I would very much like the Halo Steam rumors to become truth.
So, does this mean there isn't an OT community thread anymore? I am confused.
This is the new OT. We had to kill OT 17 sadly... Sorry Odd one
Bitch get on now!....Lets plays some BTB or Action sack to play some mini slayer.Thats what I would have said if I was in a mad mood but can you get on in a few please? I have to get my stuff set up.
Edit: my GT is my NeoGAF name.
4 Exterminations in a row? Don't mind if I do.
Sorry, I was meaning OT as in Off Topic, that HolaGaf thread. I was just wondering if I should be looking for another thread to keep up on.
Yeah, I saw the sad demise of OT 17, I didn't think it was that bad of a thread.
At the end of the Halo xbox one trailer did i hear monks?! or am i reaching?
As an outsider, this whole multiple thread thing is so convoluted now. The Halo/Off-topic split made sense, but now there's three different HaloGAF threads that are being posted in, and each one has both Halo and off-topic discussions. The Halo 4 Turbo thread should be locked and there should be a harder line between Halo and non-Halo talk. Now that Ghaleon's a mod, he can keep this shit in control -- I feel like the main reason he was promoted was to keep HaloGAF in line, seeing as how there were supposedly a bunch of complaints. But, whatever.
I don't even remember the last time I played Condemned or Highlands.Message from a friend of mine trying to get an achievement if anyone wants to help:
Anyone willing to help me get the last achievement in need in Halo Reach. Its the Don't Touch That! achievement for the defiant dlc. You need to prevent the enemy team from touching your flag in a one flag game on a defiant map and its basically impossible to get at this point.
If you are willing to help please add the gamertag crazy merio or just message me.
RTX might be a bit small to announce a full One game, even if it's a port.Would it be odd to announce an Xbox One version of Halo 4 at RTX? Maybe with a new map pack from CA?
Makes sense to me, you couldn't announce it at E3 because it's a re-release of a 7 month old game, why should the wider gaming community care? Why should it take showtime away from new titles? But at RTX, a smaller show, probably without any other game announcements it gives them a chance to really show it off and have people take notice.
They must have seen this coming, they'd have known Xbox One was coming and wouldn't be backwards compatible so if they'd planned ahead they could have really limited the work required to port it over. To me it just seems like easy money, Halo fans would buy the console to play it and it allows them to sell the exact same game again to the exact same people only 12 months later.
I don't think anybody would buy Halo 4 again
Or at least not a whole lot of people
I don't think anybody would buy Halo 4 again
Or at least not a whole lot of people
Give me 5 or give me a 2 Anniversary. Zero chance they get any more money for 4 (even if they have largely fixed many of the core complaints at this point).I don't think anybody would buy Halo 4 again
Or at least not a whole lot of people
Why are you still taking about this? Just ignore the one in OT community.We need just one HaloGaf thread and one Halo 4 OT. 3 threads is too many.
Why are you still taking about this? Just ignore the one in OT community.
Lol, the last page of the Halo 4 thread is basically a discussion on Halo 2 Anniversary, 60 FPS or possibly free to play Halo. I think we should just bring all general discussion here. Try not to let it get too meta, off-topic, trolling or insulting. Keep the H4 thread specifically for H4.
You know what's really sad? I have younger cousins who know there are games like TitanFall, CoD: Ghosts and possibly Destiny coming. But they never even saw or heard about a new Halo. Aside from us, I think it's gone pretty much unnoticed by the mainstream.
Lol, the last page of the Halo 4 thread is basically a discussion on Halo 2 Anniversary, 60 FPS or possibly free to play Halo. I think we should just bring all general discussion here. Try not to let it get too meta, off-topic, trolling or insulting. Keep the H4 thread specifically for H4.
You know what's really sad? I have younger cousins who know there are games like TitanFall, CoD: Ghosts and possibly Destiny coming. But they never even saw or heard about a new Halo. Aside from us, I think it's gone pretty much unnoticed by the mainstream.
I don't think anybody would buy Halo 4 again
Or at least not a whole lot of people
No. No, I would not.1080p. Dedicated Servers. 60 Frames per second.
You'd buy it.
1080p. Dedicated Servers. 60 Frames per second.
You'd buy it.
Gameplay would still be the same. Although if that did happen, I would pick it up in Summer when its cheaper to get ready for Halo 5 (assuming that will be any good). Forza 5 and Killer Instinct are enough for me at launch.
To be honest, I'm pretty uninspired by the One's launch line-up, I guess I'm just clinging to the hope that there'll be something I want to play.
To be honest, I'm pretty uninspired by the One's launch line-up, I guess I'm just clinging to the hope that there'll be something I want to play.
Just wait. I'm not getting a new console this year even though I could afford to buy both. Neither companies game line up has impressed me.
Current gen can still play all the big "next gen" games like watch dogs, MGSV, Destiny and Titanfall.
There is no reason to buy a launch console unless there really is a must have game you want.
To be honest, I'm pretty uninspired by the One's launch line-up, I guess I'm just clinging to the hope that there'll be something I want to play.
1080p. Dedicated Servers. 60 Frames per second.
You'd buy it.
I hope Crytek can make Ryse multi competitive but then again we are talking about Crytek hope they let the timesplitter devs(crytek uk) work on it they did good on crysis 2 multi.
I just need my Spartacus and gladiator fix.
I'm taking a sabbatical from the game for the time being. Maybe Legendary Slayer can pull me back, but for now I've fallen in love with Mark of the Ninja all over again.I asked 2 days in a row for customs ( you know where we could play the good stuff) nobody wanted to
QTEs everywhere.
Nobody would buy Halo 4 on X1. 60fps and dedis don't make up for boring gameplay.
Hahaha that's awesomeJust read this regarding a certain character in Dead Rising 3... Most likely a spoiler.
Psychopaths are boss like characters that are human but are 'insane' in the world.
"The most interesting psychopath that we know about is a spoiled adult living off a trust fund who plays video games all day. Trent has been hiding out in his mansion completely oblivious to reality when Nick comes in to rescue him. Trent who is lying in a pool of empty chip bags and mountain dew tells Nick to blow off because he needs to finish a level first. Nick tries to reason with Trent, but hes so deluded he talks about headshots in the game and whines about how a pizza delivery man hasnt arrived."
Bolded the interesting part, seems like it's become meta about gamers almost.
Ha. Nope.1080p. Dedicated Servers. 60 Frames per second.
You'd buy it.
1080p. Dedicated Servers. 60 Frames per second.
You'd buy it.
None of the above compensates for bad gameplay.
1080p. Dedicated Servers. 60 Frames per second.
You'd buy it.
I've been playing it in 3-4 hour sessions, as after a while the intensity wears.*If anyone feels like playing halo or fifa let me know. May feel like a break from last of us soon
I've been playing it in 3-4 hour sessions, as after a while the intensity wears.*
*Not a criticism