Eh, I played CE on PC more than enough to get my fill of Halo 1's "pistol + power weapons" multiplayer gameplay.
I think he is at Radical Entertainment now, maybe working on Prototype 2, I am not sure though.tonitoni said:Where is he now?
Hitmonchan107 said:Frankie said they're not all from Halo: CE. Also, the maps chosen take into account AAs (so that pretty much excludes the possibility of a Relic remake).
Why wouldn't you want them to choose from the game that had the greatest selection of maps in the series? Halo 2's multiplayer maps were consistently god tier.GavinGT said:Wait, Halo 2 maps in there? Fuck naw.
Havok said:Why wouldn't you want them to choose from the game that had the greatest selection of maps in the series? Halo 2's multiplayer maps were consistently god tier.
Halo 1 had good maps. Halo 2 had nothing BUT godly maps.GavinGT said:Not in my opinion. Not after playing Halo's maps on XBConnect for five years. Or maybe it was just the game they were in that ruined them for me.
Thank you based Frankie.frankie said:Helmet is already being addressed, just not in time for trailer. Pax Halo Fest.
I don't know man. The days of getting game type Assault/CTF on Burial Mounds three times in a row had me raging back then.wwm0nkey said:Halo 1 had good maps. Halo 2 had nothing BUT godly maps.
I can find the direct quote for you, but he said what I mentioned earlier in the new Sparkast. He didn't confirm Halo 2 maps, but I wouldn't call it an anniversary edition if it didn't include the "best" from the series.GavinGT said:Wait, Halo 2 maps are in there? Oh jeez. I thought he was just saying they included one or more maps from the PC version of Halo.
Hitmonchan107 said:The maps are "worth" $20, if we're going on map pack pricing for Reach.
So essentially you're getting a Halo: CE remake for $20, which is incredible with the amount of attention given to updating the game.
If 343 comes out and gives us a true "Classic" playlist (i.e. No bloom, no AA, increased jump height/speed), this will be amazing.
Is it possible to do that? I don't know. But a man can dream.
Tashi0106 said:I'm ready for the 7 new maps for Reach. I'll definitely have a run through campaign again with online Co-Op.
Battle Creek remake...more like Beaver Creek?
Touche. I'm basing my Halo multiplayer love off of Halo 2. :^)Steelyuhas said:Wasn't the jump height in CE lower than in Reach?
rasberryjam said:I love you for just getting it.
Can't wait for everyone to quit bitching.
Not the best quote for this, but it's from the Amazon listing:GavinGT said:Wait, Halo 2 maps are in there? Oh jeez. I thought he was just saying they included one or more maps from the PC version of Halo.
... a bundle of some of the most beloved multiplayer maps in Halo history ...
I don't even know if most of the people in this thread played Halo CE MP. So much confusion about the design and mechanics of the game.Steelyuhas said:Wasn't the jump height in CE lower than in Reach?
It is based off Beaver Creek. There are no ladders in Reach.
We'll finally get good maps in Reach Amiright?!
Booshka said:I don't even know if people most of the people in this thread played Halo CE MP. So much confusion about the design and mechanics of the game.
Awesome..... I will do this a million times during the campaignOuterWorldVoice said:To clarify:
Campaign runs on and in the original Halo CE engine. Physics, gameplay, everything are all intact. The "second engine" running on top of it is a graphics layer. No gameplay, or even glitches, have been altered deliberately. You can, at any time, press the Back button (appropriately enough) and switch, in real time (with a tiny pause) to the original appearance, to check for yourself. It's a pure nostalgia play, but I find myself doing it a lot. For fun.
Same experience, I have been disappointed with Halo ever since Halo 2, but my love for Halo CE keeps me looking toward every new Halo release with a glimmer of hope.ido said:I 100% agree with Booshka, and the rest of the people who are disappointed with the lack of original MP.
I cannot understand the people who think it's too much to ask to get a complete remake, considering it is a very popular opinion that the MP in Halo CE was the best of all.
I wouldn't even care if they did not reskin the old MP levels... Just give us what Halo CE fans have been frothing at the bit for... I am completely disappointed with the decision.
I wonder if we will EVER get a true Halo CE online experience. I played XBC, and some Halo PC... but I always, always wanted it to be on Live.
Halo is a very special game to me... I played religiously with my friends at LAN parties, until the release of Halo 2, which was a disappointment to me and all of my friends. We all casually played the rest of the games, but never had nearly as much fun as the original.
Mind boggling why this isn't included. We really are only getting half of a remake. I would pay full price if it included MP, as I really feel it would be worth it.
Thanks for the reply. I'd started to conclude this from other posts and tidbits, and as I did my (long) drive home, it began to bother me more and more.Cocopjojo said:The answer to your question is that, as Frank said, nothing has been deliberately changed.The game plays the same. I've even slid down the wall of the first bridge on AotCR to test it... Everything spawned identically. That was the best test I knew to give it and it passed with flying colors.
