Spartan Ops is terrble. They should go with something more like Spartan Tactical Insertions or something.
I hate the name too for the same reasons. It's like they didn't even try to come up with a creative name.I also dislike Spartan points, called them what the are: credits.
I just hate the name Spartan Ops, sounds tacky and kind of naming it after a COD mode is ugh. Maby it will grow on me, but I just dislike the name.
They should bring back Crater and Lost Platoon for Firefight.
I just realised, have Devo or Duncan posted here in the last few days? Or have they not seen the news?
Spartan Ops is terrble. They should go with something more like Spartan Tactical Insertions or something.
Axing FF was one of the only good bits of info from GI.
I also dislike Spartan points, called them what the are: credits.
I just hate the name Spartan Ops, sounds tacky and kind of naming it after a COD mode is ugh. Maby it will grow on me, but I just dislike the name.
Duncan's at PAX. I think I saw Devo pop in... Not too sure.
Infinity Ops.
I just saved Halo 4.
HahahahaI might shit a brick if the location of the hologram thing in the spaceship Infinity is the Infinity Ward.
Axing FF was one of the only good bits of info from GI. I can only hope Forge as we know it is next.
I don't know if Spartan Ops or Infinity Ops is more honest.
I might shit a brick if the location of the hologram thing in the spaceship Infinity is the Infinity Ward.
Spartan Ops is terrble. They should go with something more like Spartan Tactical Insertions or something.
Where the hell is the listing of Sparkcast episodes on Halo.xbox.com?
I seriously hate navigating that site outside my Reach stats page.
5) Random power weapon drops and instant respawns.
*Deep breath*
THIS IS THE WORST IDEA IN THE LONG SAD HISTORY OF BAD IDEAS. Seriously, how is this not a few steps removed from turning every match into a Fiesta gametype?! Oh, you happened to be standing where the rocket launcher pod fell? Lucky you! Are you out of your MINDS 343?!
-1,000,000 excitement for this, and may god have mercy on the souls of every person at 343 who did not immediately pack up and leave the team after hearing this was the direction. Sinning by silence makes cowards out of men.
Just search it trough Itunes.Where the hell is the listing of Sparkcast episodes on Halo.xbox.com?
I seriously hate navigating that site outside my Reach stats page.
5) Random power weapon drops and instant respawns.
*Deep breath*
THIS IS THE WORST IDEA IN THE LONG SAD HISTORY OF BAD IDEAS. Seriously, how is this not a few steps removed from turning every match into a Fiesta gametype?! Oh, you happened to be standing where the rocket launcher pod fell? Lucky you! Are you out of your MINDS 343?!
-1,000,000 excitement for this, and may god have mercy on the souls of every person at 343 who did not immediately pack up and leave the team after hearing this was the direction. Sinning by silence makes cowards out of men.
Just search it trough Itunes.
1) Choosing primary and secondary weapon loadouts at the beginning of a match doesn't seem so bad to me.
Gears of War 3 actually did this, and it was still a pretty damn balanced, skill-based shooter. I could see the appeal of choosing any combination of the weapons listed based on my preferences, the layout of the map, etc. +1 excitement for that.
2) Armor pieces that tie directly to armor abilities sounds good to me.
One of the bigger problems with armor abilities in Reach was that you could never really tell what armor ability anybody was using from a distance, so you couldn't plan or approach accordingly. If I can see a guy has a certain helmet/shoulder/chest/whatever and immediately know 'ok, he has this ability and these stats, I should approach it as such-and-such' that would be an improvement. +1 excitement for that
3) Spartan Ops sounds like a cool idea. I don't necessarily like the idea of it replacing fire-fight instead of adding to it.
Seriously, how many development resources does it take to whip together some maps and drop in some AI routines? Spartan Ops, by the sounds of it, is a much larger undertaking in terms of time and resources.
That said, change the damn name. We all know you're stealing ideas from CoD at this point, changing the word Spec to Spartan doesn't really disguise it that well.
+0 excitement for this.
4) Mid-match joining. Ugh.
As long as there's some barrier between matches where mid-match joining is allowed or not, I'm fine with this. Make it the difference between social and ranked, make different search filters, make different playlists. I don't care. Just make a wall so I don't have to deal with this BS if I don't want to.
-1 excitement for this.
5) Random power weapon drops and instant respawns.
*Deep breath*
THIS IS THE WORST IDEA IN THE LONG SAD HISTORY OF BAD IDEAS. Seriously, how is this not a few steps removed from turning every match into a Fiesta gametype?! Oh, you happened to be standing where the rocket launcher pod fell? Lucky you! Are you out of your MINDS 343?!
-1,000,000 excitement for this, and may god have mercy on the souls of every person at 343 who did not immediately pack up and leave the team after hearing this was the direction. Sinning by silence makes cowards out of men.
Care to elaborate? Because it's not going to be weapons just spawing anywhere.
They should bring back Crater and Lost Platoon for Firefight.
I just realised, have Devo or Duncan posted here in the last few days? Or have they not seen the news?
Axing FF was one of the only good bits of info from GI. I can only hope Forge as we know it is next.
No, I figured there would be pre-determined spawn points, and at any of those spawn points, a pod could drop in carrying anything from a rocket-launcher, to a sniper to a spartan laser. It's still random, unskilled, luck-based bullshit.
Here's an idea: I'm better than you. I've learned the maps, I know where the weapons spawn, and I have fought off several players for the right to pick up this power weapon and reap the benefits of it. My skill has earned me an advantage.
