I did last page but it should be seen again.
In that short peice early on, Tsquared put a lot of emphasize on the 1-50 system but even as someone who loved the grind and challenge that system provided, I personally care more about the gameplay. Too many people seem to care more about the carrot on a stick. I am nitpicking a whole lot when it comes to Tsquared (because he did go on to make some good gameplay points), but some of the other forums place so much importance on carrot on stick systems and graphics, and I find that annoying. 343 seems to understand the importance of getting the gameplay right before throwing that stuff on top though.
So who wants to test out this no bleedthrough Super Slayer shiz? Only for a couple games though.
Right now? Okay.So who wants to test out this no bleedthrough Super Slayer shiz? Only for a couple games though.
HURRY UP.I'm about to hop on. Got caught up at werk.
In that short peice early on, Tsquared put a lot of emphasize on the 1-50 system but even as someone who loved the grind and challenge that system provided, I personally care more about the gameplay. Too many people seem to care more about the carrot on a stick. I am nitpicking a whole lot when it comes to Tsquared (because he did go on to make some good gameplay points), but some of the other forums place so much importance on carrot on stick systems and graphics, and I find that annoying. 343 seems to understand the importance of getting the gameplay right before throwing that stuff on top though.
I see no issue why we can't have both (unless they have technical restrictions), the problem with ranks for Halo 2/3 was cheating, boosting, etc. Then Bungie tried with Arena and it did cut down on those things because no one really played it/liked it. So now people are quitting with really no repercussions. As corny as it sounds ranks always put more insensitive for people to play even if it's for casual gamers.
Last I checked Arena was W/L based.
In that short peice early on, Tsquared put a lot of emphasize on the 1-50 system but even as someone who loved the grind and challenge that system provided, I personally care more about the gameplay. Too many people seem to care more about the carrot on a stick. I am nitpicking a whole lot when it comes to Tsquared (because he did go on to make some good gameplay points), but some of the other forums place so much importance on carrot on stick systems and graphics, and I find that annoying. 343 seems to understand the importance of getting the gameplay right before throwing that stuff on top though.
Read my post again.
Sabotage your team? Assists were worth more than kills! it took them 7 seasons to switch to W/L, not just after launch.
Orznge, double posting like clockwork.
Would you call Elo ratings in chess a "carrot on a stick"?
Too many playlists for ranked games will lower populations and jack up pre-match wait-times. There is a risk of providing too many specific playlists.
Ranks progressed like in warcraft, more time meant higher level. Ranks didn't lock you in to your true skill (not to be confused with trueskill)
I'm so sorry that I doubleposted, instead of taking up the Computron posting style and posting huge image macros from a decade ago.
I'm aware of this but due to the fact that competition incentivizes cheating and other potentially negative behavior a lot of people are seemingly resigned to not caring whether there's a competitive system implemented at all, rather than implementing one in a way that works to curb this behavior.
Correction: Relevant and AWESOME image macros.
What reach did was make the ranking invisible to the player. Now i am sure you can point me to a game where trueskill seemed like it failed terrible and your team went +100 but it mostly works, better than other games, and I would say better than Halo 3. Also, how many ebay listings do you see for Reach accounts?
moron said:But there's not any kind of ranking system. So one person could go in that's played 100 rumble pit games and be matched up against someone who's only played one rumble pit game. So they did that for time constraint purposes, and they wanted the matchmaking system to be so fast, but I would much rather wait around for a quality Halo match then get matched up against someone who's never played the game before.
Halo 3 style 1-50 is nowhere near comparable to ELO. ELO is more similar to Trueskill.
What would you propose we do? Go back to the broken system?
TSquared is a moron.
Does he really believe that because Reach doesn't have visible skill rankings that Trueskill was suddenly dropped from matchmaking?
You can criticise Trueskill for it's failings but telling folks Bungie didn't even implement it in Reach due to time constraints is the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard a "pro" gamer say.
Why are the only options available in your head "stay the same" or "revert"? Why is it not viable to improve on what's currently available or to work on something new?
TSquared is a moron.
Does he really believe that because Reach doesn't have visible skill rankings that Trueskill was suddenly dropped from matchmaking?
