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Here's a forge world one I made really quickly, what do you think?
I'll take 3. Do you have XXXXXXXXXXL?
Here's a forge world one I made really quickly, what do you think?
I'll take 3. Do you have XXXXXXXXXXL?
I'll take 3. Do you have XXXXXXXXXXL?
yup. memorable locations and probably the longest campaign too make halo 2 awesome despite its short comings imo
No, sorry we're out of stock in Inheritor sizes.
'largely'? By who? You and your friends?
I'd say the Campaign is generally considered the weakest in the Halo series, and while the multiplayer was hugely popular in its time, a lot of that popularity came from the fact that there was nothing on its level. It was plagued with bugs and glitches that made Matchmaking a quagmire for many players.
I'd say that Halo 3 was more popular, had better netcode, and fewer bugs. Reach had better netcode still (though it had some game changers that rubbed parts of the community the wrong way - certainly a majority of vocal HaloGAF).
By any reasonable measure (reviews, online populations, etc) Halo 2 was not as 'good' as its later brethren. (That said, it was groundbreaking, and deserves a special place in history for that fact alone.)
I like grey shirts, I'd buy it.Here's a forge world one I made really quickly, what do you think?![]()
Everything but Backwash and Gemini.I feel the same way. Halo 2 has a special place because the variety of locales in the campaign and what I feel are the best collection of Halo MP maps to ever exist. (Emphasis on "collection"; they're not all winners but its a good batch overall).
Here's a forge world one I made really quickly, what do you think?
Here's a forge world one I made really quickly, what do you think?
That was a great update. Juicy enough morsels to satisfy me for a little while. Can't wait to see what's in store with the new sandbox.
btw - if any of you guys get the chance, go see Radiohead on their current tour. Last night was glorious.
You are in for a treat, my friend. Last night was my third time seeing them overall, and they always put on an incredible show. Nothing off the first three albums until the encore(s), but lots of Kid A awesomeness.I just got off the phone with a friend like 2 minutes ago who managed to snag 4 tickets for May 31st in Jersey. He offered one to me. Looks like I'm going to see Radiohead baby! First time for me. They're actually one of the last of my favorite bands that I haven't seen live. I'm pumped as fuck!
You are in for a treat, my friend. Last night was my third time seeing them overall, and they always put on an incredible show. Nothing off the first three albums until the encore(s), but lots of Kid A awesomeness.
Different strokes for different folks and all that stuff.
Halo 3 was more popular and did have few bugs ect but id argue that alot of that popularity came from the 360 simply making it easier to connect to xbox live.
Alot of people will maintain the belief that Halo 2 was the best of the series and to some extent i agree, however im not going to pretend it was all gravy it had its fair share of faults to say the least but for me thats the Halo game i could go back and play endlessly i cant say the same about Halo 3 or Reach.
As for "best" thats entirely a personal opinion but if your going on sales and online figures then its halo 3.
I'm trying not to think of Halo 4 as an updated Halo 2/3. I'm going into this expecting a different experience. The good news is that this means the best case scenario is that the entertainment level surpasses my favorite Halo games. Reach could've done this, but the choices the creators of that game made were, in some very obvious cases, antithetical to fun.
Hoping for a rebooted Halo 2/3/CE seems like a recipe for disappointment. Not because 343 can't create an amazing Halo game, but rather because Halo 4 is a different game and will inevitably NOT be Halo 2/3/CE. I expect to play Halo, just not the same Halo I've already played.
/end preachy bullshit.
Halo 2's multiplayer may not have been as technically sophisticated as Halo 3 or Reach (netcode, graphics, etc), but I believe the gameplay design was the purest of the Halo games, and the map design was sublime.
I'm currently a Recruit because "the Halo: Reach server is not available at this time. Please try again later."
Anyone else?
HaloWaypoint said:We'll be conducting maintenance on Reach, ODST, and Halo 3 this morning (PT). Please expect some downtime and general weirdness online.
