Bring this back 343.Squad Slayer
Bring this back 343.
Bring this back 343.
I don't know if you've heard, but Overdoziz started the Squad Slayer movement.
Parody of the classic movement guy in case that flew over anyones head. But now I had to explain the joke. Fuck.
I'm not answering those questions until I see someone with a lower Halo 3 level than me answer them first.
And the no sprint movement
And the no AR movement
And the no AA movement
And the...oh you get it!
I'm not answering those questions until I see someone with a lower Halo 3 level than me answer them first.
I'm not answering those questions until I see someone with a lower Halo 3 level than me answer them first.
I just want a player progression system where the majority of the leveling-up comes from my performance in the game and not time spent playing it.
Zabójcy Królów.... Sounds awfully like Zalin Krow![]()
I'm not answering those questions until I see someone with a lower Halo 3 level than me answer them first.
Frankie posted on Waypoint omg hes ignoring us we luv him more what a dick wow not buying halo 4
This may have been obvious but from what I gather, power weapon spawn zones will be in locked places on the map, but the weapon that spawns in that zone is entirely random? I don't think I'd mind that too much. Map control would still play a part.
Why?I just want a player progression system where the majority of the leveling-up comes from my performance in the game and not time spent playing it.
I just want a player progression system where the majority of the leveling-up comes from my performance in the game and not time spent playing it.
Play good, level faster. Encourages good play.Why?
I'm imagining a system where there are set spots on the map that are drop zones. The game will announce something like. SNIPER DROPPING HERE IN X SECONDS. ROCKETS DROPPING HERE IN X SECONDS.
MIGHT be fine, depending on how they implement it. One things for certain though, at the start of the match, drops should be the same all the time every time. Need to be balanced. I think 343 knows what they're doing.
Maybe Thursday? I'd say one or two pieces of content each week.When are we expecting new stuff from GI hub?
More Frankie interview would be nice.
Quality over quantity.Why?
The weapon drops might allow a lot of easy kills when people try to run for power weapons, I wonder how they'll balance that.
Maybe Thursday? I'd say one or two pieces of content each week.
I just want a player progression system where the majority of the leveling-up comes from my performance in the game and not time spent playing it.
How would that work? Tied to K/D?
Why is the currency for Halo 4 called Spartan Points and not Credits?
I'd prefer no player progression system.I just want a player progression system where the majority of the leveling-up comes from my performance in the game and not time spent playing it.
Can Spartan Points be renamed to "Francs"?
I'd like to be able to get EXP for specific things in the game, eg kills, medals, sprees, wins etc, then with an EXP penalty for deaths (smaller penalty relative to the good EXP shit though). Just seems like a logical system and rewards actually being good at the game even if your team sucks.
Pretty sure he just means you make progress for your actions in games, (like COD), as opposed to Reach where the majority of your progression points some from just completing the game (time based) and random jackpots, and a small fraction comes from commendation and performance bonus.
Basically, Reach's investment system is backwards.
That's already the old currency in France![]()
It also rewards kill whoring in objective. Then if you rewarded objective play, it rewards betraying for the flag.
Its a good system in theory, but I fear it has ramifications.
Can Spartan Points be renamed to "Francs"?