that is some seriously awesome lag. maybe the host was using satellite internet or something.Sweet match on Blackout - Ce&vid=dc26796a-c2ed-421d-be1f-57c47c018dff
I wonder if he takes a whiz standing still or if it's some sort of tribal dance magic.Part of the issue with Halo 1 is even if you're wanting to slowly move forward, Chief always animates at full running speed
"lemme sneak up on this grunt 2 feet away from me"
If there were a pistol, I'd be so happy. [insert Clyde from South Park image]I actually have more trouble with the section after it, with the invisible Elites, due to how you have to position yourself in the hallways and how the enemy spawns function in that part. Truly awful.
As for the previous section which you're talking about, I think it's mostly about ammo conservation in the early parts of the level, making sure you still have some sniper ammo left to take out some of the elites. I don't think it's necessary to have the sniper for the hunters as CE hunters are pretty easy to take down, even just with grenades. There are little weapon caches lying around on the floor near the grav-lift, so make sure to stock up in between waves. If there is a pistol around then obviously don't worry about the sniper ammo for the hunters since they are a one-shot with the pistol.
I'm more of a Halo 2 Legendary runner, but I remember this part well enough that I hope that is vaguely helpful.
Even though I am disappointed to hear about the framerate issues, I am looking forward to playing through the campaigns in 1080p. I normally play through the campaigns solo on Legendary once very year or two, and I am definitely overdue. However, there are a number of areas throughout the game that I am not looking forward to, as they can be pretty grueling on Legendary. They are, off the top of my head, and in order:
Halo: CE
- Defending the first downed Pelican in Halo.
- Fighting the Hunters before boarding Truth and Reconciliation in Truth and Reconciliation.
- The first room after boarding Truth in Truth and Reconciliation.
- The first large-scale battle in Assault on the Control room, before getting the scorpion tank.
- The run up to Keyes and then the room Keyes is in, on the level Keyes.
Halo 2
- The docking bay in Cairo Station.
- Any time there is a Jackal sniper in Outskirts.
- The preceding the scarab in Metropolis.
- Pretty much the whole level Regret.
- The first area of Gravemind.
- The whole banshee part of The Great Journey.
- Tartarus.
Halo 3
Now I don't remember too much of Halo 3's Legendary campaign being as frustrating as the previous two games. Just a few parts really stick out in my mind as being rough.
- The final area of Sierra 117, before being exfiltrated.
- Any time there's Drones in Crow's Nest.
- The open area before getting on the final bit of highway to the cannon in Tsavo Highway.
- The final push on the anti-aircraft cannon in Tsavo Highway.
- Dealing with the stalker forms of the flood in Cortana.
- The first big area near the beginning of Halo.
Halo 4
- I don't remember the exact order of it, but it's a big area in Requiem with three buildings and lots of Prometheans and Covenant. I believe you can get a ghost.
- The big area in Infinity before meeting with Palmer.
- All of Reclaimer. Seriously, this level was brutal.
- There's a big open area in Composer that features a lot of Prometheans. And you can fall to your death.
- Any time you have to fight the constant waves of Promethan crawlers and the final area of Midnight.
I've only played through CE's campaign so far and only did it on heroic. I'm pacing myself. Will probably go through on Legendary when i have a couple more days off from work and then begin H2A, which I'm looking forward to oddly enough. Halo 2 was one of my least campaigns only ahead of Reach's campaign.If there were a pistol, I'd be so happy. [insert Clyde from South Park image]
I posted this in the Master Chief Collection thread, but it pretty much sums up how I'm lookin gat my back-back Halo Legendary runs.
I got into about 3 matches this morning after my rank mysteriously reset itself from 3 to 1. Now I can't get into a match. Waiting about 4 minutes each time before I back out and retry.
This happened last night.
Posted this in the other thread but MCC already seeing a population dropoff... fifth most played game on XBL right now, behind Destiny and Unity.
Maybe it's early in the day but man... #wenotback
Is it really surprising though? I suspect a lot of people are going to wait until the kinks get straightened out and then go back.Posted this in the other thread but MCC already seeing a population dropoff... fifth most played game on XBL right now, behind Destiny and Unity.
Maybe it's early in the day but man... #wenotback
Posted this in the other thread but MCC already seeing a population dropoff... fifth most played game on XBL right now, behind Destiny and Unity.
Maybe it's early in the day but man... #wenotback
I'm willing to bet that a lot of those people aren't coming back.Is it really surprising though? I suspect a lot of people are going to wait until the kinks get straightened out and then go back.
