TS x Massacre
Wouldn't it be funny in a way if all those people jumping to conclusions end up being right? Yeah, that would be funny.

Wouldn't it be funny in a way if all those people jumping to conclusions end up being right? Yeah, that would be funny.
Hey, Hydra
We're just speculating, bro
we're guessing, paco
we're just shooting the shit, as the kids say
Chill out, man
Please elaborate.Google the word optimism. You clearly have never heard of it.
So my guess of no 1-50 because 343 says that there's a progression system, where you start as a recruit, and work your way up to gain new weapons and amor abilities, is the same as saying a new game that is an FPS is a race kart game because it has vehicles?
I'm sure 343 could do it like Bungie did in Halo 3, but I'm making an educated guess. Since most of the ideas that were presented in GI came from other games, I have no idea why they would keep 1-50 since no other current FPS (COD for example) that I know of uses a 1-50
What else would we do? Play Halo? LOLyou guys talk too much..![]()
you guys talk too much..![]()
The Pit, one of your favorite maps in the series, had attic spawns. But that's okay!
The only Halo 2 remakes that were done right were Reflection and Heretic. Reflection was sent to a game where the developer allowed jetpacks to roam free and ruin the experience. Heretic was great, but it came so late and I was already bored of Halo 3 so I barely played much on it.
It's fine remaking maps if they're done properly, or adjusted to the new style of gameplay. But we could get another Last Resort, Blackout, or Pinnacle, and that is something neither of us want. I'm sure we'll get remakes, I believe Frankie noted at one point we will anyways. Hopefully the new maps they're creating will be solid.
Oh, and no multiplayer achievements because they're almost universally awful.
You don't talk enough, mr.never has his headphones on!
7 best Halo maps in no particular order.
-Sword Base
I completely forgot about The Pit's attic spawns :lol How did Bungie even let that go through after the clusterfuck that was Terminal?
Completely agree with you on the remakes.
That's the one thing (along with 60FPS) you should copy from CoD!
What is the purpose of player investment? What role do ranking systems play towards this purpose? What role do progression systems play?Basically it became obvious in Halo 3 that casuals cried way too hard when they couldn't hit 50 and get General status. The patch for EXP Generals was proof of this. The fact Reach continued this shows that its what developers like Bungie/343 need to do to be "fair" to everyone. These days kids just expect fairness. See the "Why didn't I get that job!? WAHHH Argument"
Yeah, I feel like devs copying CoD like to let that whiff over their head. It's never good. It'll always cause an alteration of player motivations. It will make for a worse experience. Stop doing it.NO MP ACHIEVEMENTS
That's the one thing (along with 60FPS) you should copy from CoD!
What is the purpose of player investment? What role do ranking systems play towards this purpose? What role do progression systems play?
You don't talk enough, mr.never has his headphones on!
It's not just the uber competitive people who cared about 1-50 ranks, it's a lot of the general population too; my friends were by no means people who'd play in MLG or anything but they loved the ranking system and it was a great factor in why they stuck with the game.
Are we seriously calling them "Spartan Points"
Achievement: Tashi Ceiling - Get 3 triple kills in one game of Slayer.
What is the purpose of player investment? What role do ranking systems play towards this purpose? What role do progression systems play?
Achievement: Tashi Ceiling - Get 3 triple kills in one game of Slayer.
Are we seriously calling them "Spartan Points"
1-500 ranking system
with more precious metals and mineral gemstones
If numbered ranks come back, Fryewulf quits
(like he quit when hitscan came back, oh wait)
Very much this. I never touched Arena in Reach after trying it in the beta. Didn't give enough feedback, i didn't really have any idea if i was good or not.
And Halo 3 had tighter limits on social side as well, TrueSkill was hidden but it was still used. The limits were loosened for Reach... Getting matched multiple times in a row against noobs is not fun.
Are we seriously calling them "Spartan Points"
No it means being totally awesome and everyone making fun of you for itWhoah, does Tashi Ceiling mean not getting overkill even with a lot of good oppoturnities?
Have we heard the Halo multiplayer announcer guy? I don't think he's coming back, if they're going in this Infinity direction.
I like the cut... of your cut.7 best Halo maps in no particular order.
-Sword Base
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci_6CQ5R558You start out in Spartan FCW and have to work up to Spartanmania. WRITTEN IN THE STARS. When you first sign up, your Spartan is assigned a name by Vince McMahon. Master Chiefillicutty
The 1-50 system was simple, powerful and most importantly universal. Everyone knew what the numbers meant and how to achieve them. I'm not saying 343 should copy this system verbatim, but they should use it as the springboard for whatever skill based ranking system is in 4.
And I'm just going to assume that they aren't naive enough to think Spartan Points are enough. There has to be some ranking system that doesn't just account for time played, otherwise their hopes of getting Halo 4 to be as popular as 2-3 are dead on arrival.
Are we seriously calling them "Spartan Points"
What is the purpose of player investment? What role do ranking systems play towards this purpose? What role do progression systems play?
We need dual progression system: Time played system like Reach has AND a system similar to Halo 2/3.
Holy fuck I totally forgot about that. Stietzer better be in Halo 4. He's the voice of Halo!
CoD has a similar system to Reach, but rather than it being based on time played, its still based on kills etc. Thats a very individualistic system though and I think for Halo I would like it to be more team based. I.E. if your team wins you get a significant bonus, not the tiny bonus you get in reach.