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Halo |OT4| Trust's a Tough Thing to Come by These Days

That ending cut scene reminded me of how great the Engineers were introduced in ODST. I feel like I understand more about their character than any of the other Covenant species. They're both the most interesting species and the most thoughtfully developed, in just that one game.
Engineers are so amazing. A bit disappointed of the lack of artworks in the Art Of Building Worlds artbook.

I'm sorry but majestic squad sounds like those goddamn ponies Tashi likes so much! :p

Also Hydra drew me last night, I thought I'd share his excellent work.

Nice detail in the pink nail polish me thinks.
I think you and Sai--kun are the perfect couple. :)
Halo2Xbox Zanzibar mod

Night time
ODST Player Models
Halo 1 Pistol and Assault Rifle replacing Brute PR and Sentinle Beam

I should get around to finishing this but i dont think it would ever get use.

Edit, just found this "gem" of a quote which in my opinion is everything wrong with gaming

Can never get into the whole Halo multiplayer no matter how often I played it! It always felt over-complicated when trying to get into a game and very 2001 style multiplayer deathmatch where everyone just ran around trying to get the most kills and be the best at "pwning" everyone else. In the end, with COD and Battlefield emerging with greater team-play feel to it, I found the whole Halo multiplayer experience very immature and dated.


Sogood.gif, Halo 4 frankie pls


Really liking the idea of getting the map packs with the LE. Should massively increase the populations in DLC playlists and the chances of those maps coming up in Matchmak.. sorry.. chances of coming up in "War Games".


Just played the trial version of Sonic 4 ep 2.
"My freakin ears!"
Sonic is running-into the ground.

Lol'd at the Halo 4 teaser trailer. Halo 4 is going all Angela Anaconda on this bitch.


Anyone catch this?

**Minimum 8GB USB Flash Drive or Xbox 360 Hard Drive required for Multiplayer.

- They've yet to require a hard drive for Halo multiplayer in previous titles
- The smallest flash drive you can use on a 360 is a 1GB, not 8GB. So they're definitely setting aside quite a bit of required space for DLC.

So the way that's worded, the game won't even let you play multiplayer unless you've got a USB Flash or hard drive attached. Don't know if that's just for LIVE or if it applies to LAN too.

So it seems their solution to the DLC problem is to bar everyone that cannot store all of the DLC from matchmaking. This even shuts out the 4GB Slims and they even call it out:

(For Xbox 360 4 GB, Arcade and Core consoles, Xbox 360 Hard Drive sold separately).

The sunny side of that is due to policies around disc achievements, this possible means little to no multiplayer achievables in the base 1000GS, since a minimum of that GS must be attainable on Cores.


Anyone catch this?

- They've yet to require a hard drive for Halo multiplayer in previous titles
- The smallest flash drive you can use on a 360 is a 1GB, not 8GB. So they're definitely setting aside quite a bit of required space for DLC.

So the way that's worded, the game won't even let you play multiplayer unless you've got a USB Flash or hard drive attached. Don't know if that's just for LIVE or if it applies to LAN too.

So it seems their solution to the DLC problem is to bar everyone that cannot store all of the DLC from matchmaking. This even shuts out the 4GB Slims and they even call it out:

The sunny side of that is due to policies around disc achievements, this possible means little to no multiplayer achievables in the base 1000GS, since a minimum of that GS must be attainable on Cores.

What *are* the 360 policies for achievements? Are they all supposed to be completable years after the fact?
Anyone catch this?

- They've yet to require a hard drive for Halo multiplayer in previous titles
- The smallest flash drive you can use on a 360 is a 1GB, not 8GB. So they're definitely setting aside quite a bit of required space for DLC.

So the way that's worded, the game won't even let you play multiplayer unless you've got a USB Flash or hard drive attached. Don't know if that's just for LIVE or if it applies to LAN too.

So it seems their solution to the DLC problem is to bar everyone that cannot store all of the DLC from matchmaking. This even shuts out the 4GB Slims and they even call it out:

The sunny side of that is due to policies around disc achievements, this possible means little to no multiplayer achievables in the base 1000GS, since a minimum of that GS must be attainable on Cores.

any source for this? My assumption was you have to be able to obtain the full 1000GS from a disc (even thou a few games are the exception). I dont think it stipulates core or not, much like R6V2 and other games that require a xbox camera to get the full 1000GS.


Actually, Ancient Evils were mass produced during the Cold War arms race. Well, we all know how the Cold War ended, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union neither the allied western nations or former Warsaw pact members had the interest or resources to dismantle all the stockpiled surplus Ancient Evils. Moreover, especially amongst the former Soviet remnants, during the ensuing period of political and economical turmoil a lot of the inventory documentation went missing or was destroyed.

So even now, we literally have warehouses full of Ancient Evils just sitting there, some of them still undiscovered. Sometimes, Ancient Evils are known to even turn up in the most unexpected places. Most analysts believe the Ancient Evil being used in the newest Halo was dug up in some farmer's field in current day Romania. In fact, today, there is a lucrative industry centered around uncovering previously unknown stockpiles of Ancient Evil surplus and quickly flipping them onto the open market.

That said, it is widely believed that most Ancient Evil stockpiles have already been uncovered. Analysts project the last Ancient Evil stockpile will likely be uncovered in 2017 and supply will be entirely exhausted by 2021. However, Ancient Evils are a popular product, and since introduction, demand has steadily increased. Prices for Ancient Evils have already begun increasing following the Ancient Evil heyday back in 2009 and prices are expected to increase even further, alongside rising oil costs.

