New teaser for Forward Unto Dawn Live Action Series
More at Comic-Con.
Sooooooo goooooood.
New teaser for Forward Unto Dawn Live Action Series
More at Comic-Con.
If you're going off of his stats then MLG is going to bring those down. No one on GAF would have a 1.50+ K/D if they played MLG exclusively.
damn. thiswillbegood !New teaser for Forward Unto Dawn Live Action Series
More at Comic-Con.
One of the tags says: Imaginary Forces. Seems to be one of the production companies working on it.New teaser for Forward Unto Dawn Live Action Series
New teaser for Forward Unto Dawn Live Action Series
More at Comic-Con.
Holy hell yes yes yes.New teaser for Forward Unto Dawn Live Action Series
More at Comic-Con.
Why is Chief wearing Mark VI shoulders in that? What is this timeframe?
No offense to CyReN, but I disagree. He's still one of the better players in HaloGAF, though. This also wasn't MLG, the main thing he plays.
I was going off of what I saw when I played with him, and from the tourney footage.
Then again, I'd say seeing ~30 minutes of him playing isn't very indicative of his skill.
Why is Chief wearing Mark VI shoulders in that? What is this timeframe?
1v1 Fracas and Cyren. DO IT.
I approve.1v1 Fracas and Cyren. DO IT.
MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAT1v1 Fracas and Cyren. DO IT.
Perhaps Forward Unto Dawn reveals how MC got his new duds?
Didn't they already explain that? Something about nanobots enhancing the suit while the chief was in cryo?
p.s. sensitivity 1 is where it's at
Get Spire, look at Cragmire, profit.
that feel when you go for the 'load up cragmire' response and frankie has beaten you to it
Pretty sure Cyren just isn't used to TU Arena settings. I'd think it would take a long time to adjust after getting used to zero bloom and the movement changes in MLG.
Well neither me nor krow heard you.
It's okay, Cragmire isn't the worst map in Reach. That title goes to Sword Base.
Oh I heard him, but I was too busy assassinating Xand and ZoosJoos. Also, Andy was probably too busy running face first into a wall or off the side of a cliff to have noticed.
Its my birthday... you mean
That's cool, welcome to the group! Or willkommen, which ever.
Goes into SWAT.
It's okay, Cragmire isn't the worst map in Reach. That title goes to Sword Base.
closely followed by Hemorrhage and Paradiso.
Oh I heard him, but I was too busy assassinating Xand and ZoosJoos. Also, Andy was probably too busy running face first into a wall or off the side of a cliff to have noticed.
Haha yeah I heard him say he was already at the dorm, I just didn't hear anything about what direction it was taken :[ Alas I was too late. Some great games though.
Hearing about the tournament game makes me really want to get some practise in with my teammates!
Our first game together is gonna be the tournament match, isn't it? Haha
Dude look a few post above you.
Dude look a few post above you.
I am only doing it for you. Only for you. If you were not here, I would not do it.Oh shie, it's the Repost Police!
Sometimes I feel like this thread is on repeat.
Sometimes I feel like this thread is on repeat.
Sometimes I feel like this thread is on repeat.
Oh shie, it's the Repost Police!
Maybe, but I would submit that assassination animations are not, especially in Halo. They're nothing more than lame visual treats to give BK's an erection while playing.Anime is pretty cool.
Some days I feel Last Resort was a bigger kick in the balls than Blackout was. Though gametypes that get neutered like hell don't necessarily help matters (Assault).Halo 2 = Zanzi (Yup, it kicked the remake from 3's ass too, imo)
Maybe, but I would submit that assassination animations are not, especially in Halo. They're nothing more than lame visual treats to give BK's an erection while playing.
I would argue that assignation animation brings new depth to the sandbox. Assassination animations are effective, when they are used effectively.Maybe, but I would submit that assassination animations are not, especially in Halo. They're nothing more than lame visual treats to give BK's an erection while playing.
I would argue that assignation animation brings new depth to the sandbox. Assassination animations are effective, when they are used effectively.
On one hand they are flashy, but at the same time you are vulnerable and exposed when doing it. The normal melee is still the most effective way to kill the Elzars of this world even with the small delay in movement. In more competitive area, the more elaborate animations bring more of a show to the matches especially in the endgame.
Smoke weed erryday!
BK confirmed!Hey they give me an erection!
I was tired of seeing them after only a few games during the Reach beta. What if some kind of button combination was required after initiating the assassination animation, where if you're unsuccessful, the assassination fails and your opponent disengages from you? I'd find those encounters more worthwhile and humorous. Then I could at least laugh at people for attempting them. If 343 wants to integrate CoD into Halo, might as well add Killer Instinct, too. Haha. Actually, I just wanted to bring up another topic of discussion that's been done before since the halogafcycle keeps getting brought up.I would argue that assignation animation brings new depth to the sandbox. Assassination animations are effective, when they are used effectively.
On one hand they are flashy, but at the same time you are vulnerable and exposed when doing it. The normal melee is still the most effective way to kill the Elzar’s of this world – even with the small delay in movement. In more competitive area, the more elaborate animations bring more of a show to the matches – especially in the endgame.
Smoke weed erryday!