Nice. Thanks.
With how big the reticule is, people will need to earn those long distance hits with really good aim, so it won't ruin big maps, I think.
v Audrey Hepburn
Nice. Thanks.
Who's the girl in your avatar?Link/quote?
I only remember reading about no expanding reticule and hitscan.
Go watch The Raid. Do it.
Exact same kill time and scope zoom (2X) for all precision rifles that you can spawn with, please.
Looks like you're enjoying the event, brah.
Absolutely. I've really appreciated 343 folks jumping in and offering clarification. I've got my complaints and my reservations, but I'm feeling better about stuff.Forgot to post this yesterday:
I'm sure they've balanced them out and they have different strengths and weaknesses. Gears 3 allows you to choose between three rifles for start-up, and it works rather well, they're all perfectly viable and balanced against each other.
The Assault Rifle...yeah, IDK. Maybe it's your secondary weapon or some shit.
I get the feeling that there will be numerous starting class weapons to choose from, probably something like this:
-Precision Class (DMR, BR, Carbine, etc)
-Assault Class (AR, Assualt Carbine, SMG(?), etc)
-Side arm (pistol variations, and maybe even something like the missile pistol from the trailer)
I would guess that a few weapons would play in between the two classes of primary, but with most secondaries having limited functionality, though they may see some unique diversity. Already, knowing the system plays out as a mix between Black Ops where you buy/unlock weapons and Gears 3 where you are limited to certain types of weapons tells me Halo 4 may see a larger count of weapons compared to past titles.
First Halo that allows you to carry more than two weapons (excluding turrets and duel wielding)?-Precision Class (DMR, BR, Carbine, etc)
-Assault Class (AR, Assualt Carbine, SMG(?), etc)
-Side arm (pistol variations, and maybe even something like the missile pistol from the trailer)
I wanna know why they didnt stick with credits. Sounds way better than spartan points.They should be called Frankelz.
I expect shots to kill will be the same, but some guns (DMR?) might shoot slower, making kill times slower. This is just speculation.
Absolutely. I've really appreciated 343 folks jumping in and offering clarification. I've got my complaints and my reservations, but I'm feeling better about stuff.
The DMR had 15 shots in the magazine clip in the screenshot from the GI mag, so it's probably 5sk. I assume that 5sk lines up to be able to the same kill time as the 4sk BR though, so your choice between those weapons is just if you want a burst or single fire weapon.
That would be perfect, it would fill a niche separate to the BR.Or it's a slower kill time, but greater range?
I get the feeling that there will be numerous starting class weapons to choose from, probably something like this:
-Precision Class (DMR, BR, Carbine, etc)
-Assault Class (AR, Assualt Carbine, SMG(?), etc)
-Side arm (pistol variations, and maybe even something like the missile pistol from the trailer)
I would guess that a few weapons would play in between the two classes of primary, but with most secondaries having limited functionality, though they may see some unique diversity. Already, knowing the system plays out as a mix between Black Ops where you buy/unlock weapons and Gears 3 where you are limited to certain types of weapons tells me Halo 4 may see a larger count of weapons compared to past titles.
Or it's a slower kill time, but greater range?
Source: NeoGAF, lol
BR is already confirmed to have no spread.
brb, gonna attempt to fap to H4 BRs in Incognito Window
^ Random spawns my ass.
Damn, that's not what I was aiming to remind you guys about.
HaloGAF, always finding the bad in awesome.
Halo 4 BR looks so damn sexah.
Steam Punk Chief looks pretty good too.
Wish the BR was still black with the same blue shade as H2/H3 on the scope. The new black DMR with the vivid green scope and screen looks so good (scope is a bit weird but I don't hate it).
Trying to figure out what the fuck is the downside to Forerunner Vision.
Only thing I can think of is you need to stand still to see clearly. Otherwise its a jumbled mess.
Trust me, you'll understand when you see it. Which might not be soon since we're still locking down the visuals on it.
Forerunner Shield -- renders player undetectable by Forerunner Vision ;^)Trying to figure out what the fuck is the downside to Forerunner Vision.
