve given us. Modes and playlists like Infection, matchmaking preference options, more Forge goodness, UI updates and post-game medals,
Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmmie!!!!!
Edit: braxy photoshop mistwr chiefs face on it like u did my avi! >=D
Any gaffers want to roll Arena tonight? Or I'll play pretty much anything else except breakout.
I was planning to get placed in FFA but I play champions every time and my heart can't take 10 games straight of that. Freakin ranking system.
GT: SoR Avenge
matchmaking preference options, more Forge goodness, UI updates and post-game medals, Campaign balance updates (more on that in just a bit), and lots more that I cant talk about just yet is in the works. Many of these will be landing with Memories of Reach, which is currently slated for an early May release.
I am Diamond 6 trying to get Onyx in Team Arena, down to play if you want
If you're talking about chasing kills, then that is most definitely one of the worst things you can do in these moments, especially if you're playing against good players. And unless you're playing with a full team and have map control, these situations can be plentiful.Every single ability that can be used defensively, can be used offensively. Just as often as you see someone successful evading being killed, you see them run to their death. Sure someone can camp and radar watch, but hit markers make nowhere save to hide.
Quantum break is the first SP only shooter I've fallen in love with since max Payne
It took all of my will power to stop my second playthrough and come back to halo
343 pliss, give Mk. V fans their ORIGINAL ARMOR AND HELMET! back ;'[
You can put pouches and grenades on other armor, but not the original, first Halo armor ever? What. The. Shit.
Haven't played Firefight yet. Do you get REQ points for playing it?
Haven't played Firefight yet. Do you get REQ points for playing it?
Yup and quite a fair amount, lots of XP too!
so yeah, Doom beta.
It's nice. What Halo should have been kappa
Halogaf now doomgaf![]()
Speaking of which hey Arby do you play KI?
fuck yeah I do, I have a few mains but it's mainly Shago![]()
Cool I have seen you on the KI thread, I also have a few mains but the Arbiter is my fighter, we should play sometime!
sure just give me your GT
Why did i get 200rp for my silver pack, when be still got plenty of silvers rare items to go?
Arby's Shago is scary
he will go ham
Edit: um I mean GO HALO!
Hey Fat sorry the other day I also had to go haha
Lol it's all good brother!
Thanks, tomorrow I'm going to a "Quinceañera party" but come on HaloGAF we need to play Firefight together this Sunday
Oh man you just gave me horrible flashbacks of having to be in every single one of my cousins Quinceañeras when I was younger. I had to learn so many dance routines lol nightmare fuel. I did look handsome af in those tuxedos tho
so yeah, Doom beta.
It's nice. What Halo should have been kappa
I can't believe I deleted it off my HDD after the last beta, I didn't know it was coming back!
Open beta bruh. Those of us who didn't get Wolfenstein or preorder get a chance to change our minds.
I like it a lot, but I feel like the online community will be dead by July.
Personally, I miss the days where the armor felt like one connected set instead of floating pieces on a black undersuit.Note how the art team designs or at least builds armour on black undersuits, almost as if having red armour on a red undersuit makes the former harder to see or something!
Personally, I miss the days where the armor felt like one connected set instead of floating pieces on a black undersuit.
The black parts look like they connect directly to the armor pieces, as opposed to the floating armor pieces with a black undersuit of Halo 4 and 5.