Looks like you can only get weapons by spawning with them, killing someone and taking a weapon they drop, at an initial weapon spawn at the start of a game, or via ordinance drops. Which, now that I type it out, is a lot of different ways to get weapons.So are there weapons on the map that don't drop in? Or are they all ordinance drops?
And are the weapons that you can choose to spawn with on the map?
In Reach she's piloting the cargo ship that's carrying all of the UNSC's grenade launchers off the planet. At the end of the game it gets hit by Covenant guns and she has to ditch it. She lives, but all of the grenade launchers are destroyed. I just saved Halo canon again!I've always really really loved Foe Hammer's voice acting. For a character you never even see, they did a good job actually giving her character. I wish she would've been in Reach. If possible, 343 should hire her for a last minute role as a different character in Halo 4.
Ha, I wasn't talking about perk lore, but the mechanic of perks which I dislike so much.Grenades are attached to a Spartan's armor, if you have "resupply" you have the ability to quickly disengage whatever locking mechanism they have on them so you can take them. There, I just saved all of Halo canon.
both. Tactical is combat focused support is high level upgrades to your overall abilities and physicality. Subtle but important distinctionYeah just heard that. Interesting.
Walshy is animated and fun to watch.
I don't quite understand the difference between tactical and support packages. Do you get to use both, or one or the other?
Looks like you can only get weapons by spawning with them, killing someone and taking a weapon they drop, at an initial weapon spawn at the start of a game, or via ordinance drops. Which, now that I type it out, is a lot of different ways to get weapons.
"You are on team Demon"Didn't see these posted, so sorry if it's just repeat pictures:
can you talk about exactly which ones there are?both. Tactical is combat focused support is high level upgrades to your overall abilities and physicality. Subtle but important distinction
both. Tactical is combat focused support is high level upgrades to your overall abilities and physicality. Subtle but important distinction
As the head of 314 Studios I would expect you to know the answer to this question.So once a weapon is picked up off its spawn on the map, you can only get it by spawning with it/ordinance drops/killing the guy who has it? Do they spawn again?
Don't suppose you'd give some examples of each, would you?both. Tactical is combat focused support is high level upgrades to your overall abilities and physicality. Subtle but important distinction
As the head of 314 Studios I would expect you to know the answer to this question.
It isn't called EVA. But it is very similar in design, that's the one I used. Forgot the name of it though.FRANKIE, BY GOD, IS THIS EVA OR IS IT NOT.
Thanks for the clarification, Frinkles.both. Tactical is combat focused support is high level upgrades to your overall abilities and physicality. Subtle but important distinction
It isn't called EVA. But it is very similar in design, that's the one I used. Forgot the name of it though.
Wolf icon confirmed.
Wolf Pack is satisfied. For now.
monsterfracas adapted to become monsterscrumDude, I'm already making Halo 5, don't you know.
I already adapted. Twice.
After e3. I busy
Did you leave a little after 6, by the Forza exit tonight?After e3. I busy
Going third person while thrusting?After e3. I busy
monsterfracas adapted to become monsterscrum
monsterscrum adapted to become monsterfisticuffs.
What's with the team name in this pic? You can create custom team names...? The only possibility I can think of is clan support, but somehow I think it's something else.Didn't see these posted, so sorry if it's just repeat pictures:
The loading screen is so much better. I didn't care for the new UNSC at first, but it is growing on me. The loading screen is awesome.Seeing that Halo ring in the menus is very interesting.
You should change your gamertag to monsterscrotumbergman pls
totally read that as monsterscrotum the first time
You should change your gamertag to monsterscrotum
What's with the team name in this pic? You can create custom team names...? The only possibility I can think of is clan support, but somehow I think it's something else.
Oh, it's a fiction thing? Damn.The team names are Fury and Demon, not Blue and Red.
Fury and Demon sound lame. Just throwin' that out there.
Fury and Demon sound lame. Just throwin' that out there.
This. What the hell.
TEAM MAJESTICThis. What the hell.
Sticky pistol is cooler IMO.
The team names are Fury and Demon, not Blue and Red.
But what will become of Red vs Blue?
I've always really really loved Foe Hammer's voice acting. For a character you never even see, they did a good job actually giving her character. I wish she would've been in Reach. If possible, 343 should hire her for a last minute role as a different character in Halo 4.
Should be a slamball mode in halo 4. I'd play that over Grifball any day.Fury and Demon better not be the only 2 names.
Sounds like I'm playing Slamball or some shit.
Sounds good to me. I love grenades, but Reach made them simultaneously overpowered and everywhere. Give me the skippier, more skillful, less prevalent frags of Halo 2.Yup, unless you have the perk, you deal with the grenades you spawn with or the one or two placements on the map and thank the heavens. Nade spamming is mostly dead.
Sounds good to me. I love grenades, but Reach made them simultaneously overpowered and everywhere. Give me the skippier, more skillful, less prevalent frags of Halo 2.