I'm currently a Recruit because "the Halo: Reach server is not available at this time. Please try again later."
Anyone else?
Maintenance happening.
Don't expect Chief to suddenly start long monologues. His story will be defined by circumstances and events.
Maintenance happening.
Yes, Halo 2 had it fair share of glitches and cheaters, but at it's core - the gameplay - it was, and still is the best in the series. And if you want to use online populations as an indicator of whether one game is better than an other then Call of Duty would be the best multiplayer game ever made.
Ah, didn't know GAF was so overly fond of Kid A. The Bends and OK Computer are still their best works imoEhh I'm not your typical GAF Radiohead fan. I think Kid A is largely overrated but there are like 4 songs that I really love. The Bends is my favorite album.But whatever, I'll still enjoy it. I'm looking forward to hearing Staircase. I think that's the best Radiohead song since In Rainbows came out. Such a great song.Don't kill me
Ah, didn't know GAF was so overly fond of Kid A. The Bends and OK Computer are still their best works imo, so I'm right there with you. They played two brand new songs, one of which reminded me of their earlier stuff.The Bends is fucking brilliant
And I couldn't not think about Franklez when I was watching their drummer play.
That's a good thing IMO.
Fair enough, interiors in general were a weakpoint for CE. Though interior combat is something I got from just about every other FPS leading up to Halo, which is why it doesn't resonate with me strongly within Halo. 2 having the lamest larger scale outdoor sequences makes it feel the least Halo to me as a result.
Chief has always been a man of action, not words. Two of my favorite moments in the series: when the Chief grabs a pistol and plants it under the Arbiter's jaw at the start of Halo 3, and when the Arbiter heads into High Charity looking for the Chief at the end of Cortana. The two of them had quite the bromance going in that game, and it's nearly all handled through action rather than exposition. Sounds like 343 is going to expand on the Chief's character that way, which is fitting.
Oh, absolutely, because I suggested that there should be a single metric of 'good', and stated what it was. Yep, that's my opinion - thanks for nailing it down for me!And if you want to use online populations as an indicator of whether one game is better than an other then Call of Duty would be the best multiplayer game ever made.
you guys misinterpreted what the :/ was for... again, the question of voice actors was dodged.
you guys misinterpreted what the :/ was for... again, the question of voice actors was dodged.
Anyone up for ODST tonight or tommorow? We could technically go for Endure, but I'm on wireless so I can't guarantee I'll survive 5 sets connection wise.
Someone mentioned wanting the Elephant back on HBO. Immediately thought of a special Firefight map where there'd be a long area with multiple paths where you have to get the Elephant from one end to the other, with enemies attacking it in large droves at choke points and constantly pinging you otherwise. You'd be able to "deploy" it like Wars to access it's turrets and defense systems, but it'd also have health so you can't just drive straight forward and win. Losing the elephant would mean mission over. It'd also be your respawn point.
:\ is easy to misinterpret when a reply quoted touches on multiple topics.![]()
I wouldn't worry about it.![]()
I'm in the middle of Mass Effect 3 right now and I really wish Reach's campaign had this feel of doom and invasion. In Reach it was just like, "Oh the covenant are here this probably isn't a good thing."
Anyone up for ODST tonight or tommorow? We could technically go for Endure, but I'm on wireless so I can't guarantee I'll survive 5 sets connection wise.
Someone mentioned wanting the Elephant back on HBO. Immediately thought of a special Firefight map where there'd be a long area with multiple paths where you have to get the Elephant from one end to the other, with enemies attacking it in large droves at choke points and constantly pinging you otherwise. You'd be able to "deploy" it like Wars to access it's turrets and defense systems, but it'd also have health so you can't just drive straight forward and win. Losing the elephant would mean mission over. It'd also be your respawn point.
Anyone up for ODST tonight or tommorow? We could technically go for Endure, but I'm on wireless so I can't guarantee I'll survive 5 sets connection wise.
