Isolation is actually somewhat Okay with me. There's a sniper and some interesting terrain. In Snowbound it's 2 lame bases and nothing but bullshit camping. God awful.Still better than Isolation.
Isolation is actually somewhat Okay with me. There's a sniper and some interesting terrain. In Snowbound it's 2 lame bases and nothing but bullshit camping. God awful.Still better than Isolation.
Isolation is actually somewhat Okay with me. There's a sniper and some interesting terrain. In Snowbound it's 2 lame bases and nothing but bullshit camping. God awful.
I'll be away from my console or I would be in. Last Halo 3 party I was told I was competent. Best Xbox Live compliment I've ever gotten. HaloGAFGoldman I miss the Halo 3 Gaf Customs night. We should play one more Halo 3 Gaf Customs on Bungie Day(Night)
Goldman I miss the Halo 3 Gaf Customs night. We should play one more Halo 3 Gaf Customs on Bungie Day(Night)
Goldman I miss the Halo 3 Gaf Customs night. We should play one more Halo 3 Gaf Customs on Bungie Day(Night)
If I'm free that night, I would be totally down.I am down for Halo 3 customs on Bungie Day
If I'm free that night, I would be totally down.
I'll be away from my console or I would be in. Last Halo 3 party I was told I was competent. Best Xbox Live compliment I've ever gotten. HaloGAF
I am down for Halo 3 customs on Bungie Day
Let's do it. We can play some of the Classic's. Tashi and VH5 I know you kids would enjoy it. Lets make this happen. Halo 3 Bungie Day Halo Gaf Customs, Believe.Yes please
We were supposed to get details in June and that didnt even happen!?
At least they got the tournament stuff right. I actually will get on and play 20 games a week. Now casuals might be interested, might actually see a bump in population during those tournament weeks.
why do you even bother
You bash the game to no end and even now you still complain about the lack of info in bulletins and say you're going to participate in yet another tournament for virgins.
Why not just move on? You don't have to stop liking Halo. Just stop putting so much energy into something you don't like. Unless that's how you get by in life.
I will forgive them for Halo 4 if they give me Halo 3 on PC.
Legendary SlayerHey guys, random post but isn't there supposed to be some big Halo news at the RTX event?
We were supposed to get details in June and that didnt even happen!?
At least they got the tournament stuff right. I actually will get on and play 20 games a week. Now casuals might be interested, might actually see a bump in population during those tournament weeks.
why do you even bother
You bash the game to no end and even now you still complain about the lack of info in bulletins and say you're going to participate in yet another tournament for virgins.
Why not just move on? You don't have to stop liking Halo. Just stop putting so much energy into something you don't like. Unless that's how you get by in life.
I will forgive them for Halo 4 if they give me Halo 3 on PC.
Isn't RTX like this weekend? Isn't that where Legendary Slayer is being debuted?
I really hope that whatever future DLC they bring to Halo 4 will be more than just a map pack.
Forza Horizon is $15 on demand guys, it's a fantastic game, all of you should buy it. If you've never played a Forza game before, do yourself a favor and pick the game up, well worth the $15. So much fun.
Not a super huge Forza fan, but this was the more 'arcadey' version as opposed to pure racing simulation right?
Because I care about Halo? I want it fixed. N I see terrible choices being made everyday that wont fix it and I know whats wrong and I could fix it and it kills me. Fuck.
I dunno man didnt you ever have something taken from you and you wanted to stop it? Or did you just let someone steal it from you?
It was taken from me too. At some point I had to stop and realize it wasn't coming back and there's nothing I can do about it.
Hockey (HaloBALL):
These are the XML files I have been working on for a while (Reach files ported into a H4 script), feel free to take a look at them, share and modify them as you see fit in order to get them to properly work.
Hitman 15Happy 4th HaloGAF.
Still waiting to see the prices on Hitman, Bioshock Inf, and GearsJ.
Hockey (HaloBALL):
These are the XML files I have been working on for a while (Reach files ported into a H4 script), feel free to take a look at them, share and modify them as you see fit in order to get them to properly work.
Hitman 15
Biosock 20 +
Gears J 20
My guesses
Because I care about Halo? I want it fixed. N I see terrible choices being made everyday that wont fix it and I know whats wrong and I could fix it and it kills me. Fuck.
I dunno man didnt you ever have something taken from you and you wanted to stop it? Or did you just let someone steal it from you?
Hitman might go for less. It wasn't a huge seller. :-/
Yeah, except it's not your wallet or the stuff in your house. It's an entertainment property. They will always disappoint you eventually.
Gabo: Have you actually tested those yourself yet or are you just saying they could do with further refinement?
Good game though, I loved it.
Yeah, I honestly like it quite a bit. Thought it was just as fun as Blood Money tbh.
I'd pick it up in a jiff for $10-$15.
Wasn't it one sale on Steam for, like, 5 bucks several months ago?
It was taken from me too. At some point I had to stop and realize it wasn't coming back and there's nothing I can do about it.
This kind of attitude is why Microsoft thought they could get away with all that Xbox One BS.It's a lost cause. He's spent several orders of magnitude more time bitching about H4 here than he has playing it.
This kind of attitude is why Microsoft thought they could get away with all that Xbox One BS.
If I can change, and you can change, we all can changeeeee!!!
Hire Juices
No its a game, and its important also, like money and stuff. In fact it is stuff. My stuff. Halo 4 dissapointed me yes, but I feel if I/we bitch enough we can change things.
That's actually been done before! So here I am. Plus its a good waste of time at work when there's nothing else to do.
Tomb Raider is £15
MGS: Revengeance - £25
X-Com - £15
Gears of War: Judgement - £25
Hitman and BS:I unchanged.