I'm slightly relieved that last sentence didn't go where I thought it was going.
I was disappointed.
I'm slightly relieved that last sentence didn't go where I thought it was going.
I was disappointed.
omg LOL my friends actually think all the Halos are the same.
top lel.
I actually don't fault people for thinking this. As an outsider that has never or barely plays Halo, I could see them all looking and playing the same.
Sadly for insane motherfuckers like myself, there is a world of difference between Halo CE and Halo 4.
They're adding perks? Wow, its like they've learned nothing. I guess they don't care about us. They just care about the casual audience that will theoretically bring in more dollars. Its a shame.
I don't even know if that casual audience is there still.
I was disappointed.
Personally, I think there different kinds of casuals. You have your absolute casuals that were gone right after launch and there are habitual casual players who'll keep playing Halo 4 despite not being very good at it. Those are the kind of folks that probably can't tell one Halo game from another and load it up every other day. There's a gradient for sure.
I'd say most of the people that are still playing Halo 4 are part of that habitual casual player audience.
Are you kidding me
From the Halo bulletin:
At PAX East, we announced that we were working on a new playlist named Legendary Slayer. After much iteration, discussion and playtesting, were excited to announce that it is (almost!) here and (almost!) ready for your enjoyment. Legendary Slayer is a variant that focuses on basic gameplay with only one loadout, on-map weapons and motion tracker enabled. Here are the key settings:
4 vs. 4 Slayer
Default starting weapon (Assault Rifle)
No armor abilities
Motion Tracker enabled
All weapons and grenades located on map (no initial, random or personal ordnance)
The singular loadout is:
Starting weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary weapon: None
Armor ability: None
Grenades: Frag x2
Support upgrade: Explosives
Tactical package: Resupply
AR Starts
dead, fucking dead and having my body cleared so I cant be resurrected.Are you kidding me
From the Halo bulletin:
At PAX East, we announced that we were working on a new playlist named Legendary Slayer. After much iteration, discussion and playtesting, were excited to announce that it is (almost!) here and (almost!) ready for your enjoyment. Legendary Slayer is a variant that focuses on basic gameplay with only one loadout, on-map weapons and motion tracker enabled. Here are the key settings:
4 vs. 4 Slayer
Default starting weapon (Assault Rifle)
No armor abilities
Motion Tracker enabled
All weapons and grenades located on map (no initial, random or personal ordnance)
The singular loadout is:
Starting weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary weapon: None
Armor ability: None
Grenades: Frag x2
Support upgrade: Explosives
Tactical package: Resupply
AR Starts
After much iteration, discussion and playtesting
Are you kidding me
From the Halo bulletin:
At PAX East, we announced that we were working on a new playlist named Legendary Slayer. After much iteration, discussion and playtesting, were excited to announce that it is (almost!) here and (almost!) ready for your enjoyment. Legendary Slayer is a variant that focuses on basic gameplay with only one loadout, on-map weapons and motion tracker enabled. Here are the key settings:
4 vs. 4 Slayer
Default starting weapon (Assault Rifle)
No armor abilities
Motion Tracker enabled
All weapons and grenades located on map (no initial, random or personal ordnance)
The singular loadout is:
Starting weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary weapon: None
Armor ability: None
Grenades: Frag x2
Support upgrade: Explosives
Tactical package: Resupply
AR Starts
Anyone have a direct link to bulletin?
I don't understand. LS is basically throwdown with AR starts and radar? Aren't AR starts like the most dreaded thing in Halo 3?
dead, fucking dead and having my body cleared so I cant be resurrected.
343 spends months trying to figure out essentially Social Team Slayer from Halo 3.
Well, with all the people at 343 that hate Halo, I'm sure designing Legendary Slayer was a time intensive, brain-melting task for them. Must have been hours and hours of arguing and toiling over the settings, people screaming, "How could anyone like this shit?"
Well, with all the people at 343 that hate Halo, I'm sure designing Legendary Slayer was a time intensive, brain-melting task for them. Must have been hours and hours of arguing and toiling over the settings, people screaming, "How could anyone like this shit?"
maybe we could raise like $1,000,000 on kickstarter as an offering for them to provide a 240p stream of a vhs copy of whatever they're working on next time
Stage 1: denialAlmost positive they are trolling, it just cant be AR starts.
Stage 1: denial
343 adds AR starts no secondary, adds another perk and charges for Armour?
They really don't get it do they![]()