Crazy fucking logic, I know, making players actually learn the game to succeed at it.
I'd imagine ME3 multiplayer is closer to Firefight than Spartan Ops, from what I gathered in the cover story anyway. It sounds like Spartan Ops are closer to Spec Ops from MW, but with a more cohesive narrative stitching them together.If Spartan Ops plays anything like Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, it'll play very well. Small, focused maps with randomised objectives and locations with a nice array of enemies.
No, I figured there would be pre-determined spawn points, and at any of those spawn points, a pod could drop in carrying anything from a rocket-launcher, to a sniper to a spartan laser. It's still random, unskilled, luck-based bullshit.
Here's an idea: I'm better than you. I've learned the maps, I know where the weapons spawn, and I have fought off several players for the right to pick up this power weapon and reap the benefits of it. My skill has earned me an advantage.
Crazy fucking logic, I know, making players actually learn the game to succeed at it.
I just realised, have Devo or Duncan posted here in the last few days? Or have they not seen the news?
I'd imagine ME3 multiplayer is closer to Firefight than Spartan Ops, from what I gathered in the cover story anyway. It sounds like Spartan Ops are closer to Spec Ops from MW, but with a more cohesive narrative stitching them together.
I want Forge gone as a map maker, because that is clearly not what it should be made to do. Tweaking around existing maps though? I'm all for it. Just avoid another Forge World disaster.Why do so many of you guys want Forge gone? Or are you just wanting it revamped? As someone said before, the magazine said the "training simulation" could create any environment for training exercises. I'm probably reading into it a bit much, but I wonder if that means Forge tools become a lot more in-depth. If so, I can't wait to see some community maps.
Why do so many of you guys want Forge gone? Or are you just wanting it revamped? As someone said before, the magazine said the "training simulation" could create any environment for training exercises. I'm probably reading into it a bit much, but I wonder if that means Forge tools become a lot more in-depth. If so, I can't wait to see some community maps.
Drop in drop out for social was something that needed to be in there since Halo 2. Don't know why people like the idea of dealing with lopsided BS that ends up happening a lot. Maybe they should make a 1 vs 4 or asymmetrical teams playlist for people who apparently like that. So you might get added into a match near the end? Oh well. Stick around post-game and stick with the group that'll slowly keep getting refreshed by people leaving and others joining in.
I think I like the idea of loadouts. We can have our BRs and DMRs and fyrewulf and all the BKs can have their ARs.
Also, who won EGL? I missed it during Easter festivities.
Duncan is gonna flip.I just realised, have Devo or Duncan posted here in the last few days? Or have they not seen the news?
Awesome.Str8 Rippin 6-3.
Drop in drop out for social was something that needed to be in there since Halo 2. Don't know why people like the idea of dealing with lopsided BS that ends up happening more often than not. Maybe they should make a 1 vs 4 or asymmetrical teams playlist for people who apparently like that. So you might get added into a match near the end? Oh well. Stick around post-game and stick with the group that'll slowly keep getting refreshed by people leaving and others joining in.
As Ricken just said, Forge is a map editor, and is being passed off as a map creator.
They need to suck it up then.That's what people don't want though, to jump into matchmaking and get put into the middle of a lopsided beatdown of a game.
No, I figured there would be pre-determined spawn points, and at any of those spawn points, a pod could drop in carrying anything from a rocket-launcher, to a sniper to a spartan laser. It's still random, unskilled, luck-based bullshit.
Here's an idea: I'm better than you. I've learned the maps, I know where the weapons spawn, and I have fought off several players for the right to pick up this power weapon and reap the benefits of it. My skill has earned me an advantage.
Crazy fucking logic, I know, making players actually learn the game to succeed at it.
They need to suck it up then.
People who really care about their stats is problematic since it's been integrated into the online aspect of the series from the start. How do you resolve that? Honestly, I don't know, but I also don't care what my numbers on some website are. I just want to avoid the frustration of constantly having asymmetrical team counts.That's the only problem I really have with drop in/drop out. I've experienced many times in BF3 where I join a game that's actually over and in the post game screen. That game shouldn't count on my stats, but it does. A possible solution for Halo 4 DIDO could to be the first game you matchmake into not count on your service record (gameplay stats like kills/headshots/etc would stay, just not the win/loss). That could be a little extreme though. Maybe after a certain time has passed in a match, no one can matchmake into it.
It's not lopsided if the holes in the teams are being filled. I'll gladly take that over the lopsided beatdown of constantly having teams with less players than the other with nothing that can be done about that in-game.Why? So that the people on the winning end of a lop-sided beatdown can have more points?
I want Forge gone as a map maker, because that is clearly not what it should be made to do. Tweaking around existing maps though? I'm all for it. Just avoid another Forge World disaster.
I don't want to play community maps in matchmaking is all.
As Ricken just said, Forge is a map editor, and is being passed off as a map creator.
They need to suck it up then.
So then you're not for an even playing field.
So then you're not for an even playing field.
Forge maps should not be in any competitive playlists. There should be a special playlist dedicated to Forge maps. If one of those maps becomes incredibly loved you can consider it for other playlists too.
Also: Custom Search
Forge maps should not be in any competitive playlists. There should be a special playlist dedicated to Forge maps. If one of those maps becomes incredibly loved you can consider it for other playlists too.
Also: Custom Search
Playing Halo 3 SP for the first time in AGES, forgot how much fun it was.
Please, don't remind me of what they did to Truth.For your destruction is the will of the gods and i I AM THEIR INSTRUMENT