Sai said:Man, I understand why they're doing it, but I wish some of the animations and gameplay elements were being updated. Maybe having an option to switch like with the graphics?... But I guess that wouldn't be as easy as it sounds.
I'm excited.
I never imagined they'd hack MP off.Steelyuhas said:I for one was with Ghaleon, I didn't think there was going to be CE multiplayer, so I guess I'm not disappointed that its not there because I didn't expect it to be.
GhaleonEB said:long post is long.
Good to hear.OuterWorldVoice said:Animations are being reworked. So are Cinematics. In-game, we have to be careful though, so that animation does not impact pace, gameplay etc. So it will be subtle. Cinematics will be in-engine, but overhauled.
wwm0nkey said:Halo 1 had good maps. Halo 2 had nothing BUT godly maps.
Nope. ODST, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Reach all added and expanded the sandbox, and mostly for the better. To ignore the campaigns of the rest of the Halo games is to ignore the inspiration of the original. Halo: CE is good but limited. It doesn't outclass its sequels in every category, nor does it take the sandbox to its fullest potential.Randolph Freelander said:I look at it this way. This will be the best Halo made in 10 years.
By a country mile.
Aye, the MP designers were on fire in Halo 2. We've done this dance before, but they really benefited from the way maps were focused with specific game types in mind. Turf for Three Plots, Waterworks for CTF, Ascension for one-bomb, Relic and Headlong for One-Flag, Sanctuary for CTF. And Slayer worked brilliantly for just about everything. Many of Reach's (and Halo 3's) maps suffer from that lack of focus.soldat7 said:Truth. I miss Halo 2 MP something fierce.
GhaleonEB said:Thanks for the reply. I'd started to conclude this from other posts and tidbits, and as I did my (long) drive home, it began to bother me more and more.
To expand on a post I did on the HaloGAF thread, there are things in Halo 1 that won't stand up to scrutiny today, because they were a product of a rushed launch title for the Xbox. And there are things added to Halo over the course of the series that I'm going to miss dearly.
In Halo 1, physics were really limited, applied only to a few things. So those purple Covenant weapon crates (which do not actually hold weapons in Halo 1) might as well be trees; they can't move. No physics. In fact, there are no movable objects other than enemies, vehicles and weapons. No fusion cores to blow up, no bits of geometry to knock around, no debris from destroyed vehicles cluttering up the battle field (from the three vehicles that can be destroyed). It's a very static game. I don't think the very limited application of physics in Halo holds up well.
The impact of moving vehicles is binary; get touched by a Warthog moving at 5 mph and you don't get thumped and take a little damage, you die. Makes vehicle/infantry play fidgety and annoying. That should be fixed, but it sounds like it's not.
There are a lot of those things, which I think are arhcaic and to which I have no nostalgia attached.
But there's an even longer list of things added to the series that make it more fun, that will now be gone. Nothing to do with the Chief really - not how he moves or shoots or jumps or anything. Things like:
- Suicide Grunts, which are hilarious and dangerous.
- Ruptured methane tanks in Reach, sending Grunts flying, which are even more hilarious (and also dangerous).
- Fusion cores that go boom very nicely.
- Marines that can drive vehicles (not Kat - think The Storm in Halo 3). Driving a Warthog around is such a lonely affair in Halo.
- Friendly AI that's...not so hot. Taking "short controlled bursts" with the AR too far. They're like Emile in Reach, firing short bursts at powerful foes from very long distances. Halo's AI was remarkable for its time, but this sort of thing is unacceptable these days.
- Enemies limited to their zones; they won't come through doors or over certain thresholds over which their AI cannot navigate; friendly AI that turns off when you take them too far.
- Not being able to swap weapons with Marines.
- Not being able to use the Wraith.
- Not being able to board vehicles, to steal or destroy. This is not minor: I can't tell you how often I've wanted to steal the Wraith at the bottom of the titular Control Room and shell the living hell out of everyone on the way up. Vehicle thievery adds so much to the infantry/vehicle combat.
- Destructible vehicle states.
And so on. I have a list three times that long in my head. None of it has to do with the core gameplay of movement, jumping, guns, grenades.
Playing through Halo 1 these past few weeks with my eight year old, I was doing so dreaming of a truly remade Halo game. Because, to be honest, I'm bored playing Halo 1. I've played it to death. And the series has added so very much to the sandbox over time, so much to the AI set, so much to the strategic elements of the game, I think it's a big step back to lose them.
I get what you guys are doing withe the remake, and why. A remake is a lose-lose proposition. You have hoards of faithful that think the Halo 1 campaign is sacred and perfect (many of whom now work at 343). You have guys like me that love much of what Bungie did to the series over time. How do you please both groups? You can't. At least, not in one version of the Campaign.
Thus, the compromise: rigidly faithful gameplay, updated graphics (with a brilliant retro toggle). But I wish there was a gameplay toggle as well. Because I want to board Wraiths and steal Banshees, I want to swap weapons with Marines, I want to not get killed by the slightest touch of a moving vehicle, I want the decidedly static Halo 1 game world to be more malleable.
