Battle Creek, Prisoner, Hang 'Em High, Chill Out Damnation and Rat Race.

Battle Creek, Prisoner, Hang 'Em High, Chill Out Damnation and Rat Race.
Is it a loadout weapon or is it just on the map?I'm having a lot of fun on this Anniversary playlist, the CE pistol is GOAT.
Is it a loadout weapon or is it just on the map?
Figured I would come back out of the woodworks to post something I've been working on, the 15th anniversary of Halo and Xbox seemed like a good enough day.
CT from RvB, just need to set up a scene for her now.
Ok, I'll definitely have to try it out.Loadout is AR and CE pistol.
Not gonna lie, I kinda do wish it went even further and removed abilities and adjusted movement / jump height to match CE.
This is still fun, though. The only thing better would be if the playlist gave double XP.
When was Protector Stalwart added? Just noticed it.
To watch the anniversary livestream, or keep watching the Ogres play 2v2 CE?
Decisions, decisions.
EDIT: Also, join me in the private twitch nerds.
Hope they didnt fuck up the audio for this stream. Lol..
When was Protector Stalwart added? Just noticed it.
We never get a shout out on the live stream. But Reddit does. What makes them so special?
We did get a shoutout.
Oh this is embarrassing.
Probably the most unprofessional life stream so far. Sketch is dying inside.
Wow, the reaction time on these guys is pathetic. It's like they have dialup from their eyeballs to their brain.
Man, I miss this place. How've you guys been?
I figured I'd jump in and say something to Halo 5 and 343's credit, as well as the Halo franchise as a whole and of course the old Bungie guys.
Halo is an amazing series, and I'm sitting here watching the livestream while I think about all the good times I've had, not only with this game, but also so many of the old guard of HaloGAF, and even some of you newbies. I know that it's just a game, and just a series, but to me, it's something that's been a part of my life for 15 years now.
From HBO to HaloGAF to ReclaimerHub to BGE, my newest endeavor is actual game development at an actual game studio (Snowden Studios), I owe my life and career to this series and it's (ever so salty) community. So thanks, nerds.
Also, the throwback playlist is fucking awesome. Absolutely crazy. Hope y'all are enjoying it too!