Dual-wielding can come back when the Two Magnum combo is back to awesomeness of Halo 2, before the nerf.
John Woo style, baby
John Woo style, baby
Not a fan of dual-wielding, hope it stays buried.
no dual wielding.
no dual wielding.
no dual wielding.
Ah, ok.
Lol yeah, I don't use warthogs often. Covenant vehicles are better IMO.
That's fuckin teaaaaamwooorrrrrrkthanks.
Everyone RT! -!/TheHaloCouncil/status/189432755476627456
ps: Frankie and Ellis can get their vengeance and have a tweet storm the opposite way![]()
Bad? Apparently not everyone got a hold of dual wielding plasma rifles.Dual weilding was bad but lulzy. Armor abilities are bad and not lulzy.
Bad? Apparently not everyone got a hold of dual wielding plasma rifles.
Well personally I rarely have those problems myself seeing as I usually get the power weapons before the enemy team does.Better than people camping around corners and at lifts with shotgun and sword with sprint.
There are some nice lines of sight for the Sniper but nothing too make it too powerful and the Rockets are usually out of play fairly quickly especially compared to the Shotgun and Sword who both have enough ammo to kill about a dozen people.
Triple wielding dual wielding.
Same here. Never seemed to balance well.
Not to mention with Sprint being a base trait (it is a base trait in Halo 4 right?) we may be running out of ways to easily map all the buttons on the controller.
no dual wielding.
no dual wielding.
You could not have a more perfect avatar for anything that you dual wielding.
More confirmations. So that leads me to believe you can now hold 3 weapons. Which is why the codpiece had disappeared.
You just chime in on the most random dual wielding.
Tashi wielding?no dual wielding.
no dual wielding.
Hobnobbing with the people of power already eh? Sounds like you're on the way to becoming a good lawyer!
I remember watching that game and the commentators kept playing it lol![]()
Not even if we've unlocked the Akimbo perk?
no dual wielding.
How's DotA treating you?
no dual wielding.
Can't say i'm happy with this. I liked the concept a lot... but i understand the decision, neither Halo 2 or 3 did dual wielding well really and Reach's sandbox was improved a bit as DW was left out (but we know that sandbox ended up being one step forward, one step back due to other decisions...). Consider adding dual wielding to Halo 5/6 campaign and very least, campaign and MP sandbox don't have to be the same always.
I am excited to check it out. I will have to watch some videos and stuff to get an idea of what the hell I am suppose to do but it should be fun. I want to finish ME3 before diving into it though.
That's fuckin teaaaaamwooorrrrrrk
This is an incredible .gif.
Yeah, I was one of the few people on HaloGAF who thought dual wielding was fun.
I can understand removing it since it is hard to balance dual wieldable weapons. I liked the bullet hose that was the SMG mixed with the Plasma rifle in Halo 2.
no dual wielding.
Could Frank or Ellis confirm that Evade is dead too? Frank put Armor Lock to rest earlier.
Could Frank or Ellis confirm that Evade is dead too? Frank put Armor Lock to rest earlier.
no dual wielding.
Lol too bad it's fuckin Monday, time to get to work hahahahaIt's Killa KC birthday, awkward lol.
If we keep up this pace we'll start running out of crumbs.
If we keep up this pace we'll start running out of crumbs.
Bam!, Megaton out of nowhere.
You know what wasn't broken in Reach? The Shotgun. I thought it had a great range and power, a real close-range power-weapon.
Lol just saw this now, fuck you hahahaTashi wielding?
Correct.Frankie's avatar is from Oldboy, no? Its been so long since I seen it.
Wasn't this confirmed earlier? I was so certain of this.
Can't wait until they tell us Sprint isn't in, AAs are pick-ups, loadouts are gone and unlocks are only cosmetic. That day will be a glorious one.I find it pretty hilarious that so many people in here were ripping 343, claiming Halo 4 is fucked. And now, little by little, Frankie and David are winning hearts back lol.