Sketch has said that we won't be seeing anything about H6 at E3.
Hard to believe. Frankie said the same the day before H5 was announced.
Though it is sketch...
Sketch has said that we won't be seeing anything about H6 at E3.
Well, the wording doesn't preclude a spinoff or non-Halo 6 reveal, so I don't see the point in being too disappointed.
wait, dan ayoub left 343i? did i read that somewhere and forget? lol
Did you guys know Halo is dead in water?
Picture proof.
Sketch has said that we won't be seeing anything about H6 at E3.
That's sucks! 😭Sketch has said that we won't be seeing anything about H6 at E3.
Hope they're taking their time on Halo 6, getting campaign right, the art style and arena adjustments. Halo 6 has to bring people back, the franchise has been bleeding too many players
I'm cool with them taking their time with Halo 6. Would like to see some more spinoff stuff in the interm.
I've been thinking about how matchmaking has been handled in Halo lately and I came to the conclusion that playlists are actually pretty bad. I'd really like to see 343 drop the playlist model for future titles. I don't think we should use a server browser though (although they need to keep the customs browser).
My idea is a toggle system which kind of melds aspects of playlists, server browsers and matchmaking together.
Basically you've got a list of gametypes, you tick off which gametypes and which maps within that gametype you'd like to play. Then you hit matchmake. When you match a player, the game looks at the toggles you've both enabled and randomly selects one, that then determines what you're playing.
To retain an element of playlists you'd have toggle groups, or gamemode groups. For the UI, you'd have a list of cascading checklists/toggles. At the top level you'd have the toggle groups/playlists, you could then expand a toggle group and see the gametypes available in that group, you can then expand each individual gametype to see the maps on which it is playable. It would look like this essentially:
Team Arena:
- SlayerTeam Slayer:
- Eden- CTF
- Plaza
- Coliseum
- Fathom- Strongholds
- Coliseum
- Truth
- Eden
- Plaza
- Empire
- EdenSWAT:
- Plaza
- Fathom
- BRsetc.
- maps...- Pistols
- Maps...
Each of these elements would be separately togglable. So if you only wanted to play "Team Arena - Stongholds - Plaza" OR "Swat - BRs - Truth" then you just toggle both those maps in the respective toggle groups/gamemodes. If you want to just play Team Arena modes but not on Empire, you toggle Team Arena and then uncheck Empire for each gametype. If you didn't care what you play just toggle everything. For those who don't want to bother messing about with toggles they can just select a single toggle group/playlist and it would just as it does now.
To retain the ranking system you'd be ranked on a toggle group/playlist basis, just like now.
This would allow really fine grain control on what you want to play. Shit maps would quickly become rarer because people would untoggle them, however, if you find yourself playing the same map/mode too many times you can just go untoggle that one and match elsewhere.
I don't know how difficult this would be from a tech perspective but I can't imagine it would be that much harder to implement than what we've got at the moment. The biggest problem I can see is how to handle MMR and varying strictness based on different gamemodes...
I certainly like this style of MM in games. CSGO has something similar, where you pick which gametype you want to play and toggle which maps you want to be queued for. The problem is population and MM times. Also, 343 has expressed that they got rid of map voting/vetoing because it created situations where certain maps were consistently ignored. I hope 343 reconsiders this at least, because if they make a poop map, the community should have a right to collectively vote against poop.
Although, I think your suggestion/model could be a really cool feature set that distinguishes Halo 5 and 6 into the future where people can custom tailor their MM experience better. In my mind, it would be a win win, even if it was less robust than what you are suggesting.
Hire jem
I've been thinking about how matchmaking has been handled in Halo lately and I came to the conclusion that playlists are actually pretty bad. I'd really like to see 343 drop the playlist model for future titles. I don't think we should use a server browser though (although they need to keep the customs browser).
My idea is a toggle system which kind of melds aspects of playlists, server browsers and matchmaking together....
I understand the developers and your concern for wait times but factor in the following:
1. Quitting, dashboarding, team killing etc based on players not getting to play what they want. Toggles increase player retention in game providing an improved experience by keeping player numbers in games.
2. Skill matching parameters could be wider as players have more experience with maps/gametypes of their choice. This increases over time as well, players get better at what they practice or choose to play with their friends.
3. By default all toggles would be on e.g. all maps and all gametypes. Most players or casuals or first timers etc would never even alter the widest possible set of toggles, this is basically what matchmaking is now e.g. run by developer choice of maps/gametypes per playlist with weights on votes/veto variants. If matching times were slow players can simply have everything on, again player choice and immediate search parameters based on real time reactions to search times e.g. not waiting on developer actions.
4. The vote/veto variants presented are based on matches within toggles, this translates to developers not having to spend so much time on playlist selections and variants. The data is driven by player/party choice more so than incorrect developer assumptions or selections. How many maps in MCC have you really played? How many gametypes in MCC have you really played?
