Fully Customizable Spartans.
Players will have 3 customizable weapon sets; Open, Regular and Heavy. Open can use any weapon from the sandbox, Regular can only use weapons from a small, balanced pool and Heavy has lots of power weapons available. These sets are saved to your character, and can be edited at any time.
In Matchmaking, each gametype has 1 of 4 different weapon descriptions; Regular, Open, Heavy or Special. So if you're playing "Slayer with Heavy Weapons", then everyone will use their Heavy weapon setup. Special, of course, is game-specific (for example, Team Rockets or SWAT). In this way, you always know what type of wepaons your enemy is going to be using, and can vote matches with specific sets down if you dislike them.
Melee Weapon
Each player can select from a large pool of melee weapons. These really only serve to change the assassination animation. These weapons do appear on the player's spartan, so it is also somewhat of a cosmetic choice. Examples include a Combat Knife, Gurkha, Energy Claws, Energy Sword, Katana, Taser, Brass Knuckles, Entrenching Tool, etc.
Armor Ability
Players assign their preferred Armor Abilities to each weapon set, but not all gametypes will utilize them. Each voting option lists what weapon set will be used, as well as whether AAs are on or off.
You can only have 3 modifications equipped at once; two Major and one Minor modification. These are visible on the player's Spartan at all times; the Major mods appear on the Spartan's hip, in the "Utility" slot, while the minor modification appears on the "Wrist" slot.
Modifications subtly change the game in a multitude of ways. For example, you can pick the Trauma Kit mod, which "decreases downtime due to injuries, reducing respawn time". While stacking two of these could allow for near-instant respawns, it would come at the cost of all the other cool modifications which might serve you better.
Mods are unlocked with Spartan Points and some are set behind ranks, so when you first start playing people will have only the basic set, but as you advance you'll start running into more powerful mods. Some examples;
Major (worn on hips):
- Ammo Dispenser: Decreases reload time of all weapons.
- Grenade Case: Increases the maximum number of grenades you can carry by one per type (Major).
- Shield Battery: Slightly increases your maximum shield charge.
- Leg Augmentation: Slightly increases your maximum Sprint energy.
- Arm Augmentation: Increases the speed and damage of your melee attack slightly
- AA/Stealth: Support battery for Stealth Generator, increases the effects of the Active Camo AA and pickup by 5 seconds.
- Thruster Augmentation: Increases run and jump high slightly.
- Load/Overshield: When you respawn, you have 8 seconds of overshield.
- Load/Camo: When you respawn, you have 4 seconds of active camouflage.
- Load/Boost: When you respawn, your movement speed is increased for 15 seconds.
- Medkit: When standing still, you slowly regenerate health.
Minor (Worn on wrist

- UGPS: Increases radar range by 5 yards.
- Tacpad: Displays the timers on all weapon drops in radar range.
- Datapad: Displays the modification setup of the last hostile targeted.
- Assault Case: Supplementary bandoleer, increases maximum clip capacity for all assault weapons.
- Sniper Case: Supplementary bandoleer, increases maximum clip capacity for all Precision weapons.
- PK1 "Last Laugh" Device: When killed, you explode in a burst of plasma, injuring anyone nearby.
As usual, players will be able to pick from a wide variety of helmets, shoulders, chests, kneepads and visor colors. New additions include leg and boot options. Players will also be able to apply a variety of paint styles to their Spartans, from camouflage to tiger stripes to a variety of patterns and shapes.
aaaaaand... I'm done.