Nope! It actually fills the role it's supposed to. I think it's the best iteration of the gun in the series.
And I'm honestly surprised at the hate the campaign is getting. I loved it. I actually could follow the story, I actually really cared about what was going on and thought the gameplay was a lot of fun.
If by best in the series you mean most powerful and consequently most retarded, then yes. It's a cheap weapon that requires little aim. How does that make it good? I know you're dominating with it, but that doesn't prove your point.
And I'm honestly surprised at the hate the campaign is getting. I loved it. I actually could follow the story, I actually really cared about what was going on and thought the gameplay was a lot of fun.
If by best in the series you mean most powerful and consequently most retarded, then yes. It's a cheap weapon that requires little aim. How does that make it good? I know you're dominating with it, but that doesn't prove your point.
I guess it would mean most powerful because it's more useful than previous iterations. Anytime I catch a BR/DMR guy close range, it's pretty much over unless I fuck up or if it's melee range then it's almost a toss up. (Melee trades that lead to headshot finishes) It's very useful in its range but outside of it, it's almost useless. And if you could get into the range with the AR, which is fucking hard to do with radar on, then the reward of a nice AR kill is yours.
Right now I'm trying out DMR/AR with the Firepower mod. Used it only once so far and I like its potential.
Fair enough. I just think automatic weapons are far too easy to get kills, even with the range limitation. With a shotgun you still have to make the shot count up close an not miss. With the AR, it's just spray and lulz. At least the Saw is treated as a power weapon. I may change my mind with more games, but I just had a couple games where top player had almost all his kills with the AR. And not just like 10-12, more like 20+. And I was getting killed from more than just up close encounters. It was mid-range too. Personally, and I stress personally, I don't think that should ever happen or be allowed to happen in halo with an automatic weapon. I'm still more of a precision weapon purist who is unwilling to bow to the COD world.Because an automatic weapon is finally useful again in a Halo game.
You and me both man.. Definitely a missed opportunity with those Terminals being excluded from the actual game and some confusing plot points, especially if you haven't followed all the Halo fiction so far, but a pretty damn good campaign with a superb presentation.
Fair enough. I just think automatic weapons are far too easy to get kills, even with the range limitation. With a shotgun you still have to make the shot count up close an not miss. With the AR, it's just spray and lulz. At least the Saw is treated as a power weapon. I may change my mind with more games, but I just had a couple games where top player had almost all his kills with the AR. And not just like 10-12, more like 20+. And I was getting killed from more than just up close encounters. It was mid-range too. Personally, and I stress personally, I don't think that should ever happen or be allowed to happen in halo with an automatic weapon. I'm still more of a precision weapon purist who is unwilling to bow to the COD world.
All I'ma say about campaign right now is that Shutdown sucks. I think it'll be the level I skip on replays, I just don't like any part of it.Go to place A, ride gondola and fight prommies and press buttan. Go to place B, ride the same gondola and fight the same prommies and press an identical buttan. Then go to place C and fight even more prommies and press another buttan. Not even the Covenant at the end of it redeems it for me, it feels like a Cortana/Library in just how tedious and repetitive the environment and the enemy gets.
All I'ma say about campaign right now is that Shutdown sucks. I think it'll be the level I skip on replays, I just don't like any part of it.Go to place A, ride gondola and fight prommies and press buttan. Go to place B, ride the same gondola and fight the same prommies and press an identical buttan. Then go to place C and fight even more prommies and press another buttan. Not even the Covenant at the end of it redeems it for me, it feels like a Cortana/Library in just how tedious and repetitive the environment and the enemy gets.
Ah I forgot to watch the terminals tonight. Do they give a lot more story or is it just a side bar like halo 3?
Was this in Slayer Pro or Infinity Slayer? I don't think I've been killed by an AR in Infinity Slayer lol.
Also, the people I'm matching against are totally like how I used to be; anti AR. Now that I'm flipping the switch on them, they don't know what to do.
Slayer Pro. You should be ashamed of yourself lol.
Anyone else have a non vehicle killtacular yet?
Complex 2 flag is the most unfair shit. One base has all the cover. The other, completely open. Who thought it would be a good idea for 2 flag? Why not have 1 flag?
Started on my Specialization, first 3 levels were only 9k each to level up and then a sudden jump to 29k lol
Love my pioneer helmet![]()
Yep. I'll spend the day reading people who are all of a sudden aren't enjoying the game anymore and then i expect to start playing and be disappointed. But so far it hasn't happened.This game is so much fun, even after my hands start aching I just keep going.
