Aggo fuck yourself?Aggo pls
See the first post on this page, and check out the imgur links.
You might have to find all the Domain Terminals before you can unlock the contents, but here's what the unlocks are:
Armor/Emblem spoilers?
First two codes:
(The code for this hasn't been found yet)Raider Shoulders + 500 XP
Raider Torso + 500 XP
Raider Helmet
Third code:
Mark VI Helmet
Mark VI Torso
Mark VI Shoulders
Mark VI Forearms
Mark VI Legs
Legendary Visor (Orange)
"117" Foreground Emblem
ONI Foreground Emblem
Where do you put the codes in? Waypoint?
I kind of agree. Some of the attempts to develop chief as a character felt a little heavy handed and out of place. Particularly the line Cortana throws out about Chief promising to find out which of them is the machine before it's over. Still, overall I found the storytelling to be much more engaging than Bungie's. Even if some of it is a little cheesy. They did an excellent job with the cutscenes. I do wish they had more variety in the encounters and there were more than 3 promethean enemy types.
I actually thought that was an excellent line.
me plsANY HALOGAF regular wants and doesn't have SKYRIM!!??
Don't we have a spoiler thread for all of this stuff?
Go to the Waypoint App on 360, press X for "Classified" then press X again for "Enter Code". It brings up a Forerunner keyboard and you can enter the codes.
After a full day of multiplayer, I'm not sure how I feel. The majority of the time, it's really good. Other times, it's just as bad as Reach. It fixed a chunk of the problems that Reach created, but it made many more.
After a full day of multiplayer, I'm not sure how I feel. The majority of the time, it's really good. Other times, it's just as bad as Reach, in terms of dying/losing because of a mechanic and not skill. It fixed a chunk of the problems that Reach created, but it made many more.
You're going to have to wait a bit for everyone to get a rating, like all TrueSkill ratings.
Is he really pushed as a character in halo 4 though? There's that one recurring theme about him being a machine, but that's it, and even then cortana seems to come out with that line completely randomly when they're on the infinity.
For me at least, halo has never been about the chief, it was the arbiter, the prophets, the flood, cortana and the forerunner that I found compelling. I can take or leave the aliens-esque future military elements of the fiction, the chief included.
Great points. But they also reinforce what my point is. Push the protagonist. H4 really makes you feel like..holy shit..master fucking chief! you really feel the mystique and the awe around him. He really lives up to the spartan mythos. In the past you were kind of like..hey cool a definitely felt 'lonely' but never quite revered. I like chief with a semi personality.
Which mechanics specifically? Could you name some of the problems?
Anybody find the sniper feels even easier than Reach to use?
I get what you're saying, and agree with you to an extent. Though I think I like the idea of chief's personality playing a more prominent role in the story than the execution of it.It still feels like cortana is telling him what to do for the whole game
Aggo pls
Something that's bugging me about the whole global ordnance thing is with no loadout weapons being propagated with it, you can only replenish your ammo off of corpses. When I'm running low on ammo there's nowhere I can retreat to to stock up.
Also DMR completely wrecks Ragnarok, fighting across the map all over the place. BR's gonna get phased out.
If you make the br 4 shot then no one will use the dmr.I really hope they make the BR 4 shot. I want to hear thhrr's instead of pew's
Bungie's Halo games were really polished.
-Promethean Vision is way overpowered
-Spawning is really bad at times. At least once a match I spawn in front of someone
-Binary rifle is incredibly overpowered
-Hardlight shield is the lite version of armor lock
-Every Infinity Slayer match I've played felt like Heavies. An insane amount of power weapons and vehicles
-The Mantis is overpowered. It's a more mobile tank.
-Persistent network issues. Lag, black screens, kicking people (I assume this will be fixed, but it's a big deal right now)
Off the top of my head.
The only one of those I can really agree with is PV, it's a stupid stupid stupid addition to the game and is right up there with AL for most non needed addition to a Halo game.
Looks like you're mostly playing BTB IS though, no?
We played CTF last night and took down the Mantis pretty easily every time, didn't really see a problem with it either...
I'm pretty high on the game right now, it's so tight, fast, & rewarding. Your gun actually works, and I haven't ever felt like I was fighting a game mechanic yet. I could live without PV, but overall, the game is so much fun, I can live with it at this point.
I agree wit you overall but I don't think you can compare PV to Armor Lock, Armor Lock really slowed down gameplay and stopped action, while PV often fastens the gameplay
I agree wit you overall but I don't think you can compare PV to Armor Lock, Armor Lock really slowed down gameplay and stopped action, while PV often fastens the gameplay
What? We played Abandon last night and the guys sit up in the top mid structure with PV & shotgun/scattershots for half the game, it was miserable.
Radar is bad enough, but when a person can see exactly how you're going to be coming in on the attack, it's a little stupid. The range should have been nerfed to hell and back.
He also gathers that the general consensus from others is that Destiny is "still quite like Halo" and "there is a lot of work still to be done". And he concludes with a confirmation of an old rumour that the project previous condemned "Tiger" is now referred to as "Destiny".
This is not a dedicated server game, but there is some simulation and coordination running in their server infrastructure. The game was up and down a lot, playing in a team of 3 we did manage to experience entering a zone to find other players already taking on the bad guys, it's cooperative so we helped out (mostly [name removed], I just died) before both groups went their separate ways. Which is a pretty cool experience, making you feel you are part of a much larger populated world.
...At the end of the day I was excited about the game, I like the feel of being in a large world with different destinations and the interactions along the way. It actually brought back a sense of exploration I recall from playing [Elite] many years ago, although there was no opportunity to shoot aliens in the face in Elite. I'm not fully sold on the appeal of being able to change the colour of a weapon, but I guess it works in China, and customisation and individual identity is a big theme for the game.
Can anyone post some early impressions of multiplayer? Big Team battle? CTF?
XP Limit reached, the fuck. Guess I'm done for the night.