Several corporations including Microsoft and EA are believed to be currently stockpiling Ancient Evils in anticipation. Do not worry, your beloved Halos will continue to feature Ancient Evils for a long time coming, even as other corporations move onto newer, fresher solutions.

It may be wise to begin investing in Ancient Evil stock as they are expected to rise in value over the coming years.


any source for this? My assumption was you have to be able to obtain the full 1000GS from a disc (even thou a few games are the exception). I dont think it stipulates core or not, much like R6V2 and other games that require a xbox camera to get the full 1000GS.

I know at minimum, you cannot require DLC for any base 1000GS achievement. Accessories seem to be exempted, as you said, with the Vision Cam achievement and Rock Band's achievements that require you to buy 300$+ of peripherals to unlock. I'm not sure if there's a hard rule on how many must be obtainable via Cores, but I'm sure MS probably guides developers into not having many HDD-required.

What *are* the 360 policies for achievements? Are they all supposed to be completable years after the fact?

Off the top of my head, the common ones:

- All base 1000 GS must be unlockable without DLC into perpetuity (hence why Halo 3's Lone Wolves will never require DLC, and why the Invasion playlist can never require DLC)
- Content packs with achievements cannot become free. (see: Heroic and Cold Storage not having achievements tied to them)
- You can ship a game with <1000GS, but the rest of the GS must be unlockable with free DLC (I believe Ubi did this with one of the Ghost Recon games)

An example would be that Rock Band 3 has on-disc DLC achievements, but they did this by including an extra 250gs and treated it like the 250 bonus GS you get per DLC release. The last 1000GS is attainable on a Core, even though some of them require buying a 150$ Pro Guitar or drumset or microphone, etc

Because some people are incredilazy [B][URL="http://www.***********/XBOX%20360/VIDEO%20GAMES/XB2HA35-Halo%204%20Limited%20Collectors%20Edition.html"]Link[/URL][/B][/QUOTE]

That's why fool! Click it! :P

[quote="Sikamikanico, post: 37955213"]Get in. :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I saw your post on there. : )
- All base 1000 GS must be unlockable without DLC into perpetuity (hence why Halo 3's Lone Wolves will never require DLC, and why the Invasion playlist can never require DLC)
- Content packs with achievements cannot become free. (see: Heroic and Cold Storage not having achievements tied to them)
- You can ship a game with <1000GS, but the rest of the GS must be unlockable with free DLC (I believe Ubi did this with one of the Ghost Recon games)

Hellboy Science of Evil did as well but the DLC never came.

To add to this

- Max points that can be added via DLC is 250 per pack, Grand total of 1000 (some games have more than 2000 no real reason why)


You Kiwis are all the same.

NZ Badkid is your gamertag too I bet!

There is a disproportionate number of NZers who have "NZ" in their name. What can I say... we're proud? :p

Finding a fellow Kiwi is like finding a long lost brother... I mean you're likely to be a friend of a friend (of a friend?)... NZ has only 2 degrees of separation.


Would Frankie or Ellis please comment on how much hard drive space we should allot for Halo 4?

I have a 20 GB that im juggling space with. Got 2 gigs free at the moment.


And 343i is likely more or less exempt from these guidelines as they're MS's own studio.

MS enforces it's policies on itself, although they tend to introduce new changes, like Halo 3 with the 1750gs limit.

Has any retail game shipped with less than 1000gs?

Pretty sure GRAW did, MAYBE PGR3. It wasn't very common.

Here's a news story on the Xbox community team mentioning it was possible:


Xbox Community Team said:
All regular disc-based games MUST have 1,000 Gamerscore in the base game. This means that any consumer who buys a retail game will have the opportunity to unlock the full 1,000 Gamerscore without having to pay for any add-on content. Note that a publisher may decide to deliver a portion of this Gamerscore via add-on content, but the add-on content will always be free to the consumer.

Hellboy Science of Evil did as well but the DLC never came.

To add to this

- Max points that can be added via DLC is 250 per pack, Grand total of 1000 (some games have more than 2000 no real reason why)

Yeah, Gears 3 introduced the over-2000 GS limit for non-collection titles.

What I'm trying to say though, in summary: if they truly are locking multi out behind a minimum space requirement, the market would be pissed if they had to go buy more storage just to unlock a notable amount of achievements. So market studies and common sense would dictate multi requiring 8GB = staying away from multiplayer achievements for the most part in the shipping amount, they'll probably be all in the DLC achievements.


ShopTo dispatch in the order that they receive orders so ordering today gives you a good chance of getting it early.

I received CEA on the Friday before the Tuesday launch.


Would Frankie or Ellis please comment on how much hard drive space we should allot for Halo 4?

I have a 20 GB that im juggling space with. Got 2 gigs free at the moment.

Damn i'm glad my previous Xbox (with 20GB HD) got busted and i got an excuse to buy 250GB S model.. BTW, i've almost managed to fill that one, installed a lot of games but haven't bothered to uninstall many i don't even own anymore...

MS enforces it's policies on itself, although they tend to introduce new changes, like Halo 3 with the 1750gs limit.

Ah, i see. So, maybe a change here?


Ah, i see. So, maybe a change here?

Could be. Basically any disc achievement for multi they include is one less playlist they can require DLC on. IMO, it wouldn't make sense to require 8GB to play multiplayer then hold yourself back from actually including DLC heavily in matchmaking by having on-disc multiplayer achievements.


Anyone suspect the lack of a Legendary Edition might be an indicator of an epic special edition console complete with statue/cat helmet/life size Cortana love doll?

I've always bought the LE console and Legendary editions, but I bet a lot of people have to make the choice. Dropping the Legendary Edition of the game in favour of a Legendary Edition console seems like a good move to me.

Make it happen, Stinkles.
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