No but it is almost as annoyingHardlight shield is not better than armor lock.
Hardlight shield is not better than armor lock.
I was done playing while ago. I was just watching a theater film.Sorry Barrow. I tried to join. Have no idea what i'm doing.
All I'ma say about campaign right now is that Shutdown sucks. I think it'll be the level I skip on replays, I just don't like any part of it.Go to place A, ride gondola and fight prommies and press buttan. Go to place B, ride the same gondola and fight the same prommies and press an identical buttan. Then go to place C and fight even more prommies and press another buttan. Not even the Covenant at the end of it redeems it for me, it feels like a Cortana/Library in just how tedious and repetitive the environment and the enemy gets.
Mmm. Something I noticed about some dialogue that the Didact says in the last level. (almost finished solo legendary run, yay!)
He refers to Cortana as an evolved Ancilla. What does that even mean? I know an Ancilla is a Forerunner AI, but "evolved"? I wonder if the Librarian did something to her... Seems odd that she'd be killed off though. I doubt it's the last we'll see of her.
Ok, a couple of things about last night games:
-Active Cammo is fucking terrible. Not only you can barely distinguish the guy who's using it in the radar, but also you can barely see him. Oh, and I tried to spot them with the Forerunner Vision, and it turns out that you can see them, but they don't appear red colored. What the fuck man? I mean, people in cammo should be a little easier to spot. Not saying that you must see them right away, but come on! There was this guy in Solace who spent the entire game hiding behind the corners with the Forerunner pistol charged, so he could "insta-kill" you. If you somehow managed to avoid that, he would run away, activate camo and repeat again and again and again...
-Playing drunk is fun...but the fun part dissapears the day after when you watch your stats. Yesterday my K/D ratio for Slayer was 1.69, today it went down to 1.4 :/
I agree. I am playing on Legendary and damn. It is fun. Requiem is such a great level.This game is so much fun, even after my hands start aching I just keep going.
Mmm. Something I noticed about some dialogue that the Didact says in the last level. (almost finished solo legendary run, yay!)
He refers to Cortana as an evolved Ancilla. What does that even mean? I know an Ancilla is a Forerunner AI, but "evolved"? I wonder if the Librarian did something to her... Seems odd that she'd be killed off though. I doubt it's the last we'll see of her.
Reading the spoilers thread, I now realize that the crazier the fiction gets, the less I care about trying to follow it. I enjoyed it a bit more when it was just simple "people in cool looking armor fighting aliens in cool looking armor while spouting out fancy names in capital letters."
That's the point.
Also, if the system is the same as Reach, it's not terribly difficult to pick out the correct blip on your radar when someone uses Active Camo.
It's more difficult than in Reach. Like I said, I'm not asking for it to be "easy" to spot, but it should be less powerful. Try playing against a team in which everyone uses that AH. In Reach it was easier to counter it.
Hmmm, the game has decided to stop giving me checkpoints on the third level. Interesting...
Nope! It actually fills the role it's supposed to. I think it's the best iteration of the gun in the series.
And I'm honestly surprised at the hate the campaign is getting. I loved it. I actually could follow the story, I actually really cared about what was going on and thought the gameplay was a lot of fun.
I agree. I am playing on Legendary and damn. It is fun. Requiem is such a great level.
An Ancilla was the companion of a Forerunner on his Journey. Cortana is Chief's companion. The difference and why the Didact called her "an evolved Ancilla" is, that she is more special. She is nearly human, has feelings, wants to be with the Chief. She wants to protect him. She has a consciousness. Furthermore she knows how to get on data unlike Ancillas who needed access to the Domain.
easily the best looking FPS ever made.
she is a clone of halseys brain, so she is special. she was also changed/influenced by the gravemind. and lets not forget: the librarian planted "seeds" so evwrything would lead to this. the ai's are based on the forerunner ancillas, like master chiefs armor is based on ancient human/forerunner armors.
An Ancilla was the companion of a Forerunner on his Journey. Cortana is Chief's companion. The difference and why the Didact called her "an evolved Ancilla" is, that she is more special. She is nearly human, has feelings, wants to be with the Chief. She wants to protect him. She has a consciousness. Furthermore she knows how to get on data unlike Ancillas who needed access to the Domain.
I play with subtitles on just in case I miss something. He says-I thought he called her a 'devolved Ancilla'.