You can criticise Trueskill for it's failings but telling folks Bungie didn't even implement it in Reach due to time constraints is the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard a "pro" gamer say.
Does he really believe that because Reach doesn't have visible skill rankings that Trueskill was suddenly dropped from matchmaking?
The other funny thing was how he doesn't have time to read Halo books.
Anyone in the need for a Anni-mappack for Reach?
I don't need mine really, so I give it away.
Played heavies...never again. That is all.
Anyone else think there should be some sort of party filter for unranked playlists in Halo 4? 3 and Reach had this problem where stacked teams go into casual playlists like Social Slayer and treat it as if it was an MLG game. As a primarily solo player, it gets really annoying.
Luckily there are enough other playlists to counter it, but still I would like to see an option.
Thank you.Just played a match of BTB heavies on Breakpoint. Surprisingly, I had a lot of fun. I wish that map showed up a bit more.. Its not perfect, buts its a lot better than other reach offerings.
Really guys what is that thing?
Played heavies...never again. That is all.
Read my post again.
I'd love to have it, if you don't mind
Haha is it that bad?
A lot of what he said seemed very counter intuitive to common sense.
It sounded to me like you wanted the old 1-50 system back, sorry if that wasn't the case. So I'll ask again, what do you propose?
Would you call Elo ratings in chess a "carrot on a stick"?
Anyone in the need for a Anni-mappack for Reach?
I don't need mine really, so I give it away.
edit: gone - goes to Franklinator.
I realise it's called heavies, but did it really need to have every weapon on the map, every vehicle possible, including two wraiths in a small enclosed forge world map?
Gonna try it tonight...I don't even know why, haha. Vehicular combat is not my cup of tea, especially in halo. Is it even possible to play well in Heavies without using vehicles extensively?
I realise it's called heavies, but did it really need to have every weapon on the map, every vehicle possible, including two wraiths in a small enclosed forge world map?
Arena was the first ranking system in a Halo game that didn't require you to grind through legions of awful players to get to your starting skill point. The 1-50 system was inherently flawed (and far too easy to reach max rank in 3 - I'm nowhere near the top 1% of players in the game and got to 49 playing with Norwegian host every game). Onyx 1% is a meaningful statistic, a 50 isn't.I think I agree with TSquared on going back to the 1-50 ranking. Arena was needlessly complicated for a ranking system.
going for 50
Arena was the first ranking system in a Halo game that didn't require you to grind through legions of awful players to get to your starting skill point. The 1-50 system was inherently flawed (and far too easy to reach max rank in 3 - I'm nowhere near the top 1% of players in the game and got to 49 playing with Norwegian host every game). Onyx 1% is a meaningful statistic, a 50 isn't.
I hate to tell you this, but your information is way, way off. 1-50 wasn't Elo. A 50 isn't and shouldn't be 1/50th of the population.That seems to me like part of the problem. Ideally, only about 1/50th of the population shoud get to that level. There should be an even spread of players in each rank and it should be constantly moving/adjusting every time a player moves up of down. Meaning it's a relative scale, WHICH IS WHAT ELO IS.
So trueskill.
I dont know how you can improve over it, although that doesn't mean its impossible.
That seems to me like part of the problem. Ideally, only about 1/50th of the population shoud get to that level, so unless you really are that good, it's not the destination. There should be an even spread of players in each rank and it should be constantly moving/adjusting every time a player moves up of down. Meaning it's a relative scale, WHICH IS WHAT ELO IS.
So trueskill.
I dont know how you can improve over it, although that doesn't mean its impossible.
I don't think Tsquared is a genius, but I've thought that many many times I've played Reach. Risen and I played with some others last night in 8 games and it ended every time 75-30 and under besides 1 game when they got in the 40's. It wasn't really fun to play against those people, I'll take losing 49-50 over winning 50-15 any day of the week.
The way of the nerd books! I hate that stupid phase with people pushing that book and Gamma Gamer crap.
It sounded to me like you wanted the old 1-50 system back, sorry if that wasn't the case. So I'll ask again, what do you propose?
I hope your not implying that moving up and down is not possible in ELO