Posting from my new phone, aaw yeah.
Six sucked imo. Blank slates arent all that compelling.
Oh good, instinct stayed together. I thought I heard somewhere that Roy and Lunchbox weren't playing together. So are people like Strongside, T2, Legit, Hysteria just done, or did they play and not do very well?The bigger ones.
Instinct - Roy, Lunchbox, Ogre 2, Pistola
Elite 4 - Ninja, Snipedown, Blaze, Ryanoob
Believe The Hype - Clutch, Dersky, Maniac, Cloud
Dynasty - Formal, Heinz, Tizoxic, Destin
Oh good, instinct stayed together. I thought I heard somewhere that Roy and Lunchbox weren't playing together. So are people like Strongside, T2, Legit, Hysteria just done, or did they play and not do very well?
They should have killed Kat off without the Covie drive by. That whole scene was hilarious. George's death was decent but the whole manual detonation was a cop out. Carter's sacrifice was mediocre.
The idea of six sacrificing himself was well and good but by that time the whole game had become a contest for best death. Killing everyone was just too much. Emile should have been injured. The last scene should have been 6 tending to Emile when he gets ambushed; right when 6 is about to be stabbed you should see the elite get sniped and Jun walk into the frame. Jun could make some wisecrack remark and they could all depart in some sort of small ship because Jun had special orders from Halsey or something.
Yeah Noble 6 isn't terrible, but if you're gonna do a complete blank slate character, at least do it right.
Jorge spends the rest of his years trying to get back to his old lady mom on Reach."Crazy fool. Why do you always jump? Someday you're gonna land on someone as stubborn as you, and i don't do bits and pieces."
Halo 4.
Master Chief makes a hard landing on Requiem.
Crash lands near Jorge.
"Where the hell did you come from?"
"A ship split in half and ended up here. You?"
"Let's go kill some Covenant."
They both do a bro-fist bump. Believe.
Better than Rookie.
Rookies silence was just awkward.
I hope Legit comes back. Is Elamite gone too? I'd ask about more people but I'm having a hard time coming up with their names. I haven't paid much attention to pro halo for ReachRoy was thinking of quitting, guess he didn't. They will be going to MLG Dallas for Halo 4.
Strongside - Just bailed on MLG Dallas from what I heard on twitter
Tsquared - Does Gamespot "esports" reporting now
Hysteria - Believe he's going to Dallas
Legit - Think he might have quit, or will try Dallas for one last event.
"Affirmative"I love Six, that moment where he said "Yes, sir." was awesome.
He?! I thought he was a she!I love Six, that moment where he said "Yes, sir." was awesome.
He?! I thought he was a she!
I hope Legit comes back. Is Elamite gone too? I'd ask about more people but I'm having a hard time coming up with their names. I haven't paid much attention to pro halo for Reach
In the Firefight Voice section of the armory, you can preview all the voices whenever you press X. Everyone has a couple of different lines of dialog, except Six. All he/she says is, "yes, sir."I love Six, that moment where he said "Yes, sir." was awesome.
Yes. I can't remember how it started, but it was a recurring joke over the weekend.Nice video Duncan, but wasn't Hitler from Austria? (Or am I missing something?)! FREEEEDOMMMMM!
I SAID HITLER CAME FROM AUSTRIA! You all misunderstood me! I am blaming my German accent.Yes. I can't remember how it started, but it was a recurring joke over the weekend.
The bigger ones.
Instinct - Roy, Lunchbox, Ogre 2, Pistola
Elite 4 - Ninja, Snipedown, Blaze, Ryanoob
Believe The Hype - Clutch, Dersky, Maniac, Cloud
Dynasty - Formal, Heinz, Tizoxic, Destin
"X had potential, but they never capitalized on it" pretty much defines every squad character in both ODST and Reach. You got glimpses of something that could have been really great, especially in Buck and Jorge, but they did so much jumping around that they never felt important. I feel like if they just got rid of a couple of the already-underused guys in each game (Mickey and Dutch, as much as I love those two actors, are criminally ignored, and Jun and Emile would be my two Reach picks), they'd be able to capitalize on the whole squad closeness.
True blank slates, like the Rookie, work well in very, very few instances: namely, when the player is alone (where ODST shines -- it breaks as soon as they play the "oh gosh you don't talk much" with Dare), and semi-slates work where the player isn't all that important or is just another peer in a group (like Reach). It completely, fully breaks when the game places massive importance or reverence on the player character. You start up Half-Life 2 and within a few hours, and especially during the Episodes, the game is in full on Freeman worship for a guy who has not spoken a single word to any of them ever and just kind of stares creepily at whoever is talking. The creepy stare is only broken up by sometimes jumping on crates in a corner of the room like an idiot or throwing objects at the speaker cause that shit's funny. That they put Alyx into a position of adoring creepy stalker for this dude who does nothing but stare and murder is nothing short of hilarious to me.
That was the hardest I've ever laughed at RvB. It was legitimately funny!
I SAID HITLER CAME FROM AUSTRIA! You all misunderstood me! I am blaming my German accent.
Oh wow, Ninja and Snip3down on the same team, beast combination assuming they worked together.
Yes. That is the overall package. You will still get the silver tin.Question: did they change the packaging on the LE recently or what?
Futureshop and BestBuy are showing this now instead of the old silver tin and whatnot:
Or is that just what the LE comes in?
Cool, thanks!Yes. That is the overall package. You will still get the silver tin.
Oh wow, Ninja and Snip3down on the same team, beast combination assuming they worked together.
That appears to be the case. Although you do catch glimpses of a wild Steelyuhas throughout the video, but it's not the same without your luscious voice.I assume that you guys filmed that last long section on Sunday, which would explain my absence.
Whatchu talkin bout, you're right here:There was a noticeable lack of Wu, too.
(I show up in a corner of the screen for a few seconds during the panel footage. Other than that, though, Duncan pretty much turned off his camera whenever I came near. Sadface.)
It was a recurring joke. Hyper and Heckfu were staying in my room on Friday night and I forget what we were talking about, but I seem to recall that out of nowhere Hyper exclaimed that "Hitler was German!" but apparently his accent just really confused us.Nice video Duncan, but wasn't Hitler from Austria? (Or am I missing something?)
Barrow Roll did it much better when we had stood in line for SpOps.
I'll vote, download, buy, do whatever you tell me to. Masterpiece.
Yeah, the confirmation of that policy definitely makes me sad and frustrated. I feel like I have to check my ethics at the door every time I visit this site.Kittens on watch
Holy crap :lol
This will always be the best part.Holy crap. That was awesome. I don't follow the RVB stuff and only catch a clip here and there, but this was hilarious.
you can't make me