Everything was pretty enjoyable, until Chief showed up.
Yeah I was quite impressed with the first three episodes, but the last two were bad.
Everything was pretty enjoyable, until Chief showed up.
There's a visine for that.i do, and my heart hurts.
There's a visine for that.
Sure thing. I'm not home now though. I'll PM you the code when I get home.
Dark Souls 2!
My god it looks beautiful
you guys still playing this shit
No u don't. U come here to bath in the misery and self loathingWhen I come into this thread, I feel blessed that I was not able to purchase this game
No u don't. U come here to bath in the misery and self loathing
There are no feelings here. Everyone is a robot.Stop exposing my true feels!
You can watch it at Kotaku. It is not much and I would wait for the Extended trailer which contains more gameplay scenes and is coming this weekend according to David Ellis.Any YouTube versions of the SpartanOps Trailer. I literally fell asleep watching the VGA's.
80% commercials/ 20% trailer/music/Samuel L. Jackson getting censored. It was 4 in the morning, too.
But holy crap, the World Premiere things were amazing. Would have liked it, when Star Wars 1313 or Watch Dogs showed up, too. Those are definetely on my to buy list for next gen.
There are no feelings here. Everyone is a robot.
just ly dow alreadyis it acidic?
You can watch it at Kotaku. It is not much and I would wait for the Extended trailer which contains more gameplay scenes and is coming this weekend according to David Ellis.
I've never been killed more by bullets AFTER successfully getting to cover than in Halo 4. I would estimate that average game connection quality is akin to playing Mexicans in Reach. So infuriating. Poor Risen and his friends listened to me bitch last night in CTF far too much. Sorry man.Nearly every game is fucking lag city.
So this is actually happening to other people? Cool.I've never been killed more by bullets AFTER successfully getting to cover than in Halo 4.
You guys are on drugs. That's clearly a scarab.
I've never been killed more by bullets AFTER successfully getting to cover than in Halo 4. I would estimate that average game connection quality is akin to playing Mexicans in Reach. So infuriating. Poor Risen and his friends listened to me bitch last night in CTF far too much. Sorry man.
The whole jungle section seems to have been cut or toned down looking at these concepts.John Liberto published tons of new concept arts at this personal page. Look at dat stuff, just incredible!
Less trees to polishThe whole jungle section seems to have been cut or toned down looking at these concepts.
That actually does sound fun.Played some customs with randoms from Waypoint tonight...
There's a gametype/mode where everyone spawns in a low grav room with over shields, thruster pack and a sticky detonator with unlimited ammo. Sooo much fun.
lack of dedis + jip = some crazy awesome stuffyeah, this. Don't know if it happens for players in the US as well but i live in Australia and laggy games have been far more frequent than in reach. black screens galore and being hit multiple times after im in cover.
Yeaaaaaaap. Just crazy stupid funThat actually does sound fun.
Cause the jungle art looks reminiscent of "343 Guilty Spark". Seeing as tons of levels are throwbacks to older levels, it would not suprise me.
Oh wow, that trailer was horrible, I get that they paid a lot of money for the CGI but I didn't realize Spartan Ops was a 3 minute long CGI web episode every week. Its almost like they have given up trying to make and show off exciting gameplay moments and are just hoping the the CGI interests people.
I guess most of the stuff at the VGA's was CG? If so then I guess thats fair enough, but even still it really feels like they didnt make much effort with the gameplay so far.
David confirmed on Twitter last night that the extended trailer would feature more gameplay.
Damn wreckage looks pretty crappy and reminds me of shatter alot.
Camo is going to be completely abused on wreckage.
Looks like a killzone map
Seems like it is Burial Mounds meets Ghost Town. I'm not sure how 2 flag is expected to play well. They did put 2 flag on maps like Abandon and Complex, too, so I'm not really surprised. Extraction is probably the best thing suited for it, but we've yet to get a taste of that in regular MM so far for some reason.
What is the point of a mode identical to assault except without an arm time?Well, since they got rid of 1-flag, we'll really have no choice.
I wish they'd have renamed this abomination "Infinity CTF" and put it in a designated playlist, with a normal CTF list for normal people.
Is there any chance they'll patch CTF to include 1-sided modes and not flagnum? Is it even technically possible?
They were talking to her about how she was up for a Best Performance by a Human Female award tonight trying to hype it up....
...when they had already given that award to the winner twenty minutes before without telling Hale.
What is the point of a mode identical to assault except without an arm time?
That is awesome. Grats man. You guys should have won best shooter too.Yeah, we found out we won at that red carpet interview live, so our surprise is both genuine and double, because we basically had no idea what was going on. Then we couldn't keep the trophy, they send your real ones later, so we bought a karate trophy from a sports store so we could carry it around at the after parties.
Still find it weird that you guys didn't get to be on stage. Felt the same about the other winners who got their trophy at the pre-show.Yeah, we found out we won at that red carpet interview live, so our surprise is both genuine and double, because we basically had no idea what was going on. Then we couldn't keep the trophy, they send your real ones later, so we bought a karate trophy from a sports store so we could carry it around at the after parties.
We don't have assault either. Is that point enough?
And it's not identical, sneaking into the base with the bomb is pretty different from sneaking into the base to steal their flag. You can't use armor abilities/weapons while carrying the bomb, whereas you can just jetpack/camo into their base for the flag. And you only have to run across the map once in assault, and twice in 1-flag. To someone who hasn't played a lot of either, they may seem the same. The finer intricacies are quite different though.
What's more, both modes were fine. There was no need to remove or change them. It wouldn't have cost them an arm and a leg to port them over from Reach, would it?
Nothing is ever just a simple port over, especially when the game mechanics change.
Still need testing and UI and a entire round based system for one sided games.
Well, throw all the classic objectives into one playlist. Or make 'em customs only, or weekend playlist, or...They also run the risk of spreading the population too far out with this playlist for every game type system.
Yeah, we found out we won at that red carpet interview live, so our surprise is both genuine and double, because we basically had no idea what was going on. Then we couldn't keep the trophy, they send your real ones later, so we bought a karate trophy from a sports store so we could carry it around at the after parties.
Spike is now reporting that Claptrap makes a better trophy than your karate one.
Shit's rigged.
Still find it weird that you guys didn't get to be on stage. Felt the same about the other winners who got their trophy at the pre-show.