What can I say?
I'm done going up against teams of people 10 levels higher than me.
I'm tired of shooting dudes with popped shields through a red reticule an insane amount of times only for my teammates to clean-up the kill on a single-shot to the guy's ass.
It's not fun. I'll try again tomorrow.
But suffice to say, first impressions are that this game is a HUGE let-down over Bungie's efforts multiplayer-wise. Bungie seemed to have some sense of craft to the balance of their gameplay, whereas these guys have seemingly tried to throw in as much shit as possible to cover the fact that they can't recapture the magic.
How can we go from this:
To this:
To answer simply: different studios. Bungie have been market leaders in that field since Halo 2. They've an amazing back and front end team.How can we go from this:
To this:
How can we go from this:
To this:
"we will.."
of course you will enjoy it, its a better game than what you shat out last time
This is of course, patently untrue.
This is of course, patently untrue.
yeah, i miss armor lock and bloom so much!
yeah, i miss armor lock and bloom so much!
Yay, but CoD-inspired unlockable bullshit is so great!
It sounds like you've had some bad games in matchmaking and now you're just bashing the game in its entirety. I thank the lord for unlockable Cod bullshit, because now I don't have to start with a goddamn Assault Rifle ever again.
And it's not even like it makes a difference in-game what people spawn with.
It sounds like you've had some bad games in matchmaking and now you're just bashing the game in its entirety. I thank the lord for unlockable Cod bullshit, because now I don't have to start with a goddamn Assault Rifle ever again.
You only had to fight your teammates for the first to the BR with shitty automatic starts. You don't have a choice to start off with anything more powerful than a utility weapon. Though I do wish there was some way to replenish your starter weapon ammo other than picking off corpses.You're right. Fighting for weapons that spawn on the map and earning the right to use those weapons through demonstration of skill was such a quaint and archaic notion. Better to reward players for nothing more than time invested with ability to spawn with the weapon of their choice.
You're right. Fighting for weapons that spawn on the map and earning the right to use those weapons through demonstration of skill was such a quaint and archaic notion. Better to reward players for nothing more than time invested with ability to spawn with the weapon of their choice.
I love this game man, it has some flaws & down right baffling things, but overall, the base gameplay is just too good. We pooped on kids in BTB IS all night, and the highlight was definitely being down like 600 to 200 due to a Gauss Hog (no business in MM), and Eazy got a Tank spawn and brought us all the way back to win by like 3 kills.
That said, BTB needs some objective in it, I can only take so much IS on Valhalla.
Join in progress 280 - 80 game. Worst I've seen today was a 400 - 80 game and me on the losing team of course.
That was just on Waypoint. When I refreshed the page it was gone. Have we already talked about it yet?
Not sure I understand. Do the glyphs match up or something?
Yeah, look at the sides. It's like a puzzle piece! You enter in the code..... Here
and then that specific one unlocks shoulder pieces for your spartan after playing the first episode of spartan ops
That was just on Waypoint. When I refreshed the page it was gone. Have we already talked about it yet?
You might have to find all the Domain Terminals before you can unlock the contents, but here's what the unlocks are:
Armor/Emblem spoilers?
First two codes:
(The code for this hasn't been found yet)Raider Shoulders + 500 XP
Raider Torso + 500 XP
Raider Helmet
Third code:
Mark VI Helmet
Mark VI Torso
Mark VI Shoulders
Mark VI Forearms
Mark VI Legs
Legendary Visor (Orange)
"117" Foreground Emblem
ONI Foreground Emblem
Still don't get it. @_@ Soraider1 and raider 2 unlock the raider stuff and oni unlocks...all the Mark VI stuff? What about the Legendary Visor?
I don't get it.
Still don't get it. @_@ Soraider1 and raider 2 unlock the raider stuff and oni unlocks...all the Mark VI stuff? What about the Legendary Visor?
Has anything been said about the server issues?
That they have been mostly resolved, but they continue to work on it. Still having them?Has anything been said about the server issues?
You dont get it because it is wrong
1st and 2cnd code are correct, those unlock torso and shoulder pices of the raider armor.
The code for the helmet has not been found yet.
The Section 3 code unlocks a oni-emblem and some concept art.
there is at least one more section 3 code that has not been found yet and is teased on waypoint with a hint at the cryptum terminal which only contains 5 of the 10 neccessary signs.
You get the mark VI for completing the game on legendary.
Same for the visor.
Here are all the codes found yet:
Mayor props to the guys at https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst121232_Decrypting-Section-3---UPDATE-11-05.aspx that managed to diccipher this stuff.