Went "camping" this weekend, stayed in a cabin. Went mountain biking yesterday and got stuck in a terrible thunderstorm. Wife and I felt electricity in our fingers, reacted quickly and got the eff down. We were soaked and freezing and with the threat of lightening we decided to ditch our bikes and move along under trees instead of through a big clearing. Made it to a lone family camping and asked for a ride to our cabin. We went back for the bikes later. Pretty terrifying experience. We were making sure we knew how to do CPR and stuff and we were pretty sure something was going to happen. Probably one of the main times in life I wasn't sure everything was going to turn our alright, but luckily it did. Phew.
this makes me want to do it even more
$100 to someone who writes a script that does this. I can paypal.
If the API was still up, this would probably be somewhat possible, and I could possibly do it. It would take me way longer than $100 worth of work though.

Perhaps if they put out an API for Halo 4 we could try it.
How would you do this though? Hypothetically: get Juices games, check if won, check how many won by, display games that were won by +40?
A40/A50 talk? Anyone tried the 50s yet? I have heard they are great. Sound just like A40s but with more bass? That would be stellar. I have a set of 40s that are barely used that I want to sell in order to buy the 50s. Thinking somewhere between $200-250USD.