After only still 20 odd games of multiplayer I'm already thinking to myself just how are 343i going to handle rank accurately?
1. Can't use win/loss due to JIP. It just will not work at all.
2. Can't use per playlist as these are going to be changing weekly, already confirmed in lasted bulletin.
3. Can't use objective modes as they're simply not setup to track the statistics differently to slayer.
4. You have the splintering issues of infinity slayer vs. slayer pro etc.
5. Number of games played, how will they weight the amount of games played in different playlists?
6. Some games you can already see 343i rank a teammate higher than you just on kills alone, forget that I went K20, D5, A10 (+15KDR)and the guy one position above me went K21, D22, A4 (-1KDR). No disrespect intended but this just shows statistical incompetence if you ask me, especially when it's infinity slayer and game after game.
7. Personal ordnance drops? How would you weight rank and statistics between players when some simply may not get the benefits of solo power players and ordnance selections etc.
8. Weighting of lopsided teams?
9. Duration during a game? What stops a player from joining, camping camo to rack up +KDR then quitting and doing it again. Are 343i going to weight time in a game vs. total games played etc?
10. The region filter not matching localised players. It is hands down the #1 issue online and severely makes online rank a total joke. How can this not be addressed ahead of CSR?
All this without even factoring in the usual network issues of latency and randoms vs. teams etc.
Personally I hate to call it now but unless we have new playlists specifically for rank then the CSR on Waypoint is going to be a massive inaccurate and waste of time joke. I hate to say it 343i but not having rank integrated into the game from day one is a massive fuck up and I'm only casually thinking of these issues.
Please tell me I'm wrong.
This reminds me, you know the big mancannons on Meltdown? If you thrust towards them right as they launch you, you get shot like 30 feet straight up in the air.
Holy shit David Ellis
Holy shit David Ellis
Holy shit David Ellis
Holy shit David Ellis
Holy shit David Ellis
they're not
Carrier Form/Combat Form
Oh my :lolCarrier Form/Combat Form
From various forums and PM's this appears to be the consensus, no accurate ranking will prevail.
Just release an API and let the community handle it best.
How would they get people to continue using Waypoint if someone with an API key made a site which was reliable and made sense?
I don't see it happening.
Simple make Two ranked playlists. Doubles and 4v4, Doubles will be more blah everything, and 4v4 will be like a MLG. Neither will feature JIP and they will be mostly slayer with some oddball,ctf, and koth. Rank will be based completely on win/loss.
Don't see whats so hard about it, any questions feel free to ask me 343.
They're just going to have CSR rankings for every playlist. As pointed out before, it's basically ranked and unranked lists occupying the same space at the same time.
Ranked/Social just ends up in pointless playerbase splits and duplication.
They're just going to have CSR rankings for every playlist. As pointed out before, it's basically ranked and unranked lists occupying the same space at the same time.
Ranked/Social just ends up in pointless playerbase splits and duplication.
so this game with a party is awesome, major problems aside
fuck playing solo though.
So how would you rank a playlist that has JIP? Weight the time in game against the total number of games played? Then cross check against aggregate number of players on each team? Would they just median all those sorts of loose variables and use constants instead?
It just seems like another clusterfuck if you ask me. I think new playlists with fresh data is the more accurate method and will keep the ranks actually having some sort of "meaning". What of objective playlists/ranks? How are those calculated differently? Are they even going to calculate rank differently for each playlist?
just hit xp cap 5000xp from SR50!![]()
I need to join a party that isn't playing CTF. I can't play this game without a full team. it's just literally not fun.
I need to join a party that isn't playing CTF. I can't play this game without a full team. it's just literally not fun.
Yup. Everyone is still in Reach mode where they just roll around in a pack. Sucks.
Oddball is the best gametype in 4.
Do you guys know who Sai-Kun is? Is he new?
Oddball is the best gametype in 4.
Do you guys know who Sai-Kun is? Is he new?
Probably discard submissions to the TS blackbox to anyone that JIP'd into the game.
TS only works off wins/losses, it's never cared about how you got that win, in any game.
edit: example
R1 24
R2 23
R3 10
R4 (JIP)
B1 14
B2 7
B3 (JIP) 20
B4 (JIP) 3
gets submitted to the TS blackbox as
1. R1
2. R2
3. B1
4. R3
5. B2
edit: there's a good chance they won't show CSR for objective though, because it's objective.
Played a few Oddball matches in H4, but they were the classic 150-0 oddball matches with 90% of Oddball matches in Halo matchmaking end up being, so we didn't really get to try out the new stuff.