Who is the lady with the crazy eyes?
Steve Buscemi's daughter.
Who is the lady with the crazy eyes?
H2 has the worst campaign in the series. Fact.
I'm starting to get games a lot now, just played Team BRs on Guardian
This game is so good, I'm starting to forgive 343 for the shitty launch.
I'm starting to get games a lot now, just played Team BRs on Guardian
This game is so good, I'm starting to forgive 343 for the shitty launch.
I'm starting to get games a lot now, just played Team BRs on Guardian
This game is so good, I'm starting to forgive 343 for the shitty launch.
Where do I find the brightness settings in the MCC?
Wished Microsoft would fix the crushed blacks. There are so many spots, where you can't see anything. So many games suffer from it.
I'm starting to get games a lot now, just played Team BRs on Guardian
This game is so good, I'm starting to forgive 343 for the shitty launch.
Is this the hype thread for 343's next CoD game?
Just a few comments from my friends and i last night playing customs:
Friends list app to invite friends is very annoying, too many steps to go thru just to invite friends, wheres the integrated friends list?
To change teams, it takes several clicks just to perform on action, why isnt there a simple left and right on the dpad to change teams?
Customs game settings have to be created before going into a lobby to actually save them, otherwise you have to recreate your settings each time in the lobby and there isnt a save function straight from the lobby.
Party leader or game session leader is randomly given to someone else when theyre invited to your own session that youre a leader of.
I had joined a friends session as he was waiting for matchmaking, it was taking too long, so i left to play campaign, he claimed he joined my session, yet was in a menu waiting as i was playing campaign, no notification at all to either one of us, only way i k ew he was in my session was i heard his voice.
|OT 21| Searching for title...
I was switching back and forth between H2A and Classic, and yeah, some parts of the game are way darker now. I am surprised they didn't included a brightness setting, isn't that always available in Halo games?
I'd also like to see them include some actual audio settings for once, never in the history of the franchise(right?) has that been in.
I know this is probably nigh on heresy to say but...
I don't like Lockdown/Lockout. When playing Slayer at least.
It just tends to devolve into taking potshots at the other team from base to base, it's not particularly fun. It's very difficult to flank anyone because any route is very easy to monitor and then there's also radar. Therefore map movement is massively reduced and you essentially get stuck in the bases. No one can move because as soon as they pop their head out they'll get a bunch of shots at them. And the under pass area is a giant cluster fuck if you meet the enemy there.
It just kinda sucks.
Who made those images in the op? They are really good.
Ahhh, damn. I never read the bottom of the ops.Creators are linked in the OP
Xboners.Living vicariously through xbone owners (xbowners?), this is where I'm at.
Managed to get three matches today. The first a perfectly fine H3 match with equal teams. The second a H2A match where my teammates did literally nothing, I was the only one on my team that got kills >.> And the third match a connection error occurred before the match even started, yet I still got to play the match (alone)....How's matchmaking this morning?
Is Frank still alive?
I just got a match made Halo 3 game... Team BRs on Guardian.
Holy shit. Those dedicated servers make so much difference. For the first time playing Halo 3 ever online, I didn't feel disadvantaged. Absolutely amazing. Everything just felt smooth.
I kinda booted someone to see if I could though. Oops. Sorry man xD
I just got a match made Halo 3 game... Team BRs on Guardian.
Holy shit. Those dedicated servers make so much difference. For the first time playing Halo 3 ever online, I didn't feel disadvantaged. Absolutely amazing. Everything just felt smooth.
I kinda booted someone to see if I could though. Oops. Sorry man xD
do the dedis actually work? Sounds like everyone is saying it's still P2P atmI just got a match made Halo 3 game... Team BRs on Guardian.
Holy shit. Those dedicated servers make so much difference. For the first time playing Halo 3 ever online, I didn't feel disadvantaged. Absolutely amazing. Everything just felt smooth.
I kinda booted someone to see if I could though. Oops. Sorry man xD
Played Halo 3 on LAN a few months ago. Felt great. Excited to try it out on MCC in a few weeks (holiday/black friday sales).
Are all the playlists / maps the most updated versions? By that I mean do they have equipment like flare, etc., removed? Weapon locations in the updated spots?
do the dedis actually work? Sounds like everyone is saying it's still P2P atm
The Master Chief Collection is still a hot mess, Halo 2's campaign is still bad compared to other Halo games. I still will play MCC a lot till Halo 5.
For those still on the fence. Walmart.com will have a sale all day on Thanksgiving (Nov 27)
$379 Xbox One + Halo MCC + Game of Choice + 12 Month Xbox Live
What's the second game I should get?
I got this achievement last night:
"Kill a 343 developer in matchmaking or someone who has this achievement."
I have no idea who I played.
Halo 2 campaign isn't great. Arbiter levels are shit tier, but also have the best story. Master Chief levels are god tier, but have almost no story aside from rehashing plot beats from Halo: CE. (Minus Cortana drama and fight finishing) Halo 3 and CE dump all over it.I actually used to think Halo 2 had one of the better Halo campaigns. Rose tinting was at full effect there.
There isn't enough open space sandbox fun in Halo 2 for one.
Fighting the covenant is still fun though, game takes you to interesting locations and it has the best story campaign out of every Halo game, except maybe ODST. But ODST is really only cool for its structure.
But the weapon balance in campaign is all off. Everyone knows headshot weapons are the GOAT but at least the spray and pray guns were viable in every other Halo. In Halo 2 they are utter trash. On Heroic or higher you NEED a headshot weapon. Especially when fighting the brutes or the flood.
Speaking of.....
The Halo 2 Brutes and the Halo 2 flood are some of the worst, most un fun enemies to fight in all of video games. Poor hit detection, inconsistent weapon damage.... I can unload multiple rounds of dual brute plasma rifle into a brute and it will do nothing. Which is a shame when I can't find a headshot weapon.
The flood really only goes down with the sword. Headshot weapons do alrright. Plasma does nothing.
ANd this fuckin blows because after Regret the game takes a huge nose dive down the shitter and the last portion of it has you fighting flood and brutes in narrow combat environments.
Games pretty though. Also the upped resolution is a testament to how well base Halo 2 has withstood the test of time. There were times I was playing through the campaign before I realized I forgot to switch back into anniversary mode.
Where do I find the brightness settings in the MCC?
Wished Microsoft would fix the crushed blacks. There are so many spots, where you can't see anything. So many games suffer from it.
Flare was in the game I just played, so if it was removed then nope![]()
New OT is good, and it's a Plywood OT.
We back.
Wall of Shame from the last OT:
New OT is good, and it's a Plywood OT.
We back.
Wall of Shame from the last OT:
It is because the only way to get from base to base is through top middle or bottom middle. It is like a funnel. There is really no flanking route like on Guardian with the man cannons. Take out the man cannons on guardian, and boom, you essentially get Lockout.
Oh, dear.