Who (or what) are you removing yourself from?I need to just chill in here for a bit. Anyone up for playing in say 30 min?
I'm jumping on now. I see you Elzar. I see you.
Who (or what) are you removing yourself from?I need to just chill in here for a bit. Anyone up for playing in say 30 min?
Who (or what) are you removing yourself from?
I'm jumping on now. I see you Elzar. I see you.
I fixed my own slow turn, it's not hard.
Can't wait to get this MLG controller.
I fixed my own slow turn, it's not hard.
Can't wait to get this MLG controller.
Get the camera out of the map in theater.
Oh yeah and I decided to try out the new stuff in btb. This was the result.
That face wrinkle gif is mezmorizing.
lol, WHY do you take everything so personal?
Not even personal, it's just depressing how many dudes think this way and project it onto others, even so far as to call the men out who have female friends as full of shit.
Things like this are why I barely stray out of HaloGAF, to be honest. I don't want to get involved in any drive-by trolling, etc.
edit: Well, what you described isn't really trolling, but you get my point. The other Halo 4 thread, for example.
Things like this are why I barely stray out of HaloGAF, to be honest.
It just mars my interactions with the opposite sex too when they think along these lines. It's all related. The lack of respect, the idea that were not really people worth knowing. And people wonder why women avoid gamers and nerds.
Somebody take it to the next level and combine Frankie with this real time face wrinkling gif from the vidoc. LOL
I don't remember that. they got some balls touting that after LA Noire.
step your game up 343.
Awesome Live. Everyone dropping out of parties and I can't hear anyone.
edit: and now I fell out of the game. Whoops.
It just mars my interactions with the opposite sex too when they think along these lines. It's all related. The lack of respect, the idea that were not really people worth knowing. And people wonder why women avoid gamers and nerds.
This was inside a notebook Microsoft handed out at the Career Pavillion: http://yfrog.com/oekbzjpj
Hitmonchan tweeted this:
So sexy. And the guessing begins.
It's just a journal with "Innovators Wanted" on the cover. That was inside the first few pages. It's probably unused concept art, but it was pretty random. :lolHitmonchan needs to take pics of the whole book plz.
Hitmonchan needs to take pics of the whole book plz.
Ya LA Noire is super impressive....but, I wouldn't give a shit if the mouth didn't move at all loldevo I don't know why you give such a shit about this stuff it's the internet and a nerdy video game forum let it go yo.
I don't remember that. they got some balls touting that after LA Noire.
step your game up 343.
Oh, was hoping for more.It's just a journal with "Innovators Wanted" on the cover. That was inside the first few pages. It's probably unused concept art, but it was pretty random. :lol
Hitmonchan107Oh, was hoping for more.
Damn :OSo sexy. And the guessing begins.
No. You give me a reason to dream. Except you are going to crush it during my sleep.Hitmonchan107
Dream Crusher
You know what though, I thought of one problem. An animation would be needed to show the gun coming up to the screen, otherwise it would look weird, and that would take more time to zoom in. Unless something was done that would give the instant transition into a zoom, while allowing an animation to occur that doesn't seem weird as the gun pulls in. Basically, it could be done, and I would like it, but it would not be something as simple as emulating what other games have done. Still, since the footage we saw of the BR in action didn't show it zoomed in I think there may be something different going on.I'd be ok with that. Either way is fine with me, really.
Hitmonchan tweeted this:
So sexy. And the guessing begins.
Could very well be orStill saying it is a casket.
Still saying it is a casket.
looks like a giant Casket
UEG CuteGirl19, if you're reading this.
I love your face.
Re-quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There's a story behind this. And I wanna hear it.
On a scale from "hushed" to "super hushed"...
Dear 343: please don't change the reticle location. It's more important to see stuff and things up ahead of me than it is to see the ground at my feet.
Thats why everyone automatically lowers the reticle when the game launches and they aren't in a firefight, right?
Halo is game with verticality, meaning things happen above and below you that you need to be aware of. I shouldn't have to look down at the ground just to have a full view of whats going on around me. Almost every other shooter has the reticle in the center of the screen because it provides the most logical, comprehensive veiw of whats going on. No idea why Halo decided to go the current route.
looks like a giant Casket
Looks like unused art for a captured Seraph that would have been at the facility in LNoS.