Someone mentioned wanting the Elephant back on HBO. Immediately thought of a special Firefight map where there'd be a long area with multiple paths where you have to get the Elephant from one end to the other, with enemies attacking it in large droves at choke points and constantly pinging you otherwise. You'd be able to "deploy" it like Wars to access it's turrets and defense systems, but it'd also have health so you can't just drive straight forward and win. Losing the elephant would mean mission over. It'd also be your respawn point.
Here's a forge world one I made really quickly, what do you think?
Ehh I'm not your typical GAF Radiohead fan. I think Kid A is largely overrated but there are like 4 songs that I really love. The Bends is my favorite album.But whatever, I'll still enjoy it. I'm looking forward to hearing Staircase. I think that's the best Radiohead song since In Rainbows came out. Such a great song.Don't kill me
I think I just found your fundamental flaw.
Kid A is the most complete album top to bottom in my opinion. It just has an incredible flow.
This isn't to say it's the album with the best individual songs as that could very well go to In Rainbows or HTTF.
Anywho, amazing concert, saw it last Thursday. Enjoy it!
"The Covenant. The Covenant is on Reach". That right there, in the first level, nailed my impending sense of dread about how the campaign was going to go. And it plummeted beyond my low expectations (having picked up the game months after the whole business.)
Hell, I'll say that I'd rather play Cortana than LNoS or PoA on Legendary.
I think the supremacy of Halo 2's maps is so unanimously understood that a statement isn't really even needed. It would be nice, but I think we can rest assured. Now whether or not 343 can match Halo 2 quality in their own original maps... We'll have to wait and see. I expect them to be visually creative and gorgeous, at least.I just want to hear from the 343 that they know Halo 2 had the best maps in the series and the whole wide world. (ok maybe just the series)
you can at least give me that, right?Right?
I think the supremacy of Halo 2's maps is so unanimously understood that a statement isn't really even needed. It would be nice, but I think we can rest assured. Now whether or not 343 can match Halo 2 quality in their own original maps... We'll have to wait and see. I expect them to be visually creative and gorgeous, at least.
I'm down. I'm PST though so tonight might have different meaningsAnyone up for ODST tonight or tommorow? We could technically go for Endure, but I'm on wireless so I can't guarantee I'll survive 5 sets connection wise.
Someone mentioned wanting the Elephant back on HBO. Immediately thought of a special Firefight map where there'd be a long area with multiple paths where you have to get the Elephant from one end to the other, with enemies attacking it in large droves at choke points and constantly pinging you otherwise. You'd be able to "deploy" it like Wars to access it's turrets and defense systems, but it'd also have health so you can't just drive straight forward and win. Losing the elephant would mean mission over. It'd also be your respawn point.
Halo 3 and Reach made me doubt that Bungie understood this though![]()
The new ancient evil that Chief faces this time around. Comes from planet Telex in the Black Star system (lots of fake plastic trees there). I hear he's a real creep, but I'm optimistic that he'll just be another paranoid android.Who is Radiohead? Is he a new character in Halo 4? Sounds like a stupid name.
Halo 3 remade Lockout and Midship and Reach remade Sanctuary, Ivory Tower and Ascension. At least from what Bungie did. Did I miss any?
Sadly, the Midship remake was the only good one
Good point. :-(Halo 3 and Reach made me doubt that Bungie understood this though![]()
I like Asylum, but it's a piss poor Sanctuary remake. Reflection is fun, if not actually good. Ascension* is total trash. And Zealot isn't a remake.Halo 3 remade Lockout and Midship and Reach remade Sanctuary, Ivory Tower and Ascension. At least from what Bungie did. Did I miss any?
Sadly, the Midship remake was the only good one
Naw, Reflection was an on-disc map on Reach.Exactly, Ivory Tower didn't show up until a map pack, Lulsforgeworld, and they didn't even bring back the right maps.
Halo 3 remade Lockout and Midship and Reach remade Sanctuary, Ivory Tower and Ascension. At least from what Bungie did. Did I miss any?
Sadly, the Midship remake was the only good one