It needs to be said again, the old Bobs is dead.
Old Bobs is dormant - he may make a return once he plays online. lol write up was like the second to last post of the last page, screw that:
Just played a bunch of Halo 4 at the Gamerbase event – will do a rough and ready write up similar to the one I did before for
As I was there early, managed to get friends to head there a bit earlier – and we took it in turns to play Halo 3 MLG and Snipes 1v1’s – perhaps it was due to the 1v1 nature of the games – but Halo 4 is such a step up on a gameplay, visual and just
fun level.
So later on when it got a bit busier, the Halo 4 kit finally arrived – the set up was terrible - they had 4 big TV's set up in awkward positions which also had input lag and 4 small TV's which were really good. For my first game I ended up on a big TV. In a way I was lucky because I got to talk to the guy who was arranging everything – and he seemed pretty shocked with how easily I was navigating around the menu’s to do my loadouts/ control schemes – turned out he was also at Eurogamer but worked the CoD booth there. He let me pick Longbow – and I have to say I don’t think much of the map – it’s clearly designed for Dominion – that said I was only playing 4v4 and so of course BTB would work better for it.
Either way the game was REALLY fun – managed to dong a lot – the guy running it was hilarious to have watching and he seemed to really enjoy my play which was nice. Got to play around with the Laser which is the same as ever – didn’t really touch another main power weapon during all my time there despite getting a ton of ordnance rewards

. Also got to use the Ghost and Hog – both seemed pretty familiar – got a couple of splatters with the Ghost and only used the Hog to get me to the action faster so my time with them was limited. Guy was trying to convince the staff to let me stick to that TV but they had a REALLY weird que system. Anyone who pre-ordered the game got to play 3 times, whilst anyone who didn’t had to que again. Basically because this was impossible to track it became a bit of a free for all.
Waited a bit and played a game of CTF on Exile – which was fun – first thing I did was sprint across the map and go for a flag cap – had to take on two people on the way back but beat them easily – it felt like the Pistol (when used with Flag) was REALLY powerful, maybe even a 4sk. I then jumped in a tank which was slow and cumbersome - got out every quickly and used the Banshee - angle of approach, speed and manoeuvres where all really nerfed – doing a spin kills your momentum and you just generally can’t angle down enough to shoot well – I still got a ton of kills – and it seemed to have a ton of health, but eventually I got out on my own accord to take out a flag carrier who was about to score. I just couldn’t hit him with the Banshee and didn’t have time to fly around to get an angle – so left it. Pretty well balanced I think, but im sad as I loved the Halo 1 Shee and would love that to come back. CTF in general is a mode im not sold on – I had to go past a Sniper and the Banshee and couldn’t drop the flag to ensure that the other team couldn’t get them. I got the Banshee by going back to it due to no one else knowing about it – not a situation that will happen online. So yeah, very worried about the lack of flag drop – controlling the shee could mean controlling the map – so I would have wanted to jump in it and defend the flag with it till a teammate could take it.
After a while the FFA nature of the que got even worse, we ended up going over by the smaller TV’s. In the end it became a situation where we were constantly passing the controller between us on the smaller monitors literally demolishing the poor people who paid more to have the ‘privilege’ of playing on the big TV’s. Including us as a team of 4, there were 2 other teams of 4, - all people who were friends with eachother – all people who played Halo a ton together - all 50’s absolutely treadmilling the poor people who had to play on the big TV’s. One of the later games was almost a whitewash if someone didn’t die right at the end. It would have been great if we could have ended up against eachother, but it wasn’t to be.
The reason I said all that was because there was absolutely no competition – and no way to tell how the game is going to play when teams are even. Not because the other players were bad, but because they were disorganised random’s playing on bad set up’s against teams working together on good set ups. I mean I don’t think I saw a single AA being used by anyone I was playing against – so I still can’t get a feel for how the game will be online.
First game I played on those screens was Adrift and I went 29-7, I may have counted wrong, but I believe I got 4 ordnance drops – all of which contained weapons like the Saw, which whilst powerful are not exactly weapons I wanted to use. I think I got a Needler and Sticky Detonator (cant remember the 4th or even if the 4th really happened). I know the Needler is good – but it isn’t fun so I left it for a teammate, Sticky Detonator is also a bit meh – used it a bit but really trusty BR + DMR along with promethean vision all the way – had a TON of fun and really enjoyed playing Adrift – got a second game on it and decided to try Camo to see how nerfed it is. Camo itself is really weak which was nice – I ended up getting a Scattershot and going on a mini rampage with it – but camo or even scattershot being OP’d wasn’t really the cause of that so im not too worried.
Watched people play Oddball on Complex, not sure what was going on but a guy literally tried pressing every button on the controller to drop the ball and couldn’t figure it out – so I didn’t see the cool throwing stuff. Called it a day after that, it was a fun few hours, but the que was building up to an insane level so decided to leave.
Again – the game is AMAZINGLY fun – cant wait to take it online!