I just wish we were at least given options to make the game play more skillfully; we're given options for everything else.
I'm seeing it tomorrow or Saturday. So excited. It's the first movie I've been excited about pre-release since Star Wars Episode II (which I walked out of). Ten years.Anyone seeing Prometheus tonight?
Yup.Nade spamming was a problem because there were too many nades. Requiring a perk to pick them up is fixing a problem that was a result of poor playlist management and a poor understanding of how nade prevalence and placement could change a map, both of which became significantly more annoying to the community after their power buff in Reach. You're getting rid of the nade spam problem with the wrong solution.
Oh boy.My combo will be Promethean Vision + Shotgun with fast health regen and stickies
Based on what Frankie and David have said in these forums... I'm hopeful those will be there.
I'm going to disagree hereThey were good for MLG as a business, not as competitive games.
My combo will be Promethean Vision + Shotgun with fast health regen and stickies
Don't mean to touch any nerves here, but what weapon combos are you all thinking of using? I think Storm Rifle and Magnum would be interesting.
Nade spamming was a problem because there were too many nades. Requiring a perk to pick them up is fixing a problem that was a result of poor playlist management and a poor understanding of how nade prevalence and placement could change a map, both of which became significantly more annoying to the community after their power buff in Reach. You're getting rid of the nade spam problem with the wrong solution.
Proper nade placement is one of the most skillful parts of Halo. Banking off walls, predicting enemy encounters, throwing one to weaken the enemy in a hopeless scenario so your teammates have an advantage, switching between stickies and frags depending on the situation, etc. Grenades are extremely rewarding and satisfying.
Oh well.
Oh boy.
Also looking forward to the Speedy Gonzalez infinite sprint and thrustpack melee killers, just like in that other game. And the noob tube builds. Yay.
I've seen very little about Halo 4, but most of it is unecessary changes and additions that just copy CoD. "Halo" gameplay was beautiful on its own; better than CoD's when it was done right. It doesn't need all this crap, and it doesn't add to the experience.
I want a Halo game that heralds back to Halo's origins; the most skill-based and fun console FPS on the market. A simple, elegant game that hides incredible depth through predictable, skill-based game mechanics and features. That's what I want, and nothing I've seen shows me thats the direction its going. In fact, everything looks like its going the opposite direction.
I'm pretty sure it's from the campaign trailer they showed at E3.What was the original source for this picture?
I've seen it about, more so when the red/blue discussion came up, but I can't recall where it came from. Checked the Xbox press site and the official Halo 4 site. Maybe I overlooked it?
I'm thinking one of the videos.
You know something that's been bugging me but didn't necessarily happen in that thread though.Despite monsterfracas's best efforts to sabotage us, Halo 4 is still leading GAF's E3 Game of the Show!
I'm pretty surprised.
I'm thinking one of the videos.
I agree with you, but at this point you've got to sit back and ride the waves.
What was the original source for this picture?
I've seen it about, more so when the red/blue discussion came up, but I can't recall where it came from. Checked the Xbox press site and the official Halo 4 site. Maybe I overlooked it?
I'm thinking one of the videos.
Whoa. :mindblown"Good" promethians confirmed.
I wouldn't be surprised if what happens in the campaign demo ends in you being saved by them.
you guys do realize that all of this complaining is about 1 playlist game type right? there will still be regular halo in a playlist.
you guys do realize that all of this complaining is about 1 playlist game type right? there will still be regular halo in a playlist.
Me! I've got to say though, this is the most nervous I've been about a midnight screening, quality wise, since Spider-Man 3. I hope this turns out better.Anyone seeing Prometheus tonight?
What was the original source for this picture?
I've seen it about, more so when the red/blue discussion came up, but I can't recall where it came from. Checked the Xbox press site and the official Halo 4 site. Maybe I overlooked it?
I'm thinking one of the videos.
Ah, I assumed they did due to the IGN off screen footage of Haven. Ah well, Im sure 343 won't leave us hanging.They didn't allow recording.
My boss is taking the whole office (all of 6 people) to see it tomorrow.
I wonder what that thing on the left is. It doesn't quite look like a Crawler.
Are you from the future? Amazing!
I wonder what that thing on the left is. It doesn't quite look like a Crawler.
Well its kindof true. In the world of matchmaking playlist driven multiplayer more and more options aren't necessarily a good thing. Players will congregate to only certain playlists with certain options enabled. There won't necessarily be a playlist available to people of all playstyles.Shhh... now you're going to get them started on how having multiple playlists will divide the community.
This got me.yup. come with me if you want to live.
If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 questions, what would it be?
"Why?If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 questions, what would it be?
yup. come with me if you want to live.
If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 questions, what would it be?
If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 questions, what would it be?
"Can I ask you 5 questions?"If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 questions, what would it be?
It's a Crawler. You can see blue variant of the Crawler, Watcher and Knight in the clip.
If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 questions, what would it be?
I want a Halo game that heralds back to Halo's origins; the most skill-based and fun console FPS on the market. A simple, elegant game that hides incredible depth through predictable, skill-based game mechanics and features. That's what I want, and nothing I've seen shows me thats the direction its going. In fact, everything looks like its going the opposite direction.
If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 question, what would it be?
If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 question, what would it be?
Kyle and bigshow are either the same person or lovers, I can't decide which yet.
The two loudest and most vitriolic voices that also haven't played the game at all.
Why @ 10 map launch with 3 dlc packs of 3 maps?If you guys could ask 343i mp team 1 question, what would it be?
If it makes you feel better I couldn't give two shits what you think, so please spare the rest of the thread from your boring meta posts about me. Thank you in advance!