User 73706
Hmm, "Forge Grenades." For people that can't even place objects well in Forge, you can now just throw a grenade and random objects will appear!
Throw a spike grenade and all the spikes are replaced by fusion coils!
Hmm, "Forge Grenades." For people that can't even place objects well in Forge, you can now just throw a grenade and random objects will appear!
Not only will I not take a vow of silence.Then what are your suggestions? You make points that we're on repeat, we have to stop asking the same questions, we have to quit being Overdoz1z, but what do you want instead?
If you can, I can take a personal vow of HaloGAF silence until new information appears as to not infringe on being repetitive if you like.
Please, quit being so repetitive. We've already had clarification on spectator mode so there's no use in bringing it up again.
Please stop complaining about people repeating them selves, someone else already did that.Please, quit being so repetitive. We've already had clarification on spectator mode so there's no use in bringing it up again.
I would prefer that each OT differ at least a little bit besides the thread change but hey, that's just me.
Elzar reads minds.
If you can, I can take a personal vow of HaloGAF silence until new information appears as to not infringe on being repetitive if you like.
Is this the "map failed to load" error? I get that often in Doubles; after three instances the other player gets booted, but sometimes it seems like they're using it to override my vote.
Throw a spike grenade and all the spikes are replaced by fusion coils!
Spectator mode is not a feature in Halo 4 nor are there currently any plans to introduce Spectator mode into Halo 4, please do not clutter up the thread with any feature request. Theater mode is good enough.
Please stop complaining about people complaining about people repeating themselves, this concern has already been raised. Thank you.Please stop complaining about people repeating them selves, someone else already did that.
Then what are your suggestions? You make points that we're on repeat, we have to stop asking the same questions, we have to quit being Overdoz1z, but what do you want instead?
If you can, I can take a personal vow of HaloGAF silence until new information appears as to not infringe on being repetitive if you like.
Halo 4 should have a grenade that makes stairs. It'd be awesome. Like the spider in Donkey Kong Country 2.
DKC 2 had famous water levels.
Frankie loves water.
Nothing is stopping you.I would honestly rather people discussed the things we actually know. Squad Slayer is gone. Over will play regardless. There is zero benefit to anyone in always asking.
It's like hitting bedrock in Minecraft. Instead of leaving it at that and exploring somewhere else, we just keep bashing it with pickaxes, hoping it'll break.
Why don't we discuss the FUD teaser or RTX or upcoming tidbits of info? Ask 343 for a number of sleeps. Ask them things we haven't asked. When all else fails, I'd rather the thread just went dry rather than reguritating the same posts as if we needed to keep this place going.
Hydranocks complains about the thread being repetitive, then cries about questions other people have every single time they post them.
Dude, you've been moaning about this shit for months now. Go to HBO or some other place if you don't like this thread. I gained a lot of respect for Fyrewulff for voicing those concerns, whether it personally is important to me or not.
Now I wanna play DKC2
I would honestly rather people discussed the things we actually know. Squad Slayer is gone. Over will play regardless. There is zero benefit to anyone in always asking.
It's like hitting bedrock in Minecraft. Instead of leaving it at that and exploring somewhere else, we just keep bashing it with pickaxes, hoping it'll break.
Why don't we discuss the FUD teaser or RTX or upcoming tidbits of info? Ask 343 for a number of sleeps. Ask them things we haven't asked. When all else fails, I'd rather the thread just went dry rather than reguritating the same posts as if we needed to keep this place going.
It's only the #1 sidescrolling platformer of all time. Yeah. you heard me Super Mario Bros 3. Deal with it.
I would honestly rather people discussed the things we actually know. .
It's cool, I got you:Why don't we discuss the FUD teaser or RTX or upcoming tidbits of info? Ask 343 for a number of sleeps. Ask them things we haven't asked. When all else fails, I'd rather the thread just went dry rather than reguritating the same posts as if we needed to keep this place going.
Woah there, mischief makers would like to have a word with you.
Although, DK2 was an amazing game.
Yes or no to skirmishers and buggers in Halo 4? Personally I hate buggers, and only allow skirmishers because they are fun to fight, although a HUGE pain in the ass on Score Attack firefight if you aren't on top of your game.
Well to prevent further clutter you can ask me to take up my vow of silence or put me on ignore.
But even that's repetitive as I've already said it! WHAT DO I DO NOW BASEDNOCKZ.
Hydra, should I PM you all my posts before I post them so you can check if they're worthy of being posted in this thread?
It's only the #1 sidescrolling platformer of all time. Yeah. you heard me Super Mario Bros 3. Deal with it.
Four sleeps.
I appreciate the clarificationI actually never once said I have a problem with the reptition. I did say it doesn't benefit anyone and those are two very different things.
All I said, is that 343 witholds information. I then called out what has happened and what will continue to happen should people ask the same questions. I even encouraged people to do it! :lol It's just not for me, so I don't do it. After all, you asked me what I'd do. I guess I enjoy all the OT nonsense and talk of beards too.
Yes, in your alternate universe where Super Mario World was never released.
Yes, in your alternate universe where Rayman Origins was never released.
The fact that Anniversary would have been 60$ with two discs is already public knowledge, same with the reason why H1A didn't have the H1 Gametype on the disc (because of no space left)
It's been acknowledged that 343 knows how many people are affected. 343 has then made a decision on it. 343 can now own the decision, and people are well within their right to gripe about it. I'm going to bitch about it because 343's ACTIONS, which rarely sync up with 343's words, have negatively affected me re: LAN already. As someone who helps an Enforcer run a Halo freeplay at PAX, Halo 2 and Halo 3 were GREAT because we had easy access to the maps and the title updates. For Halo 3, all we had to do was put an HDD on the host box if we wanted the Halo 3 1.1 changes.
Now we're left in situation for PAX Prime 2012 where we now have to decide which Reach we're going to have. HDDs are hard to get in so we might just be forced to roll with 1.0. Our options with 1.1 are to either get hard drives in for every box (pain in the ass, and still no DLC) or use Anniversary discs, and going with Anniversary discs means only Anniversary maps. With Halo 3: Mythic, we could use 4 Core 360s with the disc and we had all DLC and the title update. It was glorious.
My opinion is the decision to bring Anniversary to market at a lower price was made at the cost of an already existing game's player base. If you're so pressed for space, the decision should have been made to not even include Halo: Reach Multiplayer on the disc, and just include the code, because as the Frankie post said, most people playing multiplayer have Gold. Reach would have been WAY better off if this decision had been made. We wouldn't have had the silly redundant playlists, and we'd actually be able to have Forge World remakes of non-Anni maps in Team Classic along with the Anni maps.
We hear "Halo 4 will have streamlined multiplayer", then 343 shovels as many playlists as they can onto Reach. We hear "Default Reach will remain Default" and mere months later, Default Reach players were left with a mere two playlists, once of which requires all DLC to even play. I see 343 choose to negatively impact LAN with their Reach title update, then I'm supposed to give 343 the benefit of the doubt on the non-Gold community going forward?
I'll admit right now I used some harsh words, and I apologize for that right now (I should have said "it feels like 343 doesn't care" instead of "343 doesn't give a shit" for example), since it's probably not a good idea to engage in a lively conversation while under the stress of moving countries. My base criticisms remain though. I am aware of the benefits that this decision has. I'm not yet convinced of the trade off that it incurs.
Yes, in your alternate universe where Super Mario World was never released.
I absolutely agree with you that Halo: Reach has too many playlists, and this is something we will be addressing. Additionally, we've learned a lot from our successes and failures regarding playlist management for Reach. I know Frank has said this before, but we're planning to have a much more streamlined hopper experience for War Games when we launch Halo 4.
Four sleeps.
Super Mario World is an SNES tech demo. Some neat ideas but never gets too interesting.
Mario sidescrolling tiers go SMB3 > Yoshi's Island > Mario World > SMB1 > Entire NSMB franchise > SMB2.
DKC 2 sits above them, DKC1 is right below the NSMB franchise, DKC3 is below SMB2.
edit: DKC1 also has the issue that looking back on it, it's like Marioworld in that it was a tech demo for the developer to prove that the concept worked, without ever getting to interesting. DKC2 was "we know how the engine works now, let's DO THIS"
Super Mario World is an SNES tech demo. Some neat ideas but never gets too interesting.
Mario sidescrolling tiers go SMB3 > Yoshi's Island > Mario World > SMB1 > Entire NSMB franchise > SMB2.
DKC 2 sits above them, DKC1 is right below the NSMB franchise, DKC3 is below SMB2.
What about Yoshi's story? That was excellent, and as was Super Mario all stars (as a package).
What about Yoshi's story? That was excellent, and as was Super Mario all stars (as a package).
Super Mario World is an SNES tech demo. Some neat ideas but never gets too interesting.
Mario sidescrolling tiers go SMB3 > Yoshi's Island > Mario World > SMB1 > Entire NSMB franchise > SMB2.
DKC 2 sits above them, DKC1 is right below the NSMB franchise, DKC3 is below SMB2.
edit: DKC1 also has the issue that looking back on it, it's like Marioworld in that it was a tech demo for the developer to prove that the concept worked, without ever getting to interesting. DKC2 was "we know how the engine works now, let's DO THIS"
Surely you mean Yoshi's Island and not the abomination and destroyer of dreams that is Yoshi's Story
4v4 Halo Reach Tourney in Chicago in August, may attend. (MLG Rules)
Shut the front door. DKC1 is one of my favorite games on that system. I thought it was a really wild experience and has some really killer OST songs.