Of all the people that played or planned to play Halo Infinite 0,5% at most i would say. I bet there are more warriors pretending to be super shocked and disappointed than actual gamers.

Of all the people that played or planned to play Halo Infinite 0,5% at most i would say. I bet there are more warriors pretending to be super shocked and disappointed than actual gamers.
I fucking hate the fact there is no split screen games anymore. Now that I have a massive TV no fucking game supports it (or local co op for that matter). I have friends over, we can't really play anything together. It sucks.Who cares about split screen? Which was the last racing game released with split screen, not to mention FPS?
Judging by the outrage in this thread, shouldn't lack of split screen in modern games be a massive topic?
I think most people have put more time into Halo online rather than co-op in split screen. I played Halo co-op and loved it, back that was back in 2001. Ever since online racing in PGR2 or online co-op in the likes of Rainbow Six vegas I've never looked to enjoyed Split screen gaming and loved the full screen gamingYou can say "omg so much demand if you play once every 2 weeks" but I say, we bought most of the Tales of games on Steam and the only reason we bought them was because you could couch co-op in fights.
We/I wouldn't have bought any of those games if it weren't for that.
Halo also wouldn't have gotten as much playtime if it weren't for couch co-op.
Many friends got into Halo because they played with me co-op at some point and got hooked on the gameplay, so it even helps sell games.
And just look at forums how disappointed people are that it got canceled. Yeah obviously, there is absolutely no demand for it /s.
Human Fall Flat, Gang Beasts, Overcooked, Moving out and more are many games that only exist because people like to play couch co-op.
Avalanche would be better than id. I love the open world. But not many developers do split screen these days.This game's development continues to be a complete shit show.
MS should give Halo to ID Software and sell off 343i.
They have also removed 4 years of content in that same time…
They have also removed 4 years of content in that same time…
I absolutely love destiny but they did long time fans dirty. Years later and we still not at what we had content wise. That isn't something to be praised for.
They removed two years of content and have more than replaced it since. D2 is hands down the best example of a live service game success, and it wasn't even designed to last more than 3 years.
There are a fraction of the strikes available before vaulting, they keep bringing back old weapon as new after vaulting, shit they had to put all the maps of a seasonal event into the strike playlist because there are so few left. The raids are recycled from d1….
Forsaken was the best campaign and it’s gone now because game don’t work cause it’s to big…. Hell last season major plot point was connected to the original campaign that people can’t play anymore. Don’t get started on pvp maps lost almost half of them and have gotten 1 new one, no new maps for gambit since forsaken….
When your answer to keep shit working is throwing out content people spent money for its not something to be praised…
You can tell who does and doesn't actually play the games they insist on having an opinion about.
Maybe, just maybe if people paid 70$ for it, this wouldn't happen? Just sayin.
Yeah cross generation ehMight be the xbox one that's causing the issue. I wonder whether they would have gotten away with not releasing it there.
I'd like to clear the air here since @dvdvideo struggles with reading comprehension: I did not say that Halo is slow and brutal. This was my post:
I said that 343i is killing Halo slowly and brutally, not that the gameplay is slow and brutal. I'll just add on to what others have said and say that, unless someone specifically states that they are speaking for everyone, it should be assumed that one's post is their own opinion. @dvdvideo, you need to work on not getting triggered so easily.
Your comment and your name seem to be at odds.Amazing that a company can fuck up MS's flagship IP for 10 fucking years and STILL be employed. MS should have cleaned the house after Halo 5. I have been saying this for the longest time. After this new update/news, I have never seen so many people say that 343 should not work on the next Halo game. That really says something, and if MS continues to sit on thier ass with this IP, then they are just as accountable as 343.
Finally, someone noticed. It was a name change. I got too hopeful for once and now look at where we are.Your comment and your name seem to be at odds.
Finally, someone noticed. It was a name change. I got too hopeful for once and now look at where we are.
I do have to admit one thing. Even though it's still BS that this was cut, because it was a promised feature. AT LEAST, you can still get essentially the same utility albeit with more stuff/inconvenience.
Honestly, even if split screen was in the game, I would have just run two instances of the game side by side instead. But I already have a TV and a gaming PC right next to each other just waiting for such an occasion. But still this isn't that hard or farfetched to set up these days. Especially with commodity TVs/monitors, cheap game systems and the fact that you need 1 friend who cares about gaming to begin with to do this. You probably already have almost everything.
It's just not nearly as conducive to actually DOING it than simply picking a menu option that works on any living room setup. But at least this isn't a feature you can't replicate the experience of. As a brute force patch, you can still drop 2 displays and 2 consoles/PCs in one room.
Now if they removed Forge, that you can't fix by just buying more Xbox's lol.
I wouldn't have played splitscreen coop either. I too have a PC and even a Series S for such coop sessions.
but what this says once again about this team and game+engine is damning imo
Loner.I think most people have put more time into Halo online rather than co-op in split screen. I played Halo co-op and loved it, back that was back in 2001. Ever since online racing in PGR2 or online co-op in the likes of Rainbow Six vegas I've never looked to enjoyed Split screen gaming and loved the full screen gaming
In 2022 I think most people don't bother with split screen gaming, other than if you want to joing in on the hate bandwagon and bash Halo and 343. I'm getting ready for the Sonic hate in a couple of months time too