Maybe they're complaining because they don't like the direction Halo 4 is going in. Just a wild guess.
right, but at a certain point, maybe the franchise is no longer for them and they should accept that and move on.
Maybe they're complaining because they don't like the direction Halo 4 is going in. Just a wild guess.
Only 5 people bitch about Reach and Halo 4? That's some cute horseshite.
Awesome, congratulations Dax. Team SoonToBeWorking rocksHaloGAF!
I had a job interview this morning. When I came back, I logged into my email with a message from the guy offering me the job. I am now a production technician on campus!
Edit: Don't mean to go off-topic.
That moment will probably after Halo 4 is released. Not right now.right, but at a certain point, maybe the franchise is no longer for them and they should accept that and move on.
I had a job interview this morning. When I came back, I logged into my email with a message from the guy offering me the job. I am now a production technician on campus!
Summer's off to a great start so far.
Edit: Don't mean to go off-topic. I'm just very excited and this will be my first "real" job. Lots of stuff to do!
I only read and care for the letters and words that support my arguments.In this thread. Monomaniacally. It says it right there in words and letters.
There are two problems with the idea of a split. Well, there are like forty problems, but the two main ones are:
1. There aren't enough people who just want to bitch about H4 and Reach to form this thread. It's like, five people who monomaniacally do this.
2. Even the most vocal complainers will still end up wanting to talk about H4 stuff.
2b. The drought of information will end soon and complaining won't stop, but at least there will be other things to talk about.
2c. You can create one of these threads immediately by putting four or five people on ignore, or dozens if you're on Team Downer.
I only read and care for the letters and words that support my arguments.
So I bought the German version of the non-existent US magazine Gamepro. The person who had played Halo 4 listed the point "some new additions like the weapon spawn" as negative one( or a point which has to improve till release). I do not have any interest to read the whole article, but maybe some people do want to hear the journalist's opinion about that case. At least I think it is the first journalist who complained about it and wrote it down. I'll write down the opinion if there is an interest.
Talk about dedicated servers and recoil in upcoming Halo game - get yelled at
Think up ham related usernames - 3 pages of discussion.
Is it possible to make two different Halo threads in the community section?
It doesn't work that way and things are not as easy as you're putting there.Put living dead and the other stuff like it back to weekend rotation! Lets get the actual playlists repopulated!
So as for Reach, leave the wacky playlists but please, add some damn mini games to Action Sack, the playlist IS SHIT!
Fyre made a remake of that map and it actually played great!Yes, I love action sack, but it needs an update. Skeeball and Hockey aren't fun anymore. Wheres mah H3 sumo?
Out of all that I can only see myself picking up Borderlands 2 and Halo 4. I don't know how anyone could plow through that many shooters and still have an interest in the genre.What the hell at this fall, first I have PAX to pay for, now all these games?
Sept 4 - Far Cry 3
Sept 18 - Borderlands 2
Oct 2 - Resident Evil 6
Oct 9 - Dishonored
Oct 16 - Breather week
Oct 23 - Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Oct 30 - Assassin's Creed 3
Nov 6 - Halo 4
Nov 13 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Nov 20 - Hitman: Absolution
Custom Browser -> No more dumb minigame playlists
I actually had a question about this for Frankie/David/whoever. Someone else read those quotes from Frankie about the focused playlists from launch and took it totally different than I did, and I never even considered it the way they were reading it.Frankie/BS Angel already suggested H4 will have less, more focused playlist from where they can start to add/change/kill... luckily for us we won't have to deal with the whole TU/Vanilla/ZB thingy.
It doesn't work that way and things are not as easy as you're putting there.
You're assuming LD players will move to the "real" playlists but some of these folks actually play Zombies and nothing more, they play because it's fun, easy and even a brain dead would play it.
Sure you would see some subtle increase but it'd also be a failure, removing (even temporally) such a popular playlist? too risky imo.
Frankie/BS Angel already suggested H4 will have less, more focused playlist from where they can start to add/change/kill... luckily for us we won't have to deal with the whole TU/Vanilla/ZB thingy.
So as for Reach, leave the wacky playlists but please, add some damn mini games to Action Sack, the playlist IS SHIT!
Custom Browser -> No more dumb minigame playlists
Or just leave them as weekend playlists like in 3.
Agreed, we were talking about this before.Or just leave them as weekend playlists like in 3.
All those guys standing around with guns, watching their buddies get hacked up. What are friends for?
I actually had a question about this for Frankie/David/whoever. Someone else read those quotes from Frankie about the focused playlists from launch and took it totally different than I did, and I never even considered it the way they were reading it.
So the quote was something along the lines of having more focused playlists from H4's launch. Definitely don't recall specifics, but it was something along those lines.