New bug
In the post game carnage report, after clicking on my two friends tags to see their individual stats, it says that 'mac5wayne killed mac5wayne the most' and that 'cpt flank em was killed most by cpt flank em'
12 year old coders at 343?
Posted this in the other thread but MCC already seeing a population dropoff... fifth most played game on XBL right now, behind Destiny and Unity.
Maybe it's early in the day but man... #wenotback
Yep. They have already formed their opinions. Game is broken and they don't have time for broken games.I'm willing to bet that a lot of those people aren't coming back.
The games broken. Most people can't play it even if they want to.
I really hope this doesn't kill MCCs longevity.
Is it really surprising though? I suspect a lot of people are going to wait until the kinks get straightened out and then go back.
Well, considering it doesn't really work it's kinda understandable.
All true, but no less disappointing. This was the big return for Halo on the new generation and there are already more people back to Destiny. Oy. It will undoubtedly hurt the game's longevity, which pisses me off because that means it will be harder to find games in specific playlists as they add more going forward.Where can we see this information?
CE movement is bad. This is fact!
I don't like the way grenades can get lauched by other grenades and have their timers reset and stuff.
Ce strafe and horizontal movement is fine but any time you have to traverse uneven ground or jump on shit it's annoying.
This happened last night.
This happened last night.
They shoud get CA to release more maps and pair it with a rerelease where if you already have MCC you get them for free and others get them when they buy the rereleased copy. this is getting hard to defend.
I really want you to be wrong, but you're probably right. Either way, I feel like it's their loss. People who can't play a game for a week giving up on a game entirely, potentially missing out on months of entertainment for a game they really wanted to play?I'm willing to bet that a lot of those people aren't coming back.
This happened last night.
They shoud get CA to release more maps and pair it with a rerelease where if you already have MCC you get them for free and others get them when they buy the rereleased copy. this is getting hard to defend.
I really want you to be wrong, but you're probably right. Either way, I feel like it's their loss. People who can't play a game for a week giving up on a game entirely, potentially missing out on months of entertainment for a game they really wanted to play?
A new map would be cool actually, but please for the love of Odin, no more midship remakes. Heretic came up the other day in matchmaking and everyone voted for it over the better Halo CE and 2 map alternatives. Ugh.. I'm hoping for either a Terminal or Colossus remake at some point personally :3Solution is simple, offer a new remastered map as an apology.
Commercial: Now play the Midship remake for free as a thank you to fans!
A new map would be cool actually, but please for the love of Odin, no more midship remakes. Heretic came up the other day in matchmaking and everyone voted for it over the better Halo CE and 2 map alternatives. Ugh.. I'm hoping for either a Terminal or Colossus remake personally :3
A new map would be cool actually, but please for the love of Odin, no more midship remakes. Heretic came up the other day in matchmaking and everyone voted for it over the better Halo CE and 2 map alternatives. Ugh.. I'm hoping for either a Terminal or Colossus remake at some point personally :3
Yes!!!!!Just for the fun of it.
They shoud get CA to release more maps and pair it with a rerelease where if you already have MCC you get them for free and others get them when they buy the rereleased copy. this is getting hard to defend.
Yup. I'd much prefer another BTB map.
They really need to do free maps. Why not bring in cosmetic micro-transactions like league of legends. Cool armor and weapon skins. You know people would pay for stuff like that.Bungie gave us maps for free but I don't think it will happen with 343. Though I do like the idea, it would certainly help coax people back and publicize that the game is fixed.
Whenever the game actually is fixed they should consider it.
Me, too. I love BTB.
...and (from MCC OT)...
...this morning I can't, I just can't...XD
Nothing will ever top this, the controller designed for 3 hands.
This happened last night.
With a game this broken I'm afraid we'll lose players who will never come back. BF4 was essentially broken at launch as well - that population never recovered.
I'm inclined to agree with you. Hopefully there is a nice rebound in activity. When does the next update happen?I played a lot of BF4, and never had an issue getting full games of Rush on X1.
People were hyped for this release, and there's nothing else coming this year FPS MP wise. Once it's fixed, people will come back. I don't buy that people will give up on their favorite Halo MPs forever because of a bad launch week.
I'm inclined to agree with you. Hopefully there is a nice rebound in activity. When does the next update happen?
For anything unranked, it should practicality be instant. Look at cod, all unranked and its instant.I'm finding MP matches fast now. Well 2 min compared to 4
So far after backing out once and researching I've been finding games per Frank's advice.