5. Minimum toggles required. Players would be forced to have a strict amount of maps or gametypes turned on e.g. you can't just toggle only one map and gametype on. This translates to keeping search times and player/playlist pools wide enough to be quick.
6. PC games with similar populations do just fine with server browsers. Toggles are a hybrid system taking the best of both server browser and developer based matchmaking systems.
7. At any time a player could choose all on quick search or match based on my toggles e.g. a toggle on/off for toggles. Simple and efficient.
8. Certain playlists could ignore toggles e.g. action sack. Playlists could also have minimum population thresholds and dynamically display if toggles are allowed or not e.g. population drops below 1,000 or 10,000 in a playlist and toggles are defaulted to off for fast games. When the population returns to that playlist toggles can be on again. Again a real time system.
9. Perhaps a minimum number of games are to be played before you can use toggles. Similar to Super Mario Maker unlocks.
10. No junk or unfinished/untested maps/settings like a server browser only system.
To me so much of why players don't stick with a game is gaining the experience to enjoy the game, getting to choose what you play and not having their experience ruined by others. Having toggles at launch of a Halo game hits all these key indicator points to retaining the largest population you can.
Take a small subsection of the community, say MLG/HCS. Pro and semi-pro players find a developer sanctioned map or setting to be great, they all will gravitate to toggling it on. Say they find the opposite so they gravitate to switching the bad ones off. Matchmaking automatically shape shifts and the vote/veto options help keep players coming back to play what they actually want to play. The developer didn't have to sustain anything, the systems are dynamic in nature and deliver in real time.
The thing I don't get is not trying this sort of system once in the life of Halo matchmaking. It's basically just queries/queue work around systems that have existed and iterated over the years. Why not layer this on top so it's all there at launch? Why not increase population by releasing multiplayer only on Windows 10 and allowing cross play with the X1? Just some ideas anyhow.
Replacing Bonnie Ross? Was/isn't she studio head? Wait Dan was a studio head as well but not a direct replacement? How many heads 343 got.Hail Hydra
Apparently Chris Lee is the new studio head. He's been working on Halo since ODST.
ODST 2 confirmed!Apparently Chris Lee is the new studio head. He's been working on Halo since ODST.
Chris is becoming studio head of 343's FPS division, which Dan did not lead.
Totally OT, but Agents of SHIELD is incredible and should be watched if you're a fan of Marvel, superheroes, etc. That is all.Hail Hydra
Totally OT, but Agents of SHIELD is incredible and should be watched if you're a fan of Marvel, superheroes, etc. That is all.
Correct. And he has had this role since Josh Holmes left.
Pretty sure he was a producer that showed up in some of those Sprint episodes.What was his work on ODST and Reach?
In more 343 news, Quinn DelHoyo seems to have been promoted to lead designer rather than just MP designer.
Beyond is gunna love that.
Is the Beyond comment sarcasm? As far as I can tell, Quinn's brought a lot of vital perspective to the franchise, but that's mostly based on what I know from the Sprint videos.In more 343 news, Quinn DelHoyo seems to have been promoted to lead designer rather than just MP designer.
Beyond is gunna love that.
Is the Beyond comment sarcasm? As far as I can tell, Quinn's brought a lot of vital perspective to the franchise, but that's mostly based on what I know from the Sprint videos.
Very much so.Is the Beyond comment sarcasm? As far as I can tell, Quinn's brought a lot of vital perspective to the franchise, but that's mostly based on what I know from the Sprint videos.
Yep, only one community has ever had an issue with Halo.
Gotcha. As long as the competitive core stays intact, I can tolerate some dumb decisions. Halo 5 has been so good that I don't sweat the small stuff so much.While Quinn is a competitive person (from what I've seen), people around the competitive community don't exactly agree with some of his vision like 2 binary rifles on Coliseum and pushing Breakout. It took 500+ days for them to finally remove auto's from the HCS too.
Gotcha. As long as the competitive core stays intact, I can tolerate some dumb decisions. Halo 5 has been so good that I don't sweat the small stuff so much.
Breakout was definitely a mistake though, lol.
In more 343 news, Quinn DelHoyo seems to have been promoted to lead designer rather than just MP designer.
Beyond is gunna love that.
I can't..
All I know is the guy tried to explain to me the merits of grenade hitmarkers and waypoints that broadcast when enemies pickup powerweapons...
So yeah...
All I really have to say is:
343 without Quinn = Halo 4
343 with Quinn = Halo 5
My jem list just got stronger. Enjoy being ignored, shit listed, and blacklisted from HaloGAF parties.Wrong.jpg
What was his work on ODST and Reach?
Pff but does he hate sprint?Publishing and production on the Microsoft side. Super solid credentials and attitude.
Only I can save Halo.
My jem list just got stronger. Enjoy being ignored, shit listed, and blacklisted from HaloGAF parties.