In today's inaugural 343 Halo Bulletin, Frankie wrote this:
But we couldnt just remake it, thered be no point. For starters, the game Bungie made in the first place is practically perfect, and its available, verbatim, on disc and Games on Demand for Xbox 360. It runs smoothly and at a higher resolution.
And he's right! I can - and do - play Halo 1 on my 360. It is a testament to Bungie's artistic and technical prowess that it looks and plays so well today, ten years later. But since I can put that game into my 360 right now, and it looks great....why buy a game that plays identically to it, but (has the option to) have a new coat of paint on it? I'm playing that already. I have no frothing desire to play this new version of Halo 1, because I was playing it last week. And I know about what it will look like, because I play Reach every day.
I wish you had a toggle not just to go from classic visuals, but to classic gameplay. So I could re-experience a great campaign with not just modern visuals, but physics, AI and gameplay. Then it would be the best of both worlds.
So I'm not excited for this new campaign. A new coat of paint does nothing - nada - for me.
What I am excited about is the new Firefight map. The mode is so bursting with potential, which it's only now starting to realize in Reach, and it it makes me incredibly happy to have you guys continue to expand on the game type. (No, seriously, I really like Firefight.) I look forward to what you are going to do with it.
This is not to say I don't appreciate what you're doing with the Campaign, nor what a brutally difficult balancing act you're striking to do it. I respect it very much, but I don't like it.
FfffffffffffffffffffffffffHitmonchan107 said:Frankie said they're not all from Halo: CE. Also, the maps chosen take into account AAs (so that pretty much excludes the possibility of a Relic remake).
CrazedArabMan said:I'm so happy this is finally happening though with unchanged physics, let's just hope that we can do some awesome warthog flips on The Silent Cartographer.
Also I don't believe this has been addressed, but is the co-op 4 players or only 2?
Halo 1 was only 2 and all I saw was 2 spartans in the preview, but all these recent Halo's and the trend right now is 4 player co-op, any clarification if you can would be great.![]()
Dax01 said:You can't replicate these experiences in Halo: CE.
You don't have to use vehicles, though. That's the beauty of it. And vehicle combat has been a staple of Halo since the first game.Randolph Freelander said:Heh, thanks for the reminder why I like Halo: CE so much more than the sequels.
Those screenshots do nothing but underscore just one part that I like better about CE: less emphasis on vehicles. The warthog was strictly a point A-to-point B thing, and outside of AOTCR, lesser so in TTB, you didn't spend a ton of time in anything else, either.
Thanks, Dax. CE reaffirmed once again.![]()
OuterWorldVoice said:2, just like CE (via System Link, back in the day).
Dax01 said:You don't have to use vehicles, though. That's the beauty of it.
Just checked with Frankie, and he said the maps are not limited to CE. I was just making sure I heard him correctly.FilthyLies said:Ffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Relic's my all time favorite Halo mp map
This game was made for you. Enjoy.Blader5489 said:Question:
If I don't give a shit about MP, only care about SP, and like the idea of the campaign remaining as is but just being given the Reach there any reason I should be upset about Anniversary?
Wait, Halo Anniversary has System Link co-op and not online co-op? Or, were you saying that the original game had system link co-op, because I am pretty sure it didn't. Clarify pleaseOuterWorldVoice said:2, just like CE (via System Link, back in the day).
I think he meant "2, just like CE (via split-screen, back in the day)."Booshka said:Wait, Halo Anniversary has System Link co-op and not online co-op? Or, were you saying that the original game had system link co-op, because I am pretty sure it didn't. Clarify please
yea that's what I thought, I was about to go to a friends house and play Halo CE on system link co op otherwise :lolncsuDuncan said:I think he meant "2, just like CE (via split-screen, back in the day)."
It's been a long day for OWV and 343, I'm really impressed with how active Frank has been on GAF and HBO. Tons of questions answered and confusion cleared up. Small typos like this are completely understandable.
Booshka said:yea that's what I thought, I was about to go to a friends house and play Halo CE on system link co op otherwise :lol
No problem, thanks for responding so often and putting up with crazy Halo fans like myself.OuterWorldVoice said:Sorry! I have the flu, on top of natural stupidity.
Halo Anniversary supports 2 player co-op over Live, to simulate the 2 player System link experience of yore.
OuterWorldVoice said:Sorry! I have the flu, on top of natural stupidity.
Halo Anniversary supports 2 player co-op over Live, to simulate the 2 player System link experience of yore.
This thread, is confusing me so hard, I am sure neither Halo 1 or 2 had co-op on System Link. What the fuck is going on.Glassboy said:I don't think halo 1 supported campaign system link. It was first introduced in halo 2. I remember because my friend and I played all night on our own screens![]()
Halo 3. That's what.Booshka said:This thread, is confusing me so hard, I am sure neither Halo 1 or 2 had co-op on System Link. What the fuck is going on.
E3 Delirium I guess