I find it sort of amusing that top-tier players (both you and Overdoz1z mentioned falling in Onyx rankings after lack of play) FALL when they don't play for a while, while mediocre players like me CLIMB. Last season, I played enough to get ranked, plus maybe a day or two. At the end of this time, I was silver, 95%.
When the season ended (no more playing at all, for weeks), i was Silver, 25%.![]()
I guess I'd enjoy seeing the bulge of the curve move over time - I'm sure that's fully expected by anyone who understands statistics, but my brain can't get a handle on the reasoning without seeing the numbers.
I think that's just it - I think most folk don't translate the percentages into placement numbers very easily. Few (if anyone in the general population) knows the total population playing. The movement (up or down) is going to completely depend on the number of folks playing in the season in which you are getting daily ratings. Your daily ratings are compared to others and are relative to those folks you have rated against. The system "self levels" to it's distribution as people play or don't.
Juices got Gold because there aren't many folks playing and he hasn't won or rated well against people ranked higher than him very often. Likely - he hasn't even had the opportunity to do so until recently.
For all the love some show - it's not a great ranking system.
Can't say it enough... I would so want the H2 ranked system more. I think it does a much better job at placing players in relative skill categories in a team game. (assuming no cheating of course, and truly, I don't think the cheaters are a reason to change it... police the cheating, don't change the system to something inferior)