Snagged KD4PC-6TG3T-G6379-WT3FK-JK4DZ. Thanks for puttin' those up.
No prob. I also just hit Waypoint with some.
Snagged KD4PC-6TG3T-G6379-WT3FK-JK4DZ. Thanks for puttin' those up.
Yea I don't really see the point of the king. He's worth 5 more points that a normal kill, then he gets worth more after he gets more kills? It seems kind of pointless. Everyone just runs to the king and if you kill all of them you can win without even worrying about the king. I've played 2 games, won 2 games.
Oddball though... oddball. I feel like Joe Montana out there. If you get a good team, oddball is more fun than I have had in a long time.
Just got 35 wingman medals in one match (37 assists) for driving my buddy in a Gauss hog. He went 41-3...
Potential is nice but Reach is still the better total package at this point. TUs better start dropping. Especially for Forge.
Haven codes
I think that has to do with how Reach and 4 load gametypes. In Halo 3 you could switch between gametypes in-game because they were all hardcoded into the engine.
Incineration Cannon validates the entire Promethean weapon group.I know it won't happen but I wish 343 would go back to having a smaller weapon sandbox with each weapon having more of a unique role like the older games. Over half the weapons are useless, especially all the Promethean weapons.
I agree that Reach was the better package when looking at the game as a whole. I still think that Halo 4's core gameplay is much better than Reach's ever was. And while the maps aren't all good, there's more standout ones here than in Reach.Potential is nice but Reach is still the better total package at this point. TUs better start dropping. Especially for Forge.
I never really played FFA in prior Halo games, the closest thing I did was probably multi team. That said, I really enjoy Regicide. I'm starting to get into pretty competitive games where the flow towards the king feels good. My problem with FFA in the past was the plain randomness inherent to the gametype, but Regicide has an objective and flow that plays well. The scoring is kinda annoying though, but I don't really care if I win or lose most of the time.I never really play FFA so this isn't an informed opinion, but Regicide seems fairly stupid. In the game I played of it people were just flocking to the King and ignoring everything else. In a way that's awesome, but it also promotes very bad behavior. Also the fact that it's score based and not kill based for the win is pretty awful; I won the game I played by only 10 points, but I had 4 or 5 more kills than second place.
I know it won't happen but I wish 343 would go back to having a smaller weapon sandbox with each weapon having more of a unique role like the older games. Over half the weapons are useless, especially all the Promethean weapons.
Is it just me or does the light rifle suck?
Yea I don't really see the point of the king. He's worth 5 more points that a normal kill, then he gets worth more after he gets more kills? It seems kind of pointless. Everyone just runs to the king and if you kill all of them you can win without even worrying about the king. I've played 2 games, won 2 games.
Oddball though... oddball. I feel like Joe Montana out there. If you get a good team, oddball is more fun than I have had in a long time.
I agree with this, I have no idea why they brought back the DMR - it is killing multiplayer for me, can pick off and get picked off so easily from anywhere on the map.
I'm destroying with it. Well... doing better than I was with the DMR.
Potential is nice but Reach is still the better total package at this point. TUs better start dropping. Especially for Forge.
Haven codes
I think that has to do with how Reach and 4 load gametypes. In Halo 3 you could switch between gametypes in-game because they were all hardcoded into the engine.
Is it just me or does the light rifle suck?
No Sol? I've been using it since Halo 2..
Oddball was consistently my least favorite gametype until Halo 4. Whoever came up with the passing idea should get a raise.
For the love of God, 343, nerf the AR.
Is it just me or does the light rifle suck?
Seriously. It improved the game 10-fold. Oddball was an immediate veto for me in previous Halo's. It's great now.
Anybody know when well be getting a playlist update? I feel like they are missing some gametypes or something. I like how you don't have to vote for a gametype as well as map, but they did make a grifball court, and there is no where to play it in MM. Hopefully they bring back action sack with a rugby/football gametype somewhere in it... :0
Here's a tip if you ever do that again: get on the turret. I did legendary solo on launch night, and when I got to that part i just sat on the turret and shot everything that moved. I melted them, they didn't even come close to killing me.I got stuck there for so long earlier today on my solo legendary run. I've played all the campaigns on legendary and I have NEVER had as much trouble with any part of the other games as I did with this part. I had to railgun+lightrifle headshot all the knights really quick before they could spawn their watchers, and I still fought probably 7 or 8 knights in total, plus 50+ crawlers. I HATED that part. Never been so frustrated with a part of a Halo campaign like that.
Edit: Also, the Knights ALWAYS start their stupid teleport that makes them temporary invulnerable right when I start charging the rail gun. I'm assuming that's what you meant about the rail gun passing through them.
No way. It's supposed to dominate at close range. It was awful in Reach. Now it's worth having.
So I can't make my sad ghost anymore? :'(No Sol? I've been using it since Halo 2..
Looks like Sol and Phoenix got cut, and Hawk didn't make a return but Snake did? Weird.No Sol? I've been using it since Halo 2..
Oh thank fucking god the horse is back. Level 36, I have a goal now.No Sol? I've been using it since Halo 2..
It should never be in Halo. It's a weapon that doesn't fit the sandbox as a strong weapon. Pray N Spay is such a bad/stupid mechanic that belongs more-so in COD. I've always felt this way and always will. Thankfully, 4's other weapons are up to the task unlike Reach... I don't mind the Saw b/c it's treated as a power weapon.No way. It's supposed to dominate at close range. It was awful in Reach. Now it's worth having.
EDIT: My cyclone symbol didn't make it in?![]()
No more crescent / double crescent emblem?! what the fuck!![]()
I find camo to be fare more annoying than PV hands down. I hate that AA. It's an infinite d-bag license.Dont nerf my camo. Its my favorite AA so far.
Just got my first Killtac of Halo 4 on HaloGAF + Lil' Donglet.
Is a killtac back to four or is it still five?
Also multikills on HaloGAF...dont really count.
Every Solace game:
*Stick head out*
*GET SHOT ACROSS ENTIRE MAP from every angle*
*Finally have "1v1" battle*
Nope, teammate was on a ramp/behind a crate and is now jumping in the air and shooting you in the head.