I always thought that meant fewer playlists focused on the core gametypes everyone should expect from launch, but others brought up that it could mean each playlist is focused on a specific small set of gametypes which would mean there are more of them. With the way I took it, you would see something like:
Team Objective Playlist:
- CTF (and variants)
- Assault (and variants)
- KOTH (and variants)
With a focus on a few playlists with several selections in each.
With the way they took it, you would see:
CTF playlist
KOTH playlist
Assault playlist
With a more defined focus on each playlist to cater to a specific (or small set of specific) gametypes.
Now, obviously they aren't suggesting that there would be a CTF playlist next to a KOTH playlist next to an Assault playlist, etc.. those were just examples. They just read the comment from Frankie as if it meant playlists would be more abundant, but each would focus on more specific gametypes rather than lumping many gametypes into one hopper.
I'm still thinking I read it the right way the first time, but I could be wrong.
Agreed, we were talking about this before.
The weekend silly playlists (and having Team Slayer near the top of the selections) seemed to better stand to Halo 3.
Indeed. I even think the main menu in Reach (while pretty) dilutes this.If HCI has taught me anything it's that Reach's UI can be optimized. The less clicks it takes to get somewhere, the less used the feature should be. Similarly, the options the user does see first are the features the designer expects the user to use the most. In Reach, because Living Dead is so easy to get to, easier than any other playlist, most people will go there. It's so bad :/
If HCI has taught me anything it's that Reach's UI can be optimized. The less clicks it takes to get somewhere, the less used the feature should be. Similarly, the options the user does see first are the features the designer expects the user to use the most. In Reach, because Living Dead is so easy to get to, easier than any other playlist, most people will go there. It's so bad :/
Indeed. I even think the main menu in Reach (while pretty) dilutes this.
The Halo 2/Halo 3 style of Campaign, Multiplayer, etc was more effective and useful.
Thanks for the comments.Honestly, too much granular thought at this point. The PHILOSOPHY is pretty easy. Content, balance and logic are going to be tinkered with right up to launch. I think fundamentally we want to make sure people feel like they have similar choices in general, but with less confusion, fewer branches and more logical semantics. Big, healthy populations and appropriate investments in things that tend to wither when they're not properly focused.
There's no perfect way to do this, there simply isn't, but it's a serious area of focus for the team, all the way up to Josh Holmes, the creative director and it's something people take hyper seriously.
Reach is imperfect here, but the fact is that it has stabilized, then slowly crept back up the charts. Stuff like the TU, general interest in Halo (4 and Anniversary), declines in popularity for other games, etc have helped, but you don't need to be a statistician to see that the trend, while full of issues for the discrete types of Halo player, is generally positive.
And it's a moving target. We'll continue to refine, adjust and support the Reach game up to and well beyond Halo 4 (although realistically you should expect to see fewer updates after that point). We're thinking seriously about how to bridge the gap between current playlists and stuff like Squad Slayer's absence. Silence does not mean ignorance. It never does. We have dozens of types of fan to keep happy and we have to balance that with keeping the thing rumbling along.
Fyre made a remake of that map and it actually played great!
And yeah, these gametypes got old but they're still better than Shotty Snipers, Shotty Snipers in Action Sack, DA FUQ?
I'd rather have this and I think it'd actually work better too, as long as they kept the choices fresh and they didn't end up being Fiesta every other weekend. This would negate the need for playlists and since they aren't around all thr time to play, more people would (hopefully) be drawn in come the weekend.
Lets hope Action Sack gets updated before Reach is forgotten.
Fyre made a remake of that map and it actually played great!
And yeah, these gametypes got old but they're still better than Shotty Snipers, Shotty Snipers in Action Sack, DA FUQ?
Congrats Daxy poo.
Halo 4 needs to be completely revealed already so we can have open and informed discussions about multiplayer, matchmaking and lots of other really important smaller details.
I hope all of multiplayer is revealed and fleshed out before the game comes out. I want to know about the finer details of the ranking system, all the weapons, spawns, forge and all that good stuff.
Wish 343 would at least explain why they removed Squad already. How many tweets does it take?!
I just hope it's not 1-50 exactly like it was in Halo 3. Nothing killed me more than getting stuck on 42 in Lone Wolves and winning so many games in a row and not moving at all. Then coming in the 4th in one and dropping. :/ None of my friends were good enough to play ranked team games unfortunately. It was social slayer all day most of the time.![]()
Wastes for errbodyMaybe you should concentrate your tweets on 343 and forget about Dice
Focus where you waste your time, don't spread that waste around
Well from the sounds of it, it isn't going to be back and Arena ranks are gone in Halo 4.
right, but at a certain point, maybe the franchise is no longer for them and they should accept that and move on.
Someone please fill me in on how squad slayer was different than normal team slayer or super slayer. I seriously don't remember it.
Someone please fill me in on how squad slayer was different than normal team slayer or super slayer. I seriously don't remember it.
Matches up parties of 4-5 up with each other.Someone please fill me in on how squad slayer was different than normal team slayer or super slayer. I seriously don't remember it.