Only thing I can think of is you need to stand still to see clearly. Otherwise its a jumbled mess.
This could be it or part of it, but if the Spartan Ops missions are meant to be MP co-op rolling them out gradually would likely keep the "Spartan Ops" playlist and the newest Ops well populated on a week to week basis.One could interpret the "new missions after release" strategy as meaning they simply won't be done by the time the game ships. Or, there wasn't room on the disc for them.
Well, if you were going to recycle environments from the campaign portion of the game, this would be the context in which to do it. Basically "A Different Way to Campaign" made into an official part of the game/narrative. Sounds fun. This also opens the door for Halo 4: ODST to return with "classic firefight" in 2014.I've been wondering whether these weekly SpartOps installments will be unlocking disk locked content, or DLC.
This almost caused me to choke to death on a hot pocket. I live in a palace made of pretzel bread and spinach+cheese. Envy me HaloGAF.No it means being totally awesome and everyone making fun of you for it
This caused me to nearly choke to death on the dessert I was eating. I feel like the weasels from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.Active Camo being back as a thing anyone can pick is a stunning thing as well, camo snipers are the worst. Juices secretly masturbated to that bit of info.
That's just how memory works. People generally edit out the bad things from the past to make room in their brains for the good things. I'm looking forward to 2018 when we are singing the praises of Powerhouse and the "simpler", more "pure" AA's from Reach.It's just hilarious to me that the flaws of 2 are completely over looked by most people in here who spout it as the gift from the gods.
Im a little confused about what you are asking, but I realize I was unclear. I imagine for your primary weapon you will be able to choose from numerous weapons that would fit into the two "classes" of weapons I outlined, while secondary would be limited to pistols and other like guns.I hope you meant to group those together to form loadouts, and not as your loadout options...
First Halo that allows you to carry more than two weapons (excluding turrets and duel wielding)?
Some are speculating the Assault Carbine mentioned by GI is that gun. I would be a happy person, as I posted about wanting a gun like that a few times.Oh god please give me that supposedly shorter, more close combat version of the AR that was talked about in the books.
I imagine it being very short ranged, and screwing with the colors like in visr mode, basically causing more distraction than direction. It would still be useful, but if you get caught in a firefight it will screw you. Of course, this is just speculation, but I doubt they just put perfect xray vision in and called it a day.Trying to figure out what the fuck is the downside to Forerunner Vision.
Only thing I can think of is you need to stand still to see clearly. Otherwise its a jumbled mess.
Edit: Also, not gonna lie, I spent 15 minutes in the office today just listening to the sound of the new sniper rifle fired from various distances/angles. God tier.
Im a little confused about what you are asking, but I realize I was unclear. I imagine for your primary weapon you will be able to choose from numerous weapons that would fit into the two "classes" of weapons I outlined, while secondary would be limited to pistols and other like guns.
Nope, like I said above, the first two I listed were speculated primary weapon choices, third was the secondary category.
Some are speculating the Assault Carbine mentioned by GI is that gun. I would be a happy person, as I posted about wanting a gun like that a few times.
I imagine it being very short ranged, and screwing with the colors like in visr mode, basically causing more distraction than direction. It would still be useful, but if you get caught in a firefight it will screw you. Of course, this is just speculation, but I doubt they just put perfect xray vision in and called it a day.
"You know how the Halo devs always have these great ideas and they're sure the players are gonna love them, and they kinda do at first but they end up hating them when they play the game? Let's go in the complete opposite direction this time and see how that goes."Frankie said that he fully expected the reaction he got, did you guys really sit around the office going, "Guys, the internet's going to hate this so much."
Can you say when the Gameinformer screenshots (and possibly other new ones) will be hitting the web?Trust me, you'll understand when you see it. Which might not be soon since we're still locking down the visuals on it.
Man oh man, if they slapped a silencer on it I could die happy. I miss the ODST weapons.
Frankie said that he fully expected the reaction he got, did you guys really sit around the office going, "Guys, the internet's going to hate this so much."