God dammit Kittens/Popular revolt/Shanti!
Why? Just why?
At least you have Kittens in the GT this time.
Why? Just why?
At least you have Kittens in the GT this time.
EDIT: Looks like the source of his birth date was the ONI Memorial, which listed Preston Cole's birth date incorrectly, so that might be wrong as well.
A lot has been said already, but basically it boils down to the game's map quality and the playlist management's gametypes included in the playlist. H3 and Reach didn't exactly thrill in the map quality department very well, and neither had great playlist management. While I thought Jeremiah did his best job in 2, he had his slip ups (Team Rifles w/ a Banshee). I think what helped him was the built-in gametypes already and the maps that played so well on, e.g. Rapid Assault on Ivory Tower, Neutral Bomb Midship, 1 Flag Zanzibar, and so forth. They had a ton of great combinations for the Team Skirmish playlist, so you rarely found yourself with a dud (like getting 1-flag on a symmetrical map). Whereas in the latter two games you found yourself more and more where you're like, "I don't want to f'n play this."Voting is just stupid in general
The best part is what started the whole thing is him raging after 1v1'ing me in Halo 3.
Still, maybe I can get him to pick up the tab.
Anyways, that's pretty much the end of it. If I die tomorrow, I'll let you guys know.
Alright, here's the final product. There is 2 of each version. One sports a classic HALO logo, one a simpler plain Text. Both have Believe and Beli343 variants. Enjoy
HaloGAF logo Folder. 4 total files.
Dang I didn't even notice Duncan's post, will make more.
Tashi0106 said:Pics?
You get the mixamp too?
Well then don't? We only did because there were four of us sitting here.
And we had loads of fun, while you didn't. lol.
Kylej mode, no unnecessary geometry.
You speak art, I am drunk.
I was mildly drunk when posting then.Okay, this is confusing. What i wrote looks like art because you're drunk? Or you're drunk because i wrote something looks like art?
Gotta admit when i reread what i wrote, it had kinda flowing quality. But that was completly accidental. Poetry is a form of "art" i don't like nor understand, nor i can write poetry. IMO.
BeAdvisedOver's service tag is "BIGY". Does biggy have an alt or something? :lolOddballGaf is in full force tonight. Bitches ain't got nothing on us...
I've stopped playing Reach, except for the occasional matches with gaffers. It's just too horrible by myself.Trying to play this game without a full party is simply infuriating...
Xbox Live in general's been pretty rough. I get random disconnects often, matchmaking issues as well.Reach's matchmaking and networking has just been awful the last month or two.
He changed it again? Damn, son!God dammit Kittens/Popular revolt/Shanti!
Why? Just why?
At least you have Kittens in the GT this time.![]()
I was mildly drunk when posting then.
Like you said, that post flowed so well.
This page got stalky.
I like sluts...
Stalker central...
Kevin Franklin interview.
God dammit Kittens/Popular revolt/Shanti!
Why? Just why?
At least you have Kittens in the GT this time.![]()
Naked Eli commentating great quality Spartan Ops footage (might be old i dont know)
Holy crap - you serious about this? Wow. Not sure what you're asking for... MY height? How much room there is in my house over my head? Help.Sizing is going to be the most difficult part aspec of the Brute hhead piece. Wu, I need a rough height estimate...
This is, surprisingly, almost a year old. (For some reason, the link to that video doesn't actually work - but if you search for it on Revision3's site, it's still there. Weird.)
Pretty much. Cover is cardboard (mine got bent pretty badly in shipping).Regarding the Bungie day stuff did anyone order the Bungie Scout Book? What is it? Just a swanky notepad?
This is, surprisingly, almost a year old. (For some reason, the link to that video doesn't actually work - but if you search for it on Revision3's site, it's still there. Weird.)
Swanky? No. It's a very small notebook (I'd estimate 4"x6" with around 20 blank pages) that is staple-bound with a cardboard cover.Regarding the Bungie day stuff did anyone order the Bungie Scout Book? What is it? Just a swanky notepad?
HaloGAF has become an even darker and weirder place with these new juniors. Creepy.
Looks more like a needle from a Needler.Plasma Weapon bolt in FUD trailer.
I've noticed that not all the Destiny shirts are available. There are some the Bungie dudes sport, but aren't available.
Whoa - didn't even notice that. (Well, it's Red, Grey and Blue, but still.)Correct. Shirts for Osiris and Seven Seraphs are not in the store yet.
No idea if there's a reason for that beyond calling the three available "Red, White, and Blue" right after July 4th.
(except for that creepy stalker shithead from a few pages back)
stalker in action, not name.Fuck you too squidhands
Oh... that does not sound good.This has been a completely fucked up week. Everyone, find someone you love and tell them so immediately.
I love you all.
(except for that creepy stalker shithead from a few pages back)
Of course, your name is Lawful?Fuck you too squidhands
I lol'dFuck you too squidhands
Halo |OT7| Juniors, Fights, and Identity Theft. I Need A Hug.
Halo |OT7| Juniors, Netcode, and Identity Theft. The Fall of Gui.
Yeah, I had a great time at the midnight showing last night, woke up to crazy people and 14 people killed. And these are my people, ya know? People who were like me, so excited about seeing the new Batman film that they went at midnight and wanted to have a good time.
And now they're gone.
EDIT: Just seen a article from the Telegraph (Brit paper) which says the violence is linked to the film. Absolute rubbish. It will be like the Norway shootings when COD was blamed.
The night is darkest just before the dawn.
Its too soon for me to say this properly.
But theatre.
Parents with kids.
Parents killed.
The movie was Batman.
Halo Reach sucks.
G's up.
Wait what, explain?
Halo |OT7|The night is darkest just before the dawn.
Why was a six year old watching Batman?
Then again I wouldn't let my kid play Halo until he was hitting double digits do